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随着中国经济的飞速发展,中国的培训行业也得以蓬勃发展,市场上出现 了成千上万家的培训公司。然而,在培训行业蓬勃发展的过程中,行业内也出 现很多问题,暴露出很多培训企业在管理上存在的缺陷和漏洞。比如:市场上 曾红极一时,号称行业巨头的J培训公司,在后期的经营管理中因市场战略出 现的错误,导致企业的业绩直线下降,甚至失去了市场的主导地位。还有的企 业因没有做好市场营销战略而直接出局。出现这种现状,主要原因是培训公司 的市场定位没规划好,眉毛胡子一把抓,喜欢跟风且没有结合企业的自身特点 与优势,最后没有制定出适应市场的营销战略。各类管理培训机构如何依据内 外部环境,结合市场的需求制定出与之匹配的市场营销战略?这是当下亟需解 决的问题。 对于尚处于发展期的咨询培训业,还缺乏一些严谨客观的市场数据,本人 依据多年在管理培训行业的从业经验及所学的营销管理知识,结合致一公司目 前的发展现状以所及面临的挑战,对致一公司进行市场营销战略研究。首先对 培训行业的市场环境进行分析;其次采用波特五力模型对培训行业的潜在进入 者,顾客的议价能力、行业内的竞争环境,供应商的议价能力以及市场上出现 的替代品进行分析;然后通过EFE、IFE、SWOT分析方法对市场进行细分,选定 目标市场,然后进行市场战略定位;最后利用4PS营销组合理论等现代营销理 论,从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、分销策略、品牌策略及价格策略一一 进行分析与确定。通过市场营销战略制定提升企业管理者综合管理能力,规范 企业的管理制度,为致一公司的战略落地保驾护航。 本文采用理论与实践相结合的方式,基于致一公司的现状,制定出致一公 司的市场营销战略 ,为公司的长远发展奠定坚实的基础,同时希望能为国内中 小型咨询培训机构的生存与发展贡献微薄的力量。 关键词:市场开拓、营销战略、培训、营销组合策略。 EMBA学位论文 作者:隋海燕 广州致一企业管理有限公司市场营销战略研究 II RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF GUANGZHOU ZHIYI ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT CO., LTD ABSTRACT With the development and transformation of our economy, the demand for high-end management talents in various types of enterprises in China is increasing. However, most of the talents cultivated from ordinary colleges and universities are mainly based on theoretical knowledge and lack of practical ability. After entering the enterprise, there is a long period of incompatibility, which has great resistance to personal career. It is also a big loss to the enterprise. From college graduates to high-end management talents, there is obviously a long way to go. Under normal circumstances, this road is completed through self-learning and enterprise training, which provides a large space for development and development opportunities for the education and training industry. China's management training industry has also grown rapidly in the past 20 years. However, China's management training industry has a variety of problems due to the lack of previous industry norms. From the customer's point of view, many customers have received consulting training but the effect is generally or not good, solved the basic problems and no follow-up products to do more in-depth service. From the analysis of management training providers, the most important problem is that the market positioning is not well planned, and they do not combine their own characteristics and advantages. Finally, they have not developed a competitive strategy to adapt to the market. How various management training institutions choose and implement appropriate strategic positioning according to customer needs will be related to the survival and healthy development of the industry. Solving this problem can not only solve the problems faced by enterprises, but also enable the training industry to continue to develop healthily. This article begins by stating that management training is closely related to its development history. Then it analyzes the internal and external environment of the training industry in detail, and then analyzes the current status of the company. Finally, it combines the marketing strategy formulation theory and SWOT theory and the niche theory to formulate the marketing strategy of the company. EMBA学位论文 作者:隋海燕 广州致一企业管理有限公司市场营销战略研究 III Due to the fact that the domestic management training industry is in the development stage and lacks objective relevant market data, the author only uses the experience and management knowledge of the management training industry for many years, combined with the development status and challenges of the company. First analyze the market environment of the training industry, and then use Potter's five-force model to analyze the potential entrants in the training industry, the bargaining power of customers, industry competition environment, the bargaining power of suppliers, and alternatives appearing on the market;The niche marketing strategy, the Boli five-force model, the SWOT matrix analysis and other modern marketing theories analyze the internal and external environment of the company, thus providing a reasonable theoretical basis for the market positioning and strategic adjustment of a company. Then use the SWOT analysis method and the QSPM matrix to segment the market, select the target market, and then position the market strategy. Finally, use 4PS marketing theory and other modern marketing theories, from product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy, and distribution strategy. Through the formulation of marketing strategies, we will improve the comprehensive management capabilities of enterprise managers, standardize the management system of enterprises, and escort the strategic landing of a company. This paper adopts a combination of theory and practice to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of a company, and at the same time provide a certain reference for the survival and development of similar small training institutions in China. Keywords: Market Development、Marketing Strategy、Training、Marketing mix Strategy . EMBA学位论文 作者:隋海燕 广州致一企业管理有限公司市场营销战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. II 目 录 ..................................................................................................... IV 第一章 前言 ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 .............................................................................................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .............................................................................................. 2 1.2 致一公司简介 .............................................................................................. 3 1.3 研究内容与研究思路 .................................................................................. 3 1.3.1 研究内容 .............................................................................................. 3 1.3.2 研究思路 .............................................................................................. 4 1.4 研究方法 ...................................................................................................... 5 第二章 营销战略基础理论和研究综述 ................................................. 6 2.1 基础理论 ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 市场营销战略的内涵 .......................................................................... 6 2.1.2 市场营销战略的功能 .......................................................................... 6 2.2 相关分析工具与模型 .................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 波特五力模型 ...................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 PEST分析法 ......................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 SWOT分析法 .......................................................................................