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随着人们健身意识越来越强,如何提高健身效果,如何获取科学健身的知识、如何 掌握科学的健身方法成为群众的迫切需求。时代在发展,国家的大环境在改变,全民健 身指导也需要顺势而变。以前可能没有这么强调民生和服务,但是现在服务型政府、改 善民生的提法老百姓都不陌生,体育也从单纯的身体健康变为关系着人们幸福指数的一 项活动。所以仅针对不同人群应该提供更具体、更实效的健身工作指导措施,以促进群 众健身发展。因此,研究健身私人教练的发展已经成为健身娱乐业的一个重要课题,健 身私人教练作为一种新型服务行业,广泛受到社会各界的关注。在我国健身私人教练行 业发展较快的同时,一些在发展中存在的问题也开始凸现出来。基于此,笔者对沈阳市 部分大型健身俱乐部开展健身私人教练网络教学服务的可行性进行了研究,分析影响开 展健身私人教练网络教学的原因,为进一步提高沈阳市大型健身俱乐部健身私人教练教 学服务的整体水平提供参考。 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实验法、访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法, 对沈阳市部分大型健身俱乐部开展健身私人教练网络教学服务进行可行性调查研究,得 出以下结论: (1)健身私人教练网络教学服务自身的特点、功能及价值适应沈阳市大型健身俱乐部 健身的要求。具有较强的健身性、趣味性,所需场地不大,能够连接互联网的器材、成 本不高、方便安全、随时随地的健身,是一项适合在大型健身俱乐部开展的健身私人教 练教学服务项目。 (2)健身私人教练网络教学服务适应沈阳市地域特点、经济发展状况和健身私人教练 服务现状。积极在沈阳市开展健身私人教练网络教学服务很有必要,既充分利用了各大 型健身俱乐部现有的场地资源和互联网络资源,又解决了健身指导地点和教学服务传递 单一问题、缓解健身时间过于集中的现状。 (3)沈阳市地区五所大型健身俱乐部问卷调查的会员、健身私人教练、管理者中有 82% 的人认为开展健身私人教练网络教学服务可行。 (4)沈阳市大型健身俱乐部不能开展健身私人教练网络教学服务主要因素是:因为健II 身俱乐部缺少计算机设备,其次是会员参与态度。大多数会员、健身私人教练、管理者 认为不能急于开展健身私人教练网络教学服务,而应该从支持性设施和辅助物品基础抓 起。并通过加强健身私人教练网络教学服务的宣传力度和积极参与使用学习,在沈阳市 大型健身俱乐部开展健身私人教练教学网络服务是完全可行的。 关键词:健身俱乐部;健身私人教练;体育网络教学III Abstract With people becoming more conscious of fitness, how to improve the fitness effect, how to obtain scientific knowledge of fitness, how to master the scientific method as the masses urgent health needs. Era in the development of the country's environment is changing, fitness guidance also requires the flow change. May not be so stressed before the people's livelihood and services, but now the service-oriented government, improve the livelihood of the people are not familiar with the formulation of sports from a simple relationship between the health of the people being index into an activity. Therefore, only for different groups of people should provide more real, more detailed, more specific, clearer, more workable fitness work guidance measures to promote public health development. Of fitness personal trainers fitness and entertainment development has become an important issue, a fitness personal trainer, as a new service industry, a wide range by the concerns of the community. Personal trainer in the fitness industry in China developed rapidly in the same time, some problems in the development began to stand out. Based on this, the author of Shenyang City, part of the large health club for fitness personal trainer online teaching services, feasibility studies and impact analysis to carry out fitness personal trainer online teaching because, in order to further improve the Shenyang large health club fitness personal trainer education services the reference of overall level. This paper, literature, questionnaire, experiment, interview, statistics, logical analysis, a large part of the Shenyang city fitness health club personal trainer network to carry out a feasibility survey of teaching service, the following conclusions: (1)Fitness personal trainer online teaching service its own characteristics, function and value to adapt to large-scale health club Shenyang fitness requirements. Strong fitness, fun, little space required, the equipment can be connected to the Internet, the cost is not high, convenient and safe, anywhere, anytime fitness, is a suitable carried out in a large health club teaching fitness personal trainer services . (2)Fitness personal trainer online teaching service to adapt to geographical features ofIV Shenyang City, economic development and health status of a personal trainer service. Actively carried out in Shenyang City Fitness Personal Trainer online teaching service is necessary, not only takes full advantage of the large health club venues available and the Internet resources, and guidance to solve the health service delivery sites and single-issue education, mitigation exercise time is too concentration of the status quo. (3)The membership, personal fitness trainer, manager of Shenyang five large regional survey of health club have 82% believed that online teaching personal trainers conduct fitness services possible. (4)Shenyang can not carry out large-scale fitness health club personal trainer is a major factor in online teaching service: a lack of computer equipment for health clubs, followed by the members to participate in attitude. Most members, fitness personal trainer, fitness manager that can not be eager to carry out a personal trainer online teaching service, but should support the foundation of facilities and aids start. And by strengthening health services, personal trainer online teaching and active participation in the propaganda use of learning, in Shenyang City to carry out large-scale fitness health club personal trainer teaching network service is totally feasible. Key words: large-scale health club; fitness personal trainer; Sports Network EducationV 目 录 独创性声明 ................................................... I 摘要 ....................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................... III 1 前言 ....................................................... 1 1.1 选题依据 .................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ........................................... 2 1.3 相关概念的界定及相关研究 ................................. 2 1.3.1 健身私人教练员的概念 ............................................. 2 1.3.2 健身俱乐部的概念及其相关研究 ..................................... 2 1.3.3 网络教学的概念 ................................................... 3 1.3.4 相关研究综述..................................................... 4 健身私人教练相关研究综述 ....................................... 4 健身俱乐部健身私人教练网络服务的相关研究 ....................... 5 2 研究对象与方法 ............................................. 6 2.1 研究对象 ................................................. 6 2.2 研究方法 ................................................. 6 2.2.1 文献资料法....................................................... 6 2.2.2 专家访谈法 ....................................................... 6 2.2.3 问卷调查法 ....................................................... 6 2.2.4 数理统计法 ...................................................... 10 2.2.5 逻辑分析法 ...................................................... 10 2.2.6 实验法.......................................................... 10 3 结果与分析 ................................................. 11 3.1 沈阳市大型健身俱乐部健身私人教练教学服务的现状调查 ....... 11 3.1.1 服务内容的现状调查 .............................................. 11 3.1.2 指导时间和地点的调查 ............................................ 12VI 3.1.3 指导水平满意度的调查 ............................................ 13 3.2 沈阳市大型健身俱乐部会员、健身私人教练、管理者对参与网络教学 的意愿调查 .................................................. 14 3.2.1 会员参与网络教学服务的意愿调查 .................................. 14 3.2.2 健身私人教练参与网络教学服务的意愿调查 .......................... 14 3.2.3 管理者参与网络教学服务的意愿调查 ................................ 14 3.3 沈阳市格林豪森英派斯健身俱乐部使用“PT-STUDIO 健身私人教练网 络教学系统”的实验研究 ...................................... 15 3.3.1 市场分析 ........................................................ 15 外部环境分析 .................................................. 15 内部环境分析 .................................................. 16 消费者的分析 .................................................. 17 3.3.2 SWOT 总结 ....................................................... 17 网络在宣传、指导会员健身时的优势 .............................. 17 网络教学指导健身的劣势 ........................................ 18 网络指导会员健身的机会 ........................................ 18 网络教学服务的威胁 ............................................ 18 3.3.3 STP 战略 ........................................................ 19 市场细分 ...................................................... 19 选择目标市场 .................................................. 19 市场定位 ...................................................... 23 3.3.4“PT—STUDIO”健身私人教练网络服务业务简介........................ 23 健身计划 ...................................................... 24 饮食计划 ...................................................... 24 健身评估功能 .................................................. 24 客服管理功能 .................................................. 24 3.3.5 使用“PT-STUDIO 网络教学系统”的可行性教学实验研究 ................ 24 会员参与后的认可度实验研究 .................................... 25 健身私人教练参与后认可度的实验研究 ............................ 28 管理者参与后认可度的实验研究 .................................. 30VII 硬件设施的分析 ................................................ 31 3.4 沈阳市大型健身俱乐部开展健身私人教练网络教学存在问题与解决办 法 .......................................................... 33 3.4.1 开展健身私人教练网络教学存在的问题 .............................. 33 3.4.2 开展健身私人教练网络教学存在问题的解决办法 ...................... 33 完善计算机硬件设备,引导会员主动参加 .......................... 33 加强健身私人教练主导作用、积极使用和宣传网络健身服务 .......... 33 培养消费者积极参与并高质量的完成健身计划 ...................... 33 加强对网络教学平台的使用与合理开发 ............................ 34 管理者加强网络教学内部环境管理 ................................ 34 4 结论与建议 ................................................. 35 4.1 结论 ..................................................... 35 4.2 建议 ..................................................... 35