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DC公司成立于1998年,是一家酒店用品专业市场的开发与运营企业,本公司深耕 酒店用品市场多年,在该行业中积累了丰富的管理、运营经验和相关行业资源。本着为 专业市场的商户提供更多的增值服务,增加客户粘性,积极推进落实“互联网+专业市 场”发展模式。经过前期调查研究,商户每年有大量的内外贸交易,但是,普遍存在外 贸出口各环节不专业以及融资难、融资贵的问题,DC公司有意为商户提供外贸综合服 务和供应链金融服务,解决商户运营面临的痛点。因此,特制定本项目商业计划书,为 DC公司投资决策提供参考。 本论文首先介绍了公司简介、项目开展的资源以及商业模式和盈利模式;接着运用 PEST分析模型和波特五力模型对宏观外部环境、竞争对手进行了分析,运用SWOT对 项目内部的优势、劣势和外部的机遇、威胁进行分析,得出本项目优势有:DC公司有 强大的品牌影响力,有雄厚的财务来源和业务转化能力;机遇包括:相关政策支持,“一 带一路”红利,全球经济回暖和市场前景广阔,市场容量大;劣势包括有:运营还处于 磨合期,运营团队缺乏默契,平台知名度不高,客户储备不足,缺乏强大的技术团队; 威胁包括有:短期内的口碑营销难实现,难以形成较大的顾客群,一达通一家独大,国 内新潜在对手的不断出现。基于以上分析,运用STP模型对市场选择、目标市场和市场 定位进行阐述,前期运营定位为DC公司酒店用品专业市场;接着用4PS理论制定项目 的营销组合策略,分别确定了产品、价格、渠道和推广策略;还介绍了项目的组织架构 和核心团队、人员配置,并制定相关的薪酬规划和激励机制,拟定项目建设进度。 在财务效益预测方面,通过EXCEL财务函数公式计算得知项目的净现值(NPV) 为312.24万元,内部报酬率(IRR)为13.29%,动态投资回收期是4.94年,可见该项 目是投资回报可观的优质项目。 最后,通过敏感性分析法对项目进行了风险分析,从而得知可能会面临的风险是可 控的;另外,还分析了政策风险、管理风险和市场风险并阐述了相关的防范措施。 本文主要针对“互联网+专业市场+外贸综合服务+供应链金融”新模式的研究,具有 重要的现实意义,它对广州专业市场升级改造有较强的指导和应用意义以及为其提供借 鉴和启示。 关键词:专业市场;外贸综合服务;供应链金融 II Abstract Founded in 1998, DC company is a hotel supplies market operation enterprises, the company deeply rooted in the hotel supplies market for many years, in this industry has accumulated fruitful management, operation experience and related industry resources. In order to provide more value-added services to merchants in specialized markets, increase customer stickiness, and actively promote the "Internet +Specialized market" business model. After preliminary investigation and research, the merchants have a large amount of domestic and foreign trade every year, and the financing is difficult and expensive. DC company intends to provide the comprehensive foreign trade service and the supply chain financial service, to solve the pain point of merchants during their operation. Therefore, this project business plan is specially formulated to provide reference, in order to help DC company to make the decision of investment. Firstly, this paper introduces the company profile, project resources, business model and profit model. Secondly, PEST analysis model and Michael Porter's Five Forces Model are used to analyze the macro external environment, industry environment and competitors.SWOT analysis was used to analyze the internal advantages, disadvantages, external opportunities and threats of the project,The advantages of this project are as follows: DC company has strong brand influence, strong financial source and business transformation ability; Opportunities include: relevant policy support, "One Belt And One Road" dividend, global economic recovery and broad market capacity; Disadvantages include: the operation is still in the running-in period, the operation team lacks tacit understanding, the platform is not well known, the customer reserve is insufficient, and the lack of a strong technical team; Threats include: in the short term, word-of-mouth marketing is difficult to achieve, difficult to form a large customer group, Onetouch company is the largest competitor, domestic new potential rivals continue to appear. On the basis of the above analysis, STP model is used to elaborate the market segmentation, targeting and positioning. Market positioning is specialized market. Then, we use the 4P theory to develop the marketing mix strategy of the project, respectively determined the product, price, place and promotion strategy.. On this basis, this paper introduces the organizational structure, core team and personnel allocation of the project, formulates relevant salary planning and incentive mechanism, and formulates the construction schedule of the project. In terms of financial benefit prediction, the net present value (NPV) of the project is 3.12millions RMB, and the internal rate of return (IRR) is 13.29%, the dynamic payback III period is 4.94 years,indicating that the project is a high-quality project with considerable investment returns. Finally, through the sensitivity analysis, it is known that the possible risks are controllable. In the qualitative analysis, the policy risk, management risk and market risk are analyzed and relevant countermeasures are expounded. The paper try to study the new model of "Internet + Specialized Market + Foreign Trade Integrated Service +Supply Chain Finance",which has great practical significance. This article is"Internet + Specialized Market + Foreign Trade Integrated Service +Supply Chain Finance" new pattern research, has important practical significance, it also has a strong guiding significance and application for its upgrade, and provides some reference and enlightenment for Guangzhou other specialized markets. Key Words: Specialized Market; Foreign Trade Integrated Services; Supply Chain Finance IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ........ II 图清单 ....... VIII 表清单 .......... IX 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................... 2 1.2 文献综述 ............................. 3 1.2.1 互联网+ ........................ 4 1.2.2 专业市场 ...................... 5 1.2.3 外贸综合服务 .............. 5 1.2.4 供应链金融 .................. 6 1.2.5 有关项目财务效益和风险分析方法 ........ 7 1.3 研究方法和研究内容 ...... 8 1.3.1 研究方法 ...................... 8 1.3.2 研究内容 ...................... 9 第二章 项目概况 ....................... 12 2.1 公司简介 ........................... 12 2.2 产品与服务介绍 ............... 14 2.3 项目开展资源分析 ........... 16 2.4 商业模式与盈利模式介绍 .............................. 17 2.5 本章小结 ........................... 19 第三章 项目外部环境和SWOT分析 .................... 21 3.1 宏观环境分析(PEST) ....... 21 3.1.1 政策环境 .................... 21 3.1.2 经济环境 .................... 23 3.1.3 社会文化环境 ............ 25 V 3.1.4 技术环境 .................... 26 3.2 行业环境分析 ................... 26 3.2.1 现有行业竞争 ............ 27 3.2.2 潜在竞争者进入市场 28 3.2.3 买方议价能力 ............ 28 3.2.4 供方议价能力 ............ 29 3.2.5 替代品 ........................ 29 3.2.6 波特五力模型分析结论 ........................... 29 3.3 项目SWOT分析 ............. 30 3.3.1 项目优势(Strengths) .. 30 3.3.2 项目劣势(Weaknesses) ............................. 31 3.3.3 项目机会(Opportunities) .......................... 31 3.3.4 项目威胁(Threats) ..... 32 3.3.5 项目SWOT分析结论 .............................. 32 3.4 竞争优势及战略选择 ....... 33 3.5 本章小结 ........................... 34 第四章 项目市场定位及营销策略分析 .................. 35 4.1 市场选择分析 .................. 35 4.1.1 市场细分(Segmenting) ........................ 35 4.1.2 目标市场选择(Targeting) ......................... 36 4.1.3 市场定位(Positing) .... 37 4.2 营销组合策略(4PS)分析 ............................ 38 4.2.1 产品策略 .................... 38 4.2.2 价格策略 .................... 39 4.2.3 渠道策略 .................... 39 4.2.4 推广策略 .................... 40 4.3 本章小结 ........................... 41 第五章 项目组织与运营分析 ... 42 5.1 组织架构设计 ................. 42 5.2 人力资源规划 ................... 44 VI 5.2.1 核心团队组建 .......... 44 5.2.2 人员配置 .........