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在全球竞争日渐激烈的环境中,企业的创新能力决定了企业的 生存与发展。创新能力强则企业立于不败之地,创新一旦停止或失 败,则很有可能危及企业存亡。在我国大力提倡创新驱动战略时, 却经常忽略创新过程中的“孪生兄弟”——创新惰性的问题。创新 惰性的产生不仅可能会让企业失去创新的能力和导致企业抵抗力下 降,使免疫系统失灵而引发各种不利于企业生存甚至严重到令企业一 蹶不振直至企业破产的地步。因此,了解造成企业创新惰性的影响 因素并提出应对策略十分必要。 M企业是航空产业中的一家知识密集型企业,其生存发展更多的 是以技术创新所取得的突破为主要动力,这使得创新能力成为企业 能力的核心。新时代M企业面临国内外的竞争压力空前严峻,内部 机制创新亟待加强,创新成果水平也仍需进一步提高以追赶国际先 进水平,创新惰性已成为M企业技术创新受阻的重要因素之一。 首先,本文作者大量阅读研究了对国内外有关知识密集型企业 及创新惰性理论的文献,在此基础上分别为知识密集型企业和创新 惰性界定了概念。其次,结合前述理论,通过调查问卷法,确定了 评价企业创新惰性的指标,建立了M企业创新惰性评价指标体系; 在确定各项指标的权重时采用了层次分析法,之后搭建了层次结构 模型,构造判断矩阵,并对权向量做一致性检验;再次,确定各指 标的特征值,定量指标从调研数据中获得,定性指标使用模糊评价 法确定特征值;最终根据所得的各指标权重和特征值进行计算,得 出评价结果。最后,从培养创新文化氛围、探索新型产学研合作发 展模式、加强专业核心能力建设、强化技术预先研究、构建自主创 新体系、等方面,针对性地提出突破策略,使M企业进一步了解目 II 前在创新惰性方面存在的不足,进而采取有效措施,增强企业的技 术创新能力,提升竞争力。 本文结合M企业的实际情况,通过构建M企业创新惰性评价指 标体系,分析并发现问题,针对问题与薄弱环节提出相应的突破策 略,希望对M企业的技术创新能力的提高有所助益,同时对其他企 业有一定借鉴意义。 关键词: 知识密集型企业,创新惰性,评价体系,层次分析法 III ABSTRACT In an environment of increasingly fierce global competition, an enterprise's ability to innovate determines its survival and development. If the innovation ability is strong, the enterprise is invincible. Once innovation stops or fails, it is likely to endanger the survival of the enterprise. When China vigorously promotes innovation-driven strategies, it often overlooks the problem of "independent twins" in the process of innovation-innovation inertia. The emergence of innovation inertia may not only cause enterprises to lose their ability to innovate, but also lead to a decline in their resistance and malfunction of the immune system, which may cause various disadvantages to the survival of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the influencing factors that cause the innovation inertia of the enterprise and propose a response strategy. Enterprise M is a knowledge-intensive enterprise in the aviation industry. Its survival and development are mainly driven by breakthroughs in technological innovation, which makes innovation capability the core of enterprise capabilities. In the new era, M companies are facing unprecedented severe domestic and external competition pressures. The internal mechanism innovation needs to be strengthened, and the level of innovation results still needs to be further improved to catch up with the international advanced level. Innovation inertia has become one of the important factors that hinder M companies ’ technological innovation. First of all, the author of this article reads and studies a lot of literature on knowledge-intensive enterprises and innovation inertia theory at home and abroad, and defines concepts for knowledge-intensive enterprises and innovation inertia on this basis. Secondly, combined with the aforementioned theory, through the questionnaire method, the indicators for evaluating the innovation inertia of enterprises were determined, and IV the evaluation index system for innovation inertia of M enterprises was established; the analytic hierarchy process was adopted in determining the weight of each indicator, and then the hierarchical structure model was established , Construct a judgment matrix, and do a consistency test on the weight vector; again, determine the characteristic values of each index, quantitative indicators are obtained from the survey data; qualitative indicators use fuzzy evaluation method to determine the characteristic values; finally, according to the weight and The characteristic value is calculated and the evaluation result is obtained. Finally, from the aspects of cultivating an innovative cultural atmosphere, exploring new development models of industry-university-research cooperation, strengthening professional core competence, strengthening technology advance research, and building an independent innovation system, etc., targeted breakthrough strategies were proposed to enable M companies to further understand the current innovation The lack of inertia, and then take effective measures to enhance the technological innovation capabilities of enterprises and enhance competitiveness. Based on the actual situation of M companies, this paper analyzes and finds problems by constructing an evaluation index system for M companies' innovation inertia, and proposes corresponding breakthrough strategies for problems and weak links, hoping to help M companies improve their technological innovation capabilities. At the same time, it has certain reference significance for other enterprises. Key Words: Knowledge-intensive enterprise, Innovation inertia, Evaluation system, Analytic hierarchy process V 目 录 摘要.............................................................. I ABSTRACT ........................................................ III 第一章 绪论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景..................................................... 1 1.2 研究目的与意义............................................... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ................................................. 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ................................................. 2 1.3 国内外研究现状............................................... 3 1.3.1 知识密集型企业研究现状 ................................... 3 1.3.2 创新惰性研究现状 ......................................... 4 1.3.3 知识密集型企业创新惰性研究现状 ........................... 6 1.3.4 国内外研究评述 ........................................... 6 1.4 研究的思路和方法............................................. 6 1.4.1 研究思路 ................................................. 6 1.4.2 研究方法 ................................................. 7 1.5 研究的技术路线和主要内容..................................... 7 1.5.1 技术路线 ................................................. 7 1.5.2 主要内容 ................................................. 8 1.5.3 论文的创新之处 ........................................... 9 第二章 概念界定及相关理论基础 .................................... 10 2.1 概念界定.................................................... 10 VI 2.1.1 知识密集型企业 .......................................... 10 2.1.2 创新惰性 ................................................ 11 2.2 相关理论基础................................................ 12 2.2.1 持续创新理论 ............................................ 12 2.2.2 开放式创新理论 .......................................... 13 2.2.3 全面创新管理理论 ........................................ 14 2.3 创新惰性评价方法及原则...................................... 15 2.3.1 创新惰性的评价方法 ...................................... 15 2.3.2 企业创新惰性评价的原则 .................................. 16 第三章 M知识密集型企业创新惰性现状分析 .......................... 17 3.1 M知识密集型企业概况 ........................................ 17 3.2 M知识密集型企业技术创新能力现状及存在问题 .................. 17 3.2.1 M企业创新资源投入能力现状及存在问题..................... 17 3.2.2 M企业创新环境的现状及存在问题........................... 18 3.2.3 M企业生产制造能力现状及存在问题......................... 19 3.2.4 M企业研究与开发能力现状及存在问题....................... 19 3.2.5 M企业创新管理能力现状及存在问题......................... 20 第四章 M知识密集型企业创新惰性评价 ......