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随着经济大环境的变化以及日趋激烈的市场竞争环境,企业在运营过程中保持财务 的流动性与盈利性,提升企业可持续性增长能力,实现企业长期的 价值创造,财务资源 管理成为多元化经营的企业集团必须面对的财务问题。集团公司在多元化经营布局过程 中面临的问题包括,一是如何确保企业发展过程中所需要的财务资源 ?二是如何优化配 置这些财务资源,实现财务资源管理与业务发展的动态适配和有效协同?三是在实施财 务资源管理的过程中,如何实现绩效和风险的平衡?本文探究集团在多 元化阶段、不同 业务板块与财务资源安排合理与有效性具有一定的理论与现实意义。 本文选取G集团公司作为研究对象,以该集团公司的财务资源管理为研究重点,运 用资源整 合理论和可持续增长理论等理论,采用理论与实例研究相结合的研究方法,选 取以2014-2018年财务数据为基础,深入分析G集团公司财务资源管理的目标、内容以 及具体的管理 机制。 本文主要内容包括六个方面:首先是绪论部分,主要阐述了选题背景和研究意义、 文献综述以及研究内容与方法。其次,介绍了G集团公司发展概况,包括历史沿革、组 织架构和发展阶段,企业整体发展战略、主要业务板块及其发展子战略,利用波士顿矩 阵对集团主要业务板块进行分析和归类,并对G集团近年经营状况和财务主要指标进行 分析 说明,提出为匹配和实现企业战略,G集团财务资源管理所需要解决的三大问题。 第三,从所需要解决的问题入手,提出财务资源管理的具体目标和内容。然后根据这些 目标和内 容,分三章深入分析财务资源管理的具体机制和手段,一是管理G集团财务资 源的投融资决策;二是管理G集团财务资源的流动性;三是管理过程中风险的管控。通 过管理G集团财 务资源的具体内容,达到财务资源的管理目标,解决企业实现战略目标 过程中所面临的问题,最终实现企业目标。 本文通过研究分析得出如下结论:(1)财务资源管理应与业务 战略发展相协同。 (2)规模和结构优化提升财务资源管理效率和效益。(3)保持适度财务弹性,促进企 业可持续发展。(4)运用边界管控和制度保障等手段来降低财务资源管 理的操作风险。 综上所述,通过对多元化经营的G集团公司财务资源管理实例进行分析与研究,其 结论对其他企业集团在财务资源管理上能够提供一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:财 务资源管理;流动性管理;风险管理 II Abstract With the change of the economic environment and the increasingly fierce market competition environment, enterprises maintain the financial liquidity and profitability in the operation process, improve the sustainable growth ability of enterprises, and realize the long-term value creation of enterprises. Financial resource management has become a financial problem that must be faced by diversified enterprise groups. The problems faced by group companies in the process of diversified business layout include: first, how to ensure the financial resources needed in the process of enterprise development? Second, how to optimize the allocation of these financial resources to achieve dynamic adaptation and effective collaboration between financial resource management and business development? Third, in the process of implementing financial resource management, how to achieve the balance between performance and risk? In this paper, it is of theoretical and practical significance to explore the group's reasonable and effective arrangement of financial resources in the diversified stage, different business sectors. Taking G Group as the research object and focusing on its financial resource allocation, this paper used the theory of resource integration,sustainable growth theory and other theories combined the theory with the case study method. Thispaper chose the financial data from theyearof 2014 to 2018, and deeply analyzed the rationality and validity of the subject matter and risk boundary control of financial resource allocation items for G Group Company. The main contents of this paper included five aspects. The first part was the introduction, which mainly introduced the background and significance of topic selection, literature review, research contents and methods. The second part introduced the general situation of G Group, including its historical evolution and organizational structure, major business sectors and its development strategy, and then described in detail the current situation of G Group's financial resource allocation, including operating funds and actual conditions; and introduced the allocation of receipt capital, the allocation of self-owned capital and external financing. The clearing center is the allocation platform of internal financial resources. Thirdly, through the analyzed of key indicators such as allocation objectives, allocation performance, allocation risk management and control, obtained the rationality and validity of the current allocation of financial resources of G Group. Finally, the case enlightenment part, from the allocation should fight. Four aspects can be enlightened: matching slightly, constantly balancing the scale and structure, setting risk boundary indicators and extending the allocation platform. This paper drew the following conclusions through case analysis. (1)Allocating financial III resources according to the position of each business sector in the group strategy. (2)Dynamically integrating financial resources allocation to control operational risks and improve returns. (3)Maintaining Appropriate Financial Flexibility and Promoting Sustainable Development of Enterprises. (4)Using border control and institutional guarantee to reduce operational risks of financial allocation. Finally, through scientific and rational allocation, the goal of sustainable and benign development of enterprises can be came true. To sum up, through the case analysis and study of the financial resource allocation of G Group Company, its conclusions and enlightenment can provide some reference for other enterprise groups in the financial resource allocation. Key words:Financial Resources Management; Liquidity management;Risk Management IV 目 录 摘要 ............... I Abstract ......... II 图表目录 ...... VI 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 ........ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..................... 2 1.2文献综述与理论基础 ......... 2 1.2.1 概念界定 ..................... 2 1.2.2 文献综述 ..................... 3 1.2.3 理论基础 ..................... 7 1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ........ 8 1.3.1 研究内容 ..................... 8 1.3.2 研究方法 ..................... 9 第二章 G集团的发展历程及现状 .......................... 10 2.1 G集团发展概况 ............... 10 2.1.1 G集团发展历程 ........ 10 2.1.2 G集团发展阶段 ........ 11 2.2 G集团发展战略与产业结构 .......................... 12 2.2.1 G集团发展 战略 ........ 12 2.2.2 G集团业务结构 ........ 14 2.2.3 G集团业务板块的BCG矩阵 ................. 18 2.3 G集团经营状况和主要财务指标 .................. 19 2.4 G集团财务资源管理面临的主要问题 .......... 21 2.5 本章小结 .......................... 21 第三章 G集团财务资源管理目标及内容 .............. 22 3.1 G集团的财务 资源管理目标 .......................... 22 3.1.1 财务资源配置与业务发展相协同 .......... 22 3.1.2 提升企业运营效率 ... 23 3.1.3 提高企业运营效益 ... 23 V 3.1.4 加强企业可持续发展能力 ...................... 25 3.2 G集团的财务资源管理内容 .......................... 27 3.2.1 投融资决策 ............... 27 3.2.2 流 动性管理 ............... 27 3.2.3 风险管理 ................... 28 3.3 本章小结 .......................... 29 第四章 G集团的投融资决策 ... 30 4.1 G集团的投资 决策 ........... 30 4.1.1 主要板块“十三五”投资计划 .................. 30 4.1.2 G集团投资项目决策机制 ....................... 32 4.1.3 G集团投资决策管理机构 ....................... 33 4.2 G集团的融资决策 ........... 34 4.2.1 融资渠道选择 ........... 34 4.2.2 融资规模控制 ........... 36 4.2.3 G集团融资决策管理机构 ....................... 39 4.3 本章小结 .......................... 40 第五章 G集团财务资源的流动性管理 .................. 41 5.1 营运资金的管理 .............. 41 5.2 现金流量的管理 .............. 44 5.3 资本结构的配置 .............. 47 5.3 财务弹性的管理 .............. 49 5.4 本章小结 .......................... 50 第六章 G集团财务资源的风险管理 ...................... 51 6.1 G集团主要面临的风险状况 ...................