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I 摘要 随着中国近年来新车销售增速的逐渐放缓,车险由增量市场转为存量市 场,业务竞争持续升级。随着商车费改的不断深入,产品严重同质化、 单纯的 手续费比拼以及服务模式的单一等问题日益突出。因此,研究H公司的服务营 销策略提升对于H公司车险发展以及整个车险行业的发展具有重要的意义。H 公司是国内最早 成立的国有保险企业,具有丰富的承保经验,且市场份额在全 国仍居于首位、客户资源众多,具备服务竞争的基础条件。然而就目前车险行 业的发展来看,可以改进与提升的方 面还非常多,加之H公司在销售策略、线 上推广及其他综合方面也存在问题,这些问题制约着车险行业及H公司的服务 营销体验。 本文立足于商车费改背景下车险服务营销,以H 公司为切入点,在总结服 务营销及车险服务营销相关理论和国内和国外研究成果的基础上,构建本文的 理论体系。同时分析H公司的宏观环境及发展现状,以此为背景利用PEST及 波特五力模型分析H公司车险服务营销的现状,通过问卷调查的形式对影响H 公司服务体验的相关指标进行量化处理,利用SPSS24.0进行相关的信度效度 及相关性分析,找到影响 服务体验的主要影响因素,并建立影响因素与服务体 验之间的多元线性回归模型,通过以上分析发现H公司目前存在的问题,提出 相对应的服务体验价值提升策略,为H公司业务 发展提供可行性指导,有效提 高H公司在车险行业中的竞争价值。 关键词:车险;服务营销;商车费改 Abstract II Abstract In recent years, as the growth in new car sales slowed in China, the auto insurance market has changed from the incremental market to the stock market and business competition has intensified. With the deepening of commercial fare reform, serious homogenization of products, Service competition and service mode are becoming more and more important. Therefore, the research on the service marketing strategy of H company is very important for the development of auto insurance and auto insurance of the whole H company. The company has rich insurance experience, is the earliest insurance company in China, and still has the largest market share in China, numerous customer resources, and basic conditions for service competition. However, in terms of the current development of auto insurance industry, there is still a large space for service marketing promotion, and H company also has problems in resource integration, online promotion and other comprehensive aspects, which restrict the service marketing experience of auto insurance industry and H company. This thesis starts from the change of commercial fare to elaborate the service marketing of automobile insurance. Taking H company as the breakthrough point, this thesis constructs the theoretical system of this thesis on the basis of summarizing the relevant theories of service marketing and automobile insurance service marketing and domestic and foreign research results. At the same time, Based on the macro development environment and current development situation of H company, this thesis analyzes the current situation of H company's auto insurance service marketing with the help of pest and Porter's five forces model, Through the form of questionnaire survey, the relevant indicators affecting the service experience of H company were quantified, and the reliability, validity and correlation were analyzed by spss24.0, Find out the main influencing factors of service experience. Find out the main influencing factors of service experience, and establish the multiple linear regression model between the influencing factors and service experience. Through the above analysis, find out the existing problems of H company, and put forward the corresponding service experience value promotion strategy, so as to provide feasible guidance for the business development of H company, and effectively improve the competitive value of H company in the automobile insurance industry. Abstract III Keywords: vehicle insurance; service marketing; commercial vehicle fee reform 目 录 IV 目 录 摘要 ················································ ················································ I Abstract ························ ··································································· II 第1章 绪论 ···· ·············································································· ·· 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ································································· ··· 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ·································································· ··· 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ·································································· ··· 2 1.2 国内外研究概述 ································································ ···· 3 1.2.1 保险服务营销的国内外研究概述 ······································· 3 1.2.2 车险服务营销的国内外研究 概述 ······································· 4 1.3 研究内容及方法 ·························· ·········································· 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ··························· ·········································· 5 1.3.2 研究方法 ··························· ·········································· 6 1.4 创新点及技术路线 ························ ········································· 7 1.4.1 创新点 ····························· ··········································· 7 1.4.2 技术路线 ·························· ··········································· 7 第2章 相关理论综述 ························ ················································ 9 2.1 服务营销理论 ···················· ··················································· 9 2.1.1 服务营销的定义 ··············· ············································· 9 2.1.2 服务营销的阶段 ····················· ······································ 10 2.2 7Ps营销理论 ······························ ·········································· 10 第3章 H公司车辆保险业务服务营销环境分析 ·············· ························ 12 3.1 H公司简介 ············································· ····························· 12 3.2 H公司车辆保险业务服务营销现状 ······························ ·············· 12 3.3 PEST宏观环境分析 ···················································· ··········· 14 3.3.1 政治因素分析 ························································ ······ 14 3.3.2 经济因素分析 ····························································· · 14 3.3.3 技术发展环境 ··································