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伴随着我国国民经济的发展及汽车消费市场的壮大,自我国第一家汽车金融公司 成立开始,汽车金融行业维持了十多年的增长。但近两年,受到宏观 环境的影响,新 车消费市场出现了增长瓶颈甚至有下降趋势,这无疑给汽车金融行业发展带来极大压 力和挑战。行业之内,产品设计问题、定价问题、业务规模问题、利润率问 题等都成 为汽车金融行业持续发展亟需解决的难题。行业之外,“金融服务费”问题让汽车金 融行业也面临着前所未有的舆论环境影响。而在诸多问题的背后,隐藏的是汽车金 融 行业零售业务经营之困。当前汽车金融公司在汽车经销渠道的经营同质化严重,对终 端的营销能力较弱。这也直接导致不少机构欠缺营销主动性,未能充分建立自身业务 的特 色和优势。随着汽车消费宏观环境的变化,原有的汽车金融市场格局将面临重大 挑战,而汽车金融公司的经营变革已犹如箭在弦上。 本文主要以Z汽车金融公司为研究对象,首先 通过对宏观环境及Z公司自身经 营活动实践进行分析,指出其渠道个性化经营的必要性和价值所在。个性化经营也意 味着在公司目前三个主要的零售业务渠道包括4S渠道、二手车 渠道、平行进口车渠 道,其营销策略必然有所不同。其次,基于7P营销理论,分析不同业务渠道营销策 略中最主要的问题因素,并对相关问题的原因进行梳理。然后,基于前述 问题对4S 渠道营销策略主要在过程与机制、宣传与推广、渠道开发与合作方面提出优化建议; 对二手车渠道营销策略主要在人员、产品定价、渠道开发与合作方面提出优化建议 ; 对平行进口车渠道营销策略主要在过程与机制、产品差异性、渠道开发与合作方面提 出优化建议。最后,对于策略实施所需的相关保障措施进行思考和陈述。本文基于汽 车金 融业务经营实践中对实际问题的发现、分析及策略建议,期望能对Z汽车金融公 司及汽车金融行业内其他机构营销策略制定提供参考,相关研究结论也需在实践中进 行检验及不断 完善。 关键词:汽车金融;4S渠道;二手车渠道;平行进口车渠道 III Abstract With the development of China's national economy and the growth of automobile consumption market, since the establishment of the first auto finance company in China, the auto finance industry has maintained a high growth rate for more than ten years. But in recent two years, affected by the macro environment, the new car consumption market has appeared a growth bottleneck and even a downward trend, which undoubtedly brings great pressure and challenges to the development of automobile finance industry. Within the industry, product design, pricing, business scale, profit margin and other issues have become the problems to be solved in the sustainable development of auto finance industry. Outside the industry, the problem of "financial service fee" makes the automobile finance industry also face unprecedented public opinion environment influence. But behind many problems, hidden is the difficulty of retail business in auto finance industry. At present, the operation homogeneity of auto financing companies in retail channels is serious, and the marketing ability of terminals is weak. This also directly leads to the lack of marketing initiative of many organizations and the failure to fully establish their own business characteristics and advantages. With the change of the macro environment of automobile consumption, the original pattern of automobile financial market will face great challenges, and the operation reform of auto finance companies is on the way. This paper mainly takes Z auto finance company as the research object. Firstly, through the analysis of macro environment and Z company's own operation practice, it points out the necessity and value of individualized management. It also means that in the company's current three main retail channels, including 4S channel, second-hand car channel and parallel imported vehicle channel, marketing strategies must be different. Secondly, based on the 7p marketing theory, this paper analyzes the main problem factors in the marketing strategy of different retail channels, and combs the causes of related problems. Then, based on the above problems, this paper puts forward optimization suggestions on the process and mechanism, publicity and promotion, channel development IV and cooperation of 4S channel marketing strategy; puts forward optimization suggestions on personnel, product pricing, channel development and cooperation for the marketing strategy of used car channel; and mainly focuses on the process and mechanism, product differentiation and channel development for parallel imported vehicle channel Put forward optimization suggestions for cooperation. Finally, the paper discusses and states the relevant safeguard measures for the implementation of the strategy. Based on the discovery, analysis and strategic suggestions of practical problems in the operation practice of auto finance business, this paper hopes to provide reference for Z auto finance company and other institutions in the auto finance industry to formulate marketing strategy. The relevant research conclusions also need to be tested and improved in practice. Keywords: Auto Finance; 4S Channel; Used Car Channel; Parallel Import Vehicle Channel 目录 致谢.......... Ⅰ 摘要.......... Ⅱ Abstract .... Ⅲ 第1章 绪 论............................. 1 1.1研究背景....................... 1 1.2研究目的和意义........... 2 1.3文献及理论综述........... 3 1.3.1 国外文献综述 ....... 3 1.3.2 国内文献综述 ....... 4 1.4研究内容和思路........... 5 1.4.1研究内容 ................ 5 1.4.2研究思路 ................ 5 1.4.3研究方法 ................ 7 第2章 Z汽车金融公司外部环境分析 ................ 8 2.1汽车金融行业概述....... 8 2.1.1经营主体概述 ........ 8 2.1.2汽车金融零售渠道概 述..................... 10 2.1.3汽车金融产品概述 ............................. 11 2.2汽车金融零售经营方式............................ 12 2.2.1直营方式 .............. 12 2.2.2代理方式 .............. 12 2.2.3直营方式与代理方式之比较 ............. 13 2.3市场竞争分析............. 14 2.3.1汽车金融行业市场概况 ..................... 14 2.3.2汽车金融行业战略群体分析 ............. 15 2.4本章小结..................... 17 第3章 Z汽车金融公司零售渠道营销问题分析 ............................. 18 3.1 Z汽车金融公司经营概况 ........................ 18 3.1.1 Z汽车金融公司概述 ......................... 18 3.1.2 Z汽车金融公 司零售渠道概况 ......... 18 3.1.3 基于7P营销理论的渠道营销策略分析 ......................... 20 3.2 Z汽车金融公司零售渠道营销现状及问题 ........................... 21 3.2.1 4S渠道营销现状及问题 .................... 21 3.2.2二手车渠道营销现状及问题 ............. 23 3.2.3平行进口车渠道营销现状 及问题 ..... 25 3.3 Z汽车金融公司零售渠道营销问题原因 27 3.3.1 4S渠道营销问题原因 ........................ 27 3.3.2二手车渠道营销问题原因 ................. 28 3.3.3平行进口车渠道营销问题原因 ......... 29 3.4本章小结..................... 31 第4章 Z汽车金融公司零售渠道营销策略优化 ............................. 32 4.1零售渠道营销策略优化概述.................... 32 4.2 4S渠道营销策略优化建议 ....................... 32 4.2.1过程与机制优化 .. 33 4.2.2 宣传与推广优化 . 33 4.2.3 渠道开发与合作优化 ........................ 34 4.3二手车渠道营销策略优化建议 ................ 36 4.3.1人员管理与培养优化 ......................... 36 4.3.2 产品定价优化 ..... 38 4.3.3 渠道开发与合作优化 ........................ 40 4.4平行进口车渠道营销策略优化建议 ........ 41 4.4.1过程与机制优化 .. 41 4.4.2 产品差异性优化 . 42 4.4.3 渠道开发与合作优化 ........................ 44 4.5本章小结 ..................... 45 第5章 Z汽车金融公司零售渠道营销策略优化实 施及保障 ......... 46 5.1零售渠道营销策略优化实施流程 ............ 46 5.1.1 实施目标 ............. 46 5.1.2 实施步骤 ............. 46 5.1.3 预期效果 ............. 47 5.2零售业务系统保障 ..... 48 5.2.1 无纸化作业系统的推进 .................... 48 5.2.2 自动审批系统的优化及完善 ............ 48 5.3人力资源措 施保障..... 49 5.3.1 销售团队组织架构调整 .................... 49 5.3.2 销售管理人员、中后台绩效考核调整 ........................... 50 5.4企业文化建设保障 ..... 51 5.4.1 以客户为中心 ..... 51 5.4.2 激励与创新 ......... 52 5.4.3 团队协作 ............. 52 5.5本章小结 ..................... 53 第6章 研究结论与展 望....... 54 6.1研究结论