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创新是社会经济发展的催化器,而创业是创新的转化器,对于社会而言, 积极的创业活动在促进社会资源合理配置、增加社会工作岗位和丰富产业结构 中扮演着重要角色,为社会的整体发展注入新的活力;对个人而言,有利于实 现创业者个人的人生价值。目前的科研热点是如何保证创业团队的存活,建立 和增强其核心竞争力,提升团队的创业绩效,使之能够持续盈利,国内外学者、 创业者和相关部门已对此给予越来越多的关注。但是,由于创业活动具有自主 性、风险性和复杂性等特征,加之国内目前支持创业的基础设施还不够完备, 创业团队可能会面对各种突发事件,就需要团队经过一系列复杂的决策判断才 能明确目标并生成任务,这就对创业团队的知识存量和信息整合能力的要求提 升到了新的高度。团队成员的知识广度、知识深度以及分工合作意愿等因素, 对于创业团队能否高效地解决复杂而繁琐的任务起着至关重要的作用,因而如 何实现团队的有效分工与合作已成为创业领域的研究热点之一。 交互记忆系统的实质是一种分工协作机制,在精确识别团队中每个成员认 知范围的基础上,按成员各自的擅长或专长领域实现对整体任务的统筹分工, 对减少团队中的冗余知识、提升团队创造性和知识水平具有积极的促进作用。 同时,由于市场环境、客户期待和产品或服务创新等因素均存在不可预测性和 多变性的特征,传统的“计划—执行”模式已不能很好的适应当前的竞争环境, 创业团队整体及成员个人就需要尝试将即兴行为作为正常运营活动的组成部 分,以期能够对风险和机遇做出更快的反应。即兴行为本质是打破惯例、减少 约束的非常规性活动,为应对意外事件,成员可以跳出团队既有的固化认知决 策模式,凭借个人即兴行为做出判断予以行动。对于复杂多变的创业环境,交互 记忆系统完备的创业团队对知识的整合和运用更加熟练,使他们利用手头资源 开展即兴行为将变得更加便捷、高效,这会促进创业绩效的提升。另外,企业 所处的外部环境会影响到即兴行为效应的发挥,市场竞争强度作为一个重要的 环境要素,它可能影响到即兴行为对创业绩效的发挥。 为此,本文基于社会交换理论、共享心智理论和效果推理理论,梳理了交 互记忆系统、即兴行为、市场竞争强度和创业绩效的相关文献,以交互记忆系 统的专长性、可信性和协调性对创业绩效的影响为出发点,深度剖析即兴行为 在其中的中介作用,并研究市场竞争强度在即兴行为对创业绩效的关系中的调 II 节作用以及市场竞争强度对即兴行为中介作用的调节作用。本文通过对74个创 业团队的423名人员的调查研究发现:(1)交互记忆系统的专长性、可信性对 创业绩效具有显著正向影响,交互记忆系统的协调性对创业绩效没有显著的影 响;(2)交互记忆系统的专长性、可信性对即兴行为具有显著的正向影响,交 互记忆系统的协调性对即兴行为没有显著的影响;(3)即兴行为对创业绩效具 有显著的正向影响;(4)即兴行为在交互记忆系统的专长性、可信性与创业绩 效的关系中起到中介作用,在交互记忆系统的协调性与创业绩效的关系中没有 起到中介作用;(5)市场竞争强度正向调节即兴行为对创业绩效的影响;(6) 市场竞争强度正向调节即兴行为在交互记忆系统的专长性、可信性与创业绩效 间的中介作用,对即兴行为在交互记忆系统的协调性与创业绩效间的中介作用 没有显著的调节作用。本研究说明交互记忆系统的各维度对创业绩效的影响具 有差异性,其在企业发展的不同阶段对企业绩效的影响需要具体分析,这一结 论丰富了现有的理论研究成果,对今后的研究具有一定的启示意义。同时,在 实际的创业管理中,本研究对企业构建完善的交互记忆系统和鼓励开展即兴行 为等方面提供了实质性建议,为企业创业绩效的提升提供了具体的指导建议, 具有较强的现实意义。 关键词:交互记忆系统;即兴行为;创业绩效;市场竞争强度 III Abstract Innovation is a catalyst for social and economic development, and entrepreneurship is a converter of innovation. For society, active entrepreneurial activities play an important role in promoting the rational allocation of social resources, increasing social jobs, and enriching the industrial structure. The overall development injects new vitality; for individuals, it is conducive to realizing the personal life value of entrepreneurs. The current research hotspot is how to ensure the survival of the entrepreneurial team, establish and enhance its core competitiveness, and improve the entrepreneurial performance of the team, so that it can continue to make profits. Scholars, entrepreneurs and related departments at home and abroad have given more and more attention. However, due to the characteristics of autonomy, risk and complexity of entrepreneurial activities, and the current domestic infrastructure to support entrepreneurship is not complete, the entrepreneurial team may face various emergencies and will need to undergo a series of complex decision judgments In order to clarify goals and generate tasks, the requirements for the knowledge stock and information integration ability of the entrepreneurial team have been raised to a new height. Factors such as the breadth, depth of knowledge, and willingness of division of labor of team members play a crucial role in the ability of an entrepreneurial team to efficiently solve complex and cumbersome tasks. Therefore, how to achieve effective division of labor and cooperation of the team has become a field of entrepreneurship One of the research hotspots. The essence of transactive memory system is a mechanism of division of labor and cooperation. Based on the precise recognition of the cognitive scope of each member of the team, the overall division of labor according to the members’ respective areas of expertise or expertise is achieved, which reduces Improving the team's creativity and knowledge has a positive role in promoting. At the same time, the overall coordination and division of tasks are based on the team members’ respective areas of expertise. It also plays an important role in improving the team's creativity and knowledge level. At the same time, due to the unpredictability and variability of factors such as market environment, customer expectations and product or service innovation, the traditional "plan-execute" model can no longer adapt well IV to the current competitive environment. The entire entrepreneurial team and its members Individuals need to try to improvise as part of normal operations, in order to be able to respond more quickly to risks and opportunities. Improvisations are essentially unconventional activities that break conventions and reduce constraints. In response to unexpected events, members can jump out of the team’s existing solidified cognitive decision-making model and make judgments based on individual improvisations. For a complex and ever-changing entrepreneurial environment, transactive memory system's complete entrepreneurial team is more skilled in integrating and applying knowledge, making it easier and more efficient for them to use the resources at hand to carry out improvisation, which will promote the improvement of entrepreneurial performance. In addition, the external environment in which the company is located will affect the effect of improvisation. The market competition intensity, as an important environmental factor, may affect the performance of improvisation on entrepreneurial performance. To this end, based on social exchange theory, shared mind theory, and effect reasoning theory, this paper combs the relevant literature on transactive memory system, improvisation, market competition intensity, and entrepreneurial performance, and uses transactive memory system’s expertise, credibility, and coordination for entrepreneurial performance. The impact is the starting point, in-depth analysis of the intermediary role of impromptu behavior in it, and to study the role of market competition intensity in the relationship between improvisation and entrepreneurial performance and the role of market competition intensity in the intermediary role of improvisation. Through the investigation and study of 423 people in 74 entrepreneurial teams, this paper found that: (1) transactive memory system's expertise and credibility have a significant positive impact on entrepreneurial performance, and transactive memory system's coordination has no significant impact on entrepreneurial performance; (2) transactive memory system's expertise and credibility have a significant positive impact on improvisation, transactive memory system's coordination has no significant impact on improvisation; (3) Improvisation has a significant positive impact on entrepreneurial performance; (4) Improvisation