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随着我国社会日新月异的飞速发展,国民生活水平有了大幅度的提升与改善。同时, 伴随而来的是我国人口老龄化的出现。据联合国预测,到2020年我国65岁以上老龄人口 将达1.67亿人,约占全世界老龄人口6.98亿人的24%,全世界四个老年人中就有一个是 中国老年人。目前,在我国老龄化日趋严重的情况下,老年人健康及养老需求也是日益突 出并得到社会各界广泛的关注。因此,为应对人口老龄化发展速度和日趋严峻的挑战,国 家已把健康与养老产业上升到国家战略层面的民生问题,倡导智慧健康养老的政策密集出 台,千亿、万亿健康养老产业市场空间将打开,这也为广州JX健康投资有限公司(下称 JX公司)带来良好的发展机遇。 虽然,JX公司凭借其内部资源优势提早作出战略布局并进入了养老产业这片前景广阔 的蓝海市场,但由于JX公司刚涉足养老产业并不具备相关经营经验。同时,我国养老产 业起步较晚,该产业的运营盈利模式、产业圈构成、政策法规等都还处于起步摸索的阶段, 国内并没有一个养老产业经营模式标准及成功的经营案例可供借鉴。因此,在养老行业存 在诸多不利于企业发展因素的情况下,JX公司的健康养老项目营销过程中也逐渐暴露出项 目配套不全、项目价格较高、缺乏专业营销队伍、缺乏专业科学的分销渠道及促销手段过 于单一等一系列影响企业生存问题急需解决。 鉴此,本文以JX公司为例,首先借助PEST模型及波特五力竞争模型等经典营销分析 方法对JX公司养老项目营销的营销环境进行分析,然后结合问卷调查深入研究其健康养 老项目营销现状并发现企业存在的问题。最后,结合STP理论对养老市场进行细分确定目 标市场,以4Ps营销理论为基础,针对JX公司存在的问题制定相应的营销组合策略。并 通过完善人力资源管理体系、规范技术水平、建立风险防范体系等实施保障措施,确保公 司市场营销策略能够有效实施并取得良好的效果,实现企业可持续发展。同时,希望对其 它企业进入行业时,本文能为其进行营销策略组合或创新提供一定的参考价值和意义。 关键词:STP理论;营销组合策略;健康养老 II Abstract With the rapid development of society, the standard of living in our country has been greatly improved but accompanied by the emergence of the aging population. The United Nations predicts that by 2020 the elderly population aged over 65 will reach 167 million people in China, accounting for about 24% of the world's aging population. It means that one of the four elderly people in the world is a Chinese. Under this circumstance, the requirements of medical and old-age caring from the elderly are also increasingly prominent and have received wide attention from all walks of life. Facing the growing speed of the aging population and the increasingly requirements need to be met, our country has raised the medical and pension issues to the national strategic level. The policy of advocating smart health industry and old-age caring are intensively introduced, and the market demand for a healthy pension industry will increase. This tendency also brings good development opportunities for Guangzhou JX Health Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as JX Co.). JX Co. has made a strategic layout ahead of its internal resources and entered the promising market of the pension industry. However, because JX has just entered the pension service industry, it does not have relevant project experience. At the same time, the pension industry started late in our country, and the operating profit model, industry circle composition, policies and regulations of the industry are still in the stage of groping. Moreover, there is currently no successful aged service project sample in China for reference. Therefore, the exploration of this service is not easy. JX Co.'s pension service project process has gradually exposed a series of problems affecting the survival of enterprises, such as incomplete facilities, high prices, lack of professional marketing team, lack of scientific distribution channels and single promotion means. Therefore, this article takes JX Co. as an example to deeply study the current status of pension service business marketing and make recommendations for existing problems. First of all, this paper uses PEST Model and Michael Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the marketing environment of JX Co.'s pension industry and combines STP Theory to determine the target market of the pension industry. Secondly, the author uses literature research method, questionnaire method and interview method, combined with domestic and foreign research status and questionnaire survey results, to conduct in-depth research on existing problems.According to 4Ps Marketing Theory, it proposes optimized marketing strategy suggestions for JX Co.'s nowadays situation. Finally, by improving the human resources management system, standardizing the technical level, establishing a risk prevention system and other corresponding implementation safeguard measures, the company's marketing strategy can be effectively implemented and achieved good results to achieve sustainable development. At the same time, III when other companies enter the pension service industry market, this paper can provide certain reference value and significance for making innovative marketing strategy combination. Key words: STP Theory, Marketing strategy combination, Health care for the aged IV 目 录 摘要 ........ I Abstract ..... II 一、绪论 ... 1 (一)选题背景及意义 .. 1 1.选题背景 ............ 1 2.选题意义 ............... 3 (二)国内外研究现状 .. 3 1.国外研究现状 ....... 3 2.国内研究现状 ....... 4 (三)研究内容、方法 .. 5 1.研究内容 ............... 5 2.研究方法 .............. 6 二、研究的相关理论概述 ...... 8 (一)STP理论 .............. 8 1.市场细分(Segmentation) ................ 8 2.市场选择(Targeting) ...................... 8 3.市场定位(Positioning) .................... 8 (二)营销组合理论 ...... 8 1.4Ps营销策略理论 8 2.4Cs营销策略理论 9 (三)环境分析工具 .... 10 1.PEST分析模型 ... 10 2.波特五力分析模型 ............................ 10 三、JX公司健康养老项目营销环境分析 .......... 12 (一)JX公司宏观环境分析 ...................... 12 1.(Political)政策环境分析 ............... 12 2.(Economic)经济环境分析 ............ 13 3.(Sociocultural)社会文化环境 ....... 14 4.(Technological)技术环境 ............. 15 5.小结 ..................... 16 (二)行业环境分析 .... 16 1. 供应商的议价能力 .......................... 17 2. 购买者的议价能力 .......................... 17 3. 潜在进入者的威胁 .......................... 17 4. 替代品的威胁 ... 18 5.行业内现在竞争者间的抗衡 ............ 18 6.小结 ..................... 18 四、广州JX公司健康养老项目营销现状与问题分析 .................... 19 (一)JX公司概况 ...... 19 1.公司介绍 ............. 19 2.内部资源 ............. 19 (二)JX公司健康养老项目营销现状分析 ............................. 21 (三)JX公司健康养老项目问卷调查 ...... 22 V 1.问卷设计 ............. 22 2.问卷的发放与回收 ............................ 22 3.调查样本特征 ..... 22 4.调查结果 ............. 25 5. JX公司健康养老项目存在问题分析 ............................. 29 五、JX公司健康养老项目营销策略与保障 ...... 33 (一)JX公司健康养老项目STP选择 ..... 33 1.市场细分 ............. 33 2.选择目标市场 ..... 35 3.市场定位 ............. 36 (二)JX公司健康养老项目营销组合策略 ............................. 37 1.产品策略 ............. 37 2.价格策略 ............. 38 3.渠道策略 ............. 40 4.促销策略 ............. 41 (三)JX公司健康养老项目营销策略实施的保障措施 ......... 42 1.完善人力资源管理体系 .................... 42 2.规范技术水平 ..... 42 3.建立风险防范体系 ............................ 43 结 论 ....... 45 (一)结论 .................... 45 (二)展望 .................... 45