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I 摘要 市场经济条件下,银行业对整个国民经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。中国邮政储 蓄银行作为国有银行的重要一员,是促进我国银行业发展的 主力军。随着国有商业银行 的竞争愈加剧烈,良好的薪酬体系对于提高国有商业银行的竞争力尤为重要。本文以中 国邮政储蓄银行 X 分行为研究对象,通过研究薪酬体系现状, 找出其存在的问题,并对 邮储银行 X 分行进行了薪酬体系优化设计。 本文首先对薪酬体系的的相关理论进行了梳理,对国内外研究现状进行了总结,为 薪酬体系优化提供了一 定的理论基础。其次,以中国邮政储蓄银行 X 分行为研究对象, 重点分析了该银行薪酬体系的现状和问题。通过问卷调查方法,找出了该银行目前存在 的问题:基本工资设置等 级较多,绩效工资考核指标不够科学,薪酬水平同业差距显著, 薪酬结构有待调整。并对这些问题进行分析、探讨。建立了更加合理的员工分级标准, 并重新设计了基本工资系 数。明确了岗位细分下的绩效工资考核指标,使得绩效考核更 为精细化。同时,实行差异化的员工福利,企业年金优化设计。此外,本文提出了一系 列保障措施:制度保障、人 力资源保障、做好宣传和沟通、明确岗位评估原则,以确保 该优化方案的有效实施。 本文对邮储银行 X 分行薪酬体系优化设计的研究,具有一定的理论意义和现实意 义。理论 意义:本文为我国大型国有商业银行市域分行的薪酬体系优化提供了理论框架。 同时对中国邮政储蓄银行其他地市分行的薪酬体系优化设计提供了理论借鉴和参考。本 研究具有 一定的现实意义:第一,对于减少邮储银行人才流失有一定的意义。第二,提 升中国邮储银行的综合竞争力。第三,将邮储银行 X 分行员工发展与邮储银行发展战略 相结合,提 高员工的归属感和认同感,吸引更多行业内高精尖人才为本银行服务,保障 其快速稳定发展。 关键词 薪酬体系 薪酬管理 优化河北大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Under the conditions of a market economy, the banking industry plays a pivotal role in the development of the entire national economy. As an important member of state -owned banks, China Postal Savings Bank is the main force in promoting the development of my country's banking industry. With the increasingly fierce competition among state-owned commercial banks, a good salary system is particularly important for improving the competitiveness of state-owned commercial banks. This article takes the X branch of China Postal Savings Bank as the research object, and finds out its existing problems by studying the status quo of the compensation system, and optimizes the design of the compensation system for the X branch of Postal Savings Bank. This article first sorts out the relevant theories of the salary system, summarizes the research status at home and abroad, and provides a certain theoretical basis for the optimization of the salary system. Secondly, using the X branch of China Postal Savings Bank to study the current situation and problems of the bank's compensation system. Through the questionnaire survey method, the current problems of the bank have been found: the basic salary has many levels, the performance salary assessment indicators are not scientific enough, the salary level gap between the industry is significant, and the salary structure needs to be adjusted. And analyze and discuss these issues. A more reasonable staff classification standard has been established, and the basic salary coefficient has been redesigned. Clarified performance salary assessment indicators under job segmentation, making performance assessment more refined. At the same time, differentiated employee benefits and optimized design of corporate annuities are implemented. In addition, this article puts forward a series of safeguard measures: system guarantee, human resource guarantee, good publicity and communication, and clear job evaluation principles to ensure the effective implementation of the optimization plan.Abstract III The research on the optimization design of the salary system of PSBC X branch has certain theoretical and practical significance. Theoretical significance: This article provides a theoretical framework for the optimization of the compensation system of the municipal branches of my country's large state-owned commercial banks. At the same time, it provides a theoretical reference and reference for the optimization design of the salary system of other branches of China Postal Savings Bank. This research has certain practical significance: First, it has certain significance for reducing the brain drain of Postal Savings Bank. Second, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of China Postal Savings Bank. Third, integrate the staff development of PSBC X branch with the development strategy of PSBC, improve the sense of belonging and identity of employees, attract more high-end talents in the industry to serve the bank, and ensure its rapid and stable development. Keywords salary system salary manageent optimization河 北大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景和意义.............1 1.1.1 研究背景..............1 1.1.2 研究意义..............1 1.2 研究现 状.........................2 1.2.1 国外研究现状......2 1.2.2 国内研究现状......3 1.2.3 国内外研究评述..4 1.3 研究思路及研究内容.....5 1.3.1 研究思 路..............5 1.3.2 研究内容..............5 1.4 本文创新点.....................6 第二章 薪酬体系的理论概述......7 2.1 基本概念.........................7 2.1.1 薪酬的内涵..........7 2.1.2 薪酬体系及其构成.............................7 2.2 薪酬体系的理论.............8 2.2.1 工资差别理论......8 2.2.2 人力资本理 论.......8 2.2.3 需求层次理论.......9 2.2.4 公平理论...............9 2.3 本章小结.......................10 第三章 中国邮政储蓄银行 X 分行薪酬体系现状分 析.........................11 3.1 银行现状.......................11目 录 V 3.1.1 银行简介.............11 3.1.2 组织结构.............11 3.1.3 邮储银行 X 分行 人员概况...............12 3.2 薪酬体系现状................14 3.2.1 邮储银行保市分行薪酬构成............14 3.2.2 邮储银行 X 分行现行薪酬水平.......15 3.3 本章 小结.......................19 第四章 邮储银行 X 分行薪酬体系满意度调查及分析.........................20 4.1 调查问卷设计...............20 4.2 调查人员样 本...............20 4.3 薪酬满意度分析...........21 4.3.1 薪酬体系构成满意度分析...............21 4.3.2 基本工资核算体系满意度分析.......22 4.3.3 绩效薪酬体 系满意度分析...............22 4.3.4 公司福利待遇满意度分析................22 4.3.5 薪酬水平满意度分析........................22 4.3.6 薪酬体系内部管理分 析...................23 4.4 薪酬体系存在的问题....23 4.4.1 薪酬结构配比不合理........................23 4.4.2 基本工资岗位等级设置较多............23 4.4.3 绩 效工资考核指标单一...................24 4.4.4 薪酬水平同业差距显著...................24 4.4.5 激励方式同质化24 4.5 本章小结.......................25 第五章 邮储银行 X 分行薪酬体系的优化..............26 5.1 薪酬体系优化设计原则26 5.1.1 薪酬体系公平性原则........................26河北大学硕士学位论文 VI 5.1.2 薪酬 体系激励性原则........................27 5.1.3 薪酬体系竞争性原则........................27 5.2 薪酬体系的优化方案....27 5.2.1 薪酬结构优化设 计............................27 5.2.2 基本工资优化设计............................30 5.2.3 绩效工资优化设计............................30 5.2.4 提高薪酬水平 ,增设企业年金........33 5.2.5 激励机制优化设计............................33 5.3 本章小结.......................34 第六章 薪酬体系优化的保障措 施...........................35 6.1 制度保障........................35 6.2 人力资源保障................35 6.3 做好宣传沟通................35 6.4 建立健全公正 的绩效考核机制..................36 6.5 本章小结.......................36 第七章 研究结论和展望............37 7.1 薪酬体系研究结论........37 7.2 薪酬体系展 望................37 结 语...........39。。。。。。以下内容略