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I 摘要 随着当前企业经济发展环境的复杂化,人力资源管理的职能越来越重要。 培训作为现代人力资源管理的职能之一,对提高企业员工队伍的综合素质和企 业的可持续发展具有重要作用。培训效果评估作为培训过程不可缺少的重要环 节,会直接影响到未来的培训项目内容,并对员工培训后的实际工作产生指导 作用,因此培训效果评估体系的构建对于人力资源管理者来说变得十分重要。 中层管理人员在企业中起着承上启下的作用,因而在进行员工培训时,对 中层管理人员的培训显得尤为重要。要充分考虑中层管理人员的特点和需要提 升的能力来进行培训设计,并采取合适的方法对培训效果进行评估。本文以LS 集团为例,对中层管理人员培训效果评估体系进行了优化研究,通过对培训效 果评估问题的梳理和分析,设计了一套较为适用的中层管理人员培训效果评估 体系。 本文总结了目前培训效果评估的方法和主要模型,分析了 LS集团中层管理 人员培训及效果评估工作现状,应用扎根编码理论进行了培训效果评估问题的 研究,找出了问题出现的原因;结合有关评估理论和笔者实际参与组织的各类 培训项目,优化培训效果评估流程,采用文献研究法初选出7项一级指标和20 项二级指标,采用访谈法邀请15位专家对初选指标进行修正得到7项一级指标 和21项二级指标,采用问卷调查法发放共330份问卷获取定量数据,利用 SPSS23.0软件对数据进行信度分析和探索性因子分析,利用Amos22.0软件进行 验证性因子分析,利用层次分析法计算确定各指标权重,从而完善LS集团中层 管理人员培训效果评估体系;选取该集团举办的中层管理人员轮训班进行实证 评估,采用模糊综合评价法,探讨在实际中如何应用该指标体系;最后,本文 在人力资源保障、制度保障和文化保障等方面提出确保培训效果评估体系持续 运转的支撑保障措施,从而为LS集团建立起一套实用性强、可操作性强的中层 管理人员培训效果评估体系。 关键词:培训效果;中层管理人员;评估体系 Abstract II Abstract With the complexity of the current corporate economic development environment, the functions of human resource management are becoming more and more important. As one of the functions of modern human resource management, training plays an important role in improving the overall quality of the company's workforce and the sustainable development of the company. As an indispensable part of the training process, the training effect evaluation will directly affect the content of future training projects and guide the actual work after the employees are trained. Therefore, the construction of the training effect evaluation system becomes Very important. Middle management personnel play a leading role in the enterprise, so it is especially important to train middle management personnel when conducting employee training. It is necessary to fully consider the characteristics of middle management personnel and the ability to improve to carry out training design, and adopt appropriate methods to evaluate the training effect. Taking LS Group as an example, this paper has carried out optimization research on the evaluation system of mid-level management personnel training. Through the combing and analysis of training effect evaluation questions, a set of applicable mid-level management personnel training effect evaluation system has been designed. This paper summarizes the current training effect evaluation methods and main models, analyzes the current situation of LS Group middle management training and effect evaluation work, applies the root coding theory to carry out the research on training effect evaluation, and finds out the causes of the problems; The evaluation theory and the various training projects that the author actually participated in, optimized the training effect evaluation process, selected 7 first-level indicators and 20 second-level indicators by literature research method, and invited 15 experts to conduct preliminary selection indicators by interview method. The revised 7 primary indicators and 21 secondary indicators were obtained. A total of 330 questionnaires were distributed by questionnaire method to obtain quantitative data. The reliability Abstract III analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed using SPSS23.0 software, and Amos22.0 software was used. Verification factor analysis, using AHP to calculate and determine the weight of each index, so as to improve the evaluation effect system of the middle management personnel of LS Group; select the middle management rotation training class held by the group for empirical evaluation, and adopt the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to explore the actual situation. How to apply this indicator system; finally, this article is organized Aspects barrier, system security and cultural security and other safeguards would ensure the support of training effectiveness evaluation system of continuous operation, in order to establish a strong practicality LS Group, strong operational middle management training effectiveness evaluation system. Key words: effectiveness of training; Middle management; Evaluation system 目录 IV 目录 摘要 .................................................... I Abstract ............................................... II 目录 ................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 ............................................ 1 第一节 研究背景、意义和创新点 .................................. 1 一、 研究背景 .......................................................... 1 二、 研究意义 .......................................................... 2 三、 研究创新点 ........................................................ 2 第二节 研究内容和方法 .......................................... 3 一、 研究内容 .......................................................... 3 二、 研究方法 .......................................................... 4 第三节 研究技术路线 ............................................ 5 第二章 理论基础及相关研究概述 ........................... 6 第一节 关键概念界定 ............................................ 6 一、 培训 .............................................................. 6 二、 培训效果评估 ...................................................... 7 三、 培训效果评估体系 .................................................. 8 第二节 培训效果评估作用 ........................................ 9 第三节 培训效果评估方法 ....................................... 10 一、评估数据收集方法 ................................................... 10 二、评估数据分析方法 ................................................... 12 第四节 培训效果评估模型 ....................................... 13 一、 基于分层次的培训效果评估模型 ..................................... 13 目录 V 二、 基于过程的培训效果评估模型 ....................................... 15 三、 基于柯氏四层评估模型的培训效果评估研究 ........................... 17 第三章 LS集团中层管理人员培训效果评估现状分析.......... 19 第一节 培训概况 ............................................... 19 一、 培训组织架构 ..................................................... 19 二、 培训项目类别 ..................................................... 20 三、 培训项目开展 ..................................................... 21 第二节 培训及效果评估现状 ..................................... 22 第三节 培训效果评估存在的问题和原因分析 ....................... 24 一、 基于扎根理论的培训效果评估研究 ................................... 24 二、 存在的问题 ....................................................... 26 三、 存在问题的原因分析 ............................................... 28 第四章 LS集团中层管理人员培训效果评估体系优化设计 ...... 30 第一节 培训效果评估设计思路 ................................... 30 第二节 培训效果评估工作流程设计 ............................... 32 一、 培训效果评估的必要性 ............................................. 32 二、 培训需求分析 ..................................................... 32 三、 确定评估目标 ..................................................... 33 四、 制定评估方案 ..................................................... 33 五、 数据收集与分析 ................................................... 33 六、 撰写评估报告 ..................................................... 34 七、 培训效果的反馈与沟通 ............................................. 34 第三节 培训效果评估指标体系设计 ...........................