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随着我国经济和互联网新技术的发展,越来越多的消费者对网络购物的接受 程度日益提升,由此我国电子商务的发展就越来越快速。伴随着电子商务产业规模 快速发展带来的契机,电子商务企业间的竞争也愈加的激烈了,不论是由传统贸易 转型为电子商务的企业,还是运营数年的购物网站以及春笋般冒起的新型电子商 务网站,想要稳定长久的发展都不能忽视行业或企业人才在企业中的重要性。由于 科学管理的普及发展和推进,越来越多的企业已经意识到拥有企业人才的竞争也 关系着企业的核心竞争力,符合自己公司发展需要的管理人员越多对企业发展帮 助越大。 电子商务发展的浪潮中成熟的电子商务人才是非常稀少的,因此培训符合企 业自身发展需要的管理人员团队是极具必要性的。企业应该按照自身经营战略规 划和管理需要并结合人员结构及能力,开发和设计符合企业自身特点的管理人员 培训课程。如何有计划、有步骤、系统合理的设计管理人员的培训课程体系就显得 尤为重要了,培训课程体系的适用性和应用性是培训的重要基础,对企业发展具有 一定的战略意义。螠螠 本文以MTT公司为例,MTT公司是早期由传统国内贸易转型为国内电子商 务贸易的一家民营企业。虽然成功转型为国内较早从事电子商务贸易的公司,但如 何更具针对性地开展好公司的培训规划,特别是如何培训并储备符合企业发展规 划需求的各层级管理人员,同时如何通过良好的培训课程体系为公司建立管理人 员梯队,这些都是一直困扰公司急需解决的重要问题。因此本论文首先从理论角度 出发,明确培训课程体系正是人力资源培训模块中最为重要的部分。其次通过调查 了解和数据分析,以企业现行的管理人员培训课程体系情况梳理为切入点,来发现 困扰企业各层级管理人员的问题并分析原因。最后针对现有培训课程体系出现的 问题进行优化改进,同时提出管理人员培训课程的保障措施,让适用性高的培训课 程结合优化的培训方式,一同彰显课程设置优势,确保实现企业管理人员整体素质 的提高,解决企业困扰,为企业长远和持续的发展提供强有力的保障。螠螠 关键词:电子商务企业,管理岗位,管理人员培训,培训课程体系; 电子科技大学硕士学位论文 4 ABSTRACT With the development of China's economy and new Internet technologies, more and more consumers are increasingly accepting online shopping, so the development of e- commerce in China is getting faster and faster. With the opportunities brought about by the rapid development of the e-commerce industry, the competition between e-commerce companies has become increasingly fierce, whether it is a company that has transformed from traditional trade to e-commerce, or a shopping website that has been operating for several years and has sprung up. The new e-commerce website, want stable and long- term development cannot ignore the importance of industry or corporate talents in the enterprise. Due to the popularization and development of scientific management, more and more companies have realized that competition with corporate talents is also related to the core competitiveness of the company. The more managers who meet the needs of the development of their company,the greater the help for the development of the company. In the wave of e-commerce development, mature e-commerce talents are very scarce, so it is very necessary to train management teams that meet the development needs of the enterprise itself. Enterprises should develop and design management personnel training courses that meet their own characteristics in accordance with their own business strategy planning and management needs, combined with personnel structure and capabilities. How to design a training course for management personnel in a planned, step-by-step, and reasonable manner is particularly important. The applicability and applicability of the training course is an important foundation for training and has certain strategic significance for the development of the enterprise. This article takes MTT as an example. MTT is a private enterprise that transformed from traditional domestic trade to domestic e-commerce trade. Although it has successfully transformed into a domestic company engaged in e-commerce trade earlier, how to carry out the company's training plan in a more targeted manner, especially how to train and reserve management personnel at all levels that meet the needs of enterprise development planning, how to pass a good The training course system establishes an echelon of management personnel for the company. These are important issues that have troubled the company urgently. Therefore, from the theoretical point of view, this paper first clarifies that the design of training courses is the most important part of the human 第一章 绪论 5 resources training module. Second, through investigation and data analysis, the current management training system of the company is combed as an entry point. To discover the problems that plague managers at all levels of the enterprise on the training curriculum system. Finally, optimize and adjust to the problems in the existing training course system, and put forward measures to ensure the management staff training courses, let the highly applicable training courses combine with the optimized training methods, highlight the advantages of the course setting, and ensure the realization of the overall corporate management staff The improvement of quality solves the problems of enterprises and provides a strong guarantee for the long-term and sustainable development of enterprises. Keywords: e-commerce enterprise, management positions, management personnel training, training course system. 电子科技大学硕士学位论文 6 目录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 9 1.1 研究背景 .............. 9 1.2 研究意义 ............ 10 1.2.1 理论意义 . 10 1.2.2 实践意义 . 10 1.3 研究方法 ............ 11 1.3.1 文献研究法 ............................ 11 1.3.2 问卷调查法 ............................ 11 1.3.3 访谈法 ..... 12 1.4 论文研究思路及研究内容 ............... 12 1.4.1 研究思路 . 12 1.4.2 研究内容 . 13 1.5 研究特色 ............ 14 第二章 文献综述与相关概念描述 ................ 16 2.1培训相关概念 ..... 16 2.1.1培训的定义及发展 ................. 16 2.1.2 企业培训的含义及发展 ........ 17 2.2 培训课程体系的概述 ....................... 18 2.2.1 课程的含义 ............................ 18 2.2.2 培训课程体系 ........................ 18 2.2.3管理人员培训课程体系 ......... 20 2.3 培训的相关理论概述 ....................... 21 2.3.1 成人学习理论 ........................ 21 2.3.2 需求层次理论 ........................ 22 2.3.3 学习型组织理论 .................... 22 2.4 本章小结 ............ 23 第三章 公司管理人员培训课程体系现状和问题 ....................... 24 3.1 MTT公司简介 .... 24 3.1.1 发展历程 . 24 3.1.2 业务能力及行业地位 ............ 25 3.1.3 公司经营发展战略 ................ 25 第一章 绪论 7 3.2 MTT公司人员情况简述 ................... 27 3.2.1 公司组织架构说明 ................ 27 3.2.2各事业中心构成简述 ............. 28 3.3 管理人员概述 .... 30 3.3.1 年龄情况统计 ........................ 30 3.3.2 学历情况统计 ........................ 30 3.3.3 管理层级人数统计 ................ 31 3.3.4 司龄情况统计 ........................ 32 3.4 公司管理人员培训课程体系现状 ... 32 3.4.1 培训课程目标 ........................ 33 3.4.2 培训课程模块及内容 ............ 33 3.4.3 培训课程模式 ........................ 34 3.4.4 培训课程效果 ........................ 34 3.5 培训课程体系现状调查 ................... 34 3.5.1 问卷调查结果 ........................ 34 3.5.2 访谈调查结果 ........................ 38 3.5.3 管理层级调查结果整理 ........ 39 3.6 培训课程体系存在的问题及原因 ... 40 3.6.1 存在问题 . 40 3.6.2 原因分析 . 41 3.7 本章小结 ............ 43 第四章 MTT公司管理人员培训课程体系改进 .......................... 44 4.1 改进的原则和目标 ........................... 44 4.1.1 改进原则 . 44 4.1.2 改进目标 . 45 4.2 培训课程体系的改进方案 ............... 45 4.2.1 确定培训课程体系目标 ........ 45 4.2.2 培训课程模块的设计 ............ 47 4.2.3 培训课程内容的开发 ............ 50 4.2.4 培训课程实施方式的改进 .... 61 4.2.5培训课程评估反馈的建立 ..... 63 4.3 本章小结 ............ 65 第五章 管理人员培训课程体系保障措施 .... 66 电子科技大学硕士学位论文 8 5.1 MTT公司内部培训团队的建立 ....... 66 5.1.1 设立专属的培训管理岗位 .... 66 5.1.2 内部培训师团队的建立 ........ 66 5.2 网络培训课程平台的引入或自建? 67 5.3 逐步准备并构建学习型组织? ........ 68 5.4 将管