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自2012年之后,商业银行资产的增速普遍快于贷款的增速,同时资产规模也快速扩张,这 与商业银行同业业务的兴起有关。通过同业市场间资产负债的流动,能够提高各家商业银行资 产配置的运行效率,维持银行整体利润的快速增长。然而,在同业业务快速发展历程中,农商 行因自身资产规模较小、监管评级过低导致业务资质欠缺、同业业务人才匮乏等众多限制,远 远落后于其他大型商业银行。与此同时,为防范金融风险,降低企业杠杆率,遏制资金“脱实 向虚”,引导商业银行同业业务回归流动性管理本源,2017年以来,根据全国金融工作会议的 要求,商业银行同业业务作为整治金融乱象的重点,向着力度大、范围广的严监管趋势发展。 DF农商行作为一家由农村信用社改制而来的小型商业银行,在管理模式、人才建设、考核 激励等方面受到了制约,导致其同业业务发展相对滞后,市场竞争力明显不足。在充分分析目 前DF农商行同业业务发展现状的基础上,才能找出制约同业业务发展的突出问题,提出正确 的发展策略,从而有效推动同业业务的稳步健康发展。 本文通过收集整理大量的文献资料,对国内外关于商业银行同业业务的研究内容进行归纳 分析后,并结合笔者自身在银行业的工作经验,立足DF农商行同业业务发展现状,对发展过 程中存在的问题与成因进行分析,提出发展策略。具体而言,本文以同业业务发展环境的研究 诊断为基础,运用PEST模型、SWOT分析等方法对DF农商行同业业务发展现状、环境、问 题等进行深入研究,选择推进同业业务进一步发展的定位与策略,得出DF农商行同业业务发 展的六项策略,即:优化同业业务人员管理、完善同业客户管理机制、加强资产负债结构管理、 扎实推进全面风险管理、规范业务合规操作流程、加快科技金融服务运用。为保障上述对策方 案得到有效落实,总结出四条保障措施,包括:加强企业文化培养、优化业务组织结构、整合 行内各项资源、调整考核管理方式。本文的相关研究成果在促进DF农商行同业业务健康有序 发展的同时,也为其他商业银行同业业务发展提供了参考与借鉴,具有重要的指导意义。 关键词:农商行,同业业务,发展环境,目标定位,发展策略 DF农商行同业业务发展策略研究 II ABSTRACT Since 2012, the growth rate of the assets of commercial Banks is generally faster than the growth rate of loans, and the asset scale also expands rapidly, which is related to the rise of inter-bank business of commercial Banks. Through the inter-bank market balance sheet flow, can improve the operation efficiency of each commercial bank asset allocation, maintain the bank overall profit rapid growth. However, in the process of the rapid development of inter-bank business, rural commercial bank lags far behind other large commercial Banks due to its small asset scale, low regulatory rating, lack of business qualification, lack of inter-bank business talents and other restrictions. At the same time, to guard against financial risks, reduce corporate leverage, to curb capital, real to virtual guide commercial Banks to trade business return to source of liquidity management, since 2017, according to the requirements of national financial work conference, the commercial Banks' business as the focus of the regulation and financial chaos, toward large strength, wide range of strict regulation development trend. As a small commercial bank restructured from rural credit cooperatives, DF rural commercial bank has been restricted in the aspects of management mode, talent construction, assessment and incentive, resulting in its relatively backward inter-bank business development and obvious lack of market competitiveness. On the basis of a full analysis of the current development status of the inter-bank business of DF rural commercial bank, the prominent problems restricting the development of inter-bank business can be identified, and the correct development strategy can be put forward, so as to effectively promote the steady and healthy development of inter-bank business. This paper collected a large number of literature, both at home and abroad, summarized the research on commercial Banks' business content analysis, and combined with the author's own experience working in the banking industry, based on the DF bank trade business development present situation, the problems existing in the process of development and the causes were analyzed, and put forward the development strategy. Specifically, this article on the basis of the trade business development environment research diagnosis, using PEST model and SWOT analysis method of DF bank trade 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 III business development present situation, the environment, problems such as in-depth study, the choice to promote the further development of the trade business positioning and strategy, it is concluded that DF bank trade six strategies of the business development, i.e., the optimization of trade business personnel management, improve the trade customer management mechanism, strengthen the management of assets and liabilities structure, promoting the comprehensive risk management, standardize business compliance operation process, to speed up financial services use of science and technology. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the above countermeasures, four safeguard measures are summarized, including: strengthening corporate culture cultivation, optimizing business organization structure, integrating various resources in the industry, and adjusting the assessment and management methods. The relevant research results of this paper not only promote the healthy and orderly development of DF rural commercial bank inter-bank business, but also provide reference and reference for the development of other commercial Banks inter-bank business, which has important guiding significance. Keywords: Rural commercial bank, inter-bank business, development environment, target positioning, development strategy 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 目 录 第一章 绪论 ············· 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究意义 1 1.2 国内外文献综述 ............................ 2 1.2.1 国外文献综述 ....................... 2 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ....................... 3 1.2.3 国内外研究评述 ................... 4 1.3 研究内容及方法 ............................ 5 1.3.1 研究内容 5 1.3.2 技术路线图 ........................... 6 1.3.3 研究方法 6 1.4 本文创新点 ..... 7 第二章 相关理论与业务发展概述 ···· 8 2.1 同业业务相关理论基础 ................ 8 2.1.1 分业经营与混业经营 ........... 8 2.1.2 比较优势理论 ....................... 8 2.1.3 合作竞争理论 ....................... 9 2.2 同业业务相关概念 ...................... 10 2.2.1 同业业务定义 ..................... 10 2.2.2 同业业务发展历程 ............. 11 2.2.3 商业银行同业业务的特点.. 13 2.3 DF农商行同业业务发展概述 ..... 15 2.3.1 DF农商行情况 .................... 15 2.3.2 DF农商行同业业务历史进程 ........................... 15 2.3.3 DF农商行金融市场部情况 17 2.3.4 DF农商行同业业务变动情况 ........................... 18 第三章 DF农商行同业业务发展环境分析 ·········· 21 3.1 DF农商行同业业务外部环境 ..... 21 3.1.1 总体环境 ............................. 21 DF农商行同业业务发展策略研究 VI 3.1.2 竞争环境 ............................. 25 3.1.3 外部因素评价 ..................... 26 3.2 DF农商行同业业务内部环境 ..... 28 3.2.1 资源分析 ............................. 29 3.2.2 能力分析 ............................. 31 3.2.3 内部因素评价 ..................... 32 3.3 DF农商行同业业务SWOT分析 33 3.3.1 优势(S) ........................... 34 3.3.2 劣势(W) .......................... 35 3.3.3 机遇(O) .......................... 36 3.3.4 威胁(T) ........................... 36 3.3.5 SWOT矩阵分析 .................. 37 3.4 DF农商行同业业务发展存在问题 ............................ 38 3.4.1 业务规模增长停滞 ............. 38 3.4.2 资产品种与结构简单 ......... 39 3.4.3 客户缺乏有效管理 ............. 39 3.4.4 中后台支持力量薄弱 ......... 39 3.5 发展问题成因分析 ...................... 40 3.5.1 受监管政策变动影响较大.. 40 3.5.2 受自身条件不足限制 ......... 40 3.5.3 人员专业化水平不足 ......... 41 3.5.4 考核机制不完善 ................. 41 第四章 制定DF农商行同业业务发展策略 ········· 43 4.1 发展策略选择 .............................. 43 4.1.1 QSPM矩阵分析................... 43 4.1.2 发展定位 ............................. 44 4.1.3 借鉴先进银行发展经验 ...