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目前,我国经济正处于“三期叠加”的特定阶段,经济发展步入新常态,政 府把发展实体经济和培育有核心竞争力的优秀企业作为制定和实施经济政策的 出发点。党的十八大明确提出“科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支 撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置”,强调要坚持走中国特色自主创新道路、 实施创新驱动发展战略。2015 年 3 月,国务院发布《中共中央国务院关于深化 体制机制改革加快实施创新驱动发展战略的若干意见》,创新驱动将可能成为“三 驾马车”之外的未来经济增长的新动力,产业结构调整的新动力。 为对接香港、澳门以及带动珠海经济发展,2009 年 8 月 14 日,国务院正式 批准实施《横琴总体发展规划》,将横琴岛纳入珠海经济特区范围,要逐步把横 琴建设成为“一国两制”下探索“粤港澳”合作新模式的示范区,是我国深化改 革开放、科技创新的实验区。珠海市委、市政府为了建设和开发横琴新区而成立 国有独资企业 DHQ 公司,旗下 GF 公司是 DHQ 集团战略业务的核心平台,GF 公司 旗下全资子公司 KC 公司主要负责对横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地进行投资、 建设、运营及管理,为了保证 KC 公司对横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地进行有效 的开发、规划、建设和运用,促进横琴自贸区发展,为实现 KC 公司社会效益和 企业效益最大化这一目标,据此作者运用管理学相关理论和本人在本公司多年的 领导和从业经验,以此做为样本企业,通过商业计划书的方式对本项目进行了深 度的研究、分析和论证,试图探索一条项目成功之途径。 本文首先介绍了横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目;其次运用 PEST 分析 法、波特五力竞争分析法、SWOT 分析法,对本项目内外部环境,项目优劣势、 竞争态势以及强度烈度分析的基础上,对本项进行精准定位,以此界定项目发展 规划和项目内容及项目功能,据此匹配相关人、财、物等相关资源;其次运用 STP 工具结合相关竞争战略,确立项目营销战略,即以基层产业和特色产业和创 新项目为核心来构建新兴产业市场,以招商方式的销售模式制定其组合营销策 略,探寻本项目的运营模式和盈利模式。最后通过大量的数据采集运用财务定量 分析方法对项目进行投资估算、成本预测、投资回收期及产出效益进行了较为科 学的测算和概算、论证了项目的可行性和经济性,并对项目运营中存在的风险进 行识别、制定相关的项目风险管控策略。 通过对横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目商业化发展开展具体应用研究, 以期能为本项目开发和建设及其运用提供有价值的借鉴作用和相关理论指导。 关键词: 横琴新区;高新科技;创新基地MBA 学位报告 作者:胡嘉 横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地商业计划书 II Abstract In the current stage of development, China has to deal simultaneously with the slowdown in economic growth, making difficult structural adjustments and absorbing the effects of the previous economic stimulus policies. With the coming of economic new normal era, the development of real economy and the nurture of enterprises with core competence are taken as the starting point of formulation and implementation of economic policies. It is reported in the Eighteenth National Congress of Communist Party of China that scientific and technological innovation provides strategic support for raising the productive forces and boosting the overall national strength, and we must give it top priority in national development. We should follow a path of making innovation with Chinese features and implement the strategy of innovation- drive development. In March of 2015, the State Council released the document about deepening the system and mechanism reform and speeding up the implementation of innovation-drive strategy. And what was put forward in it is that innovation-drive will become the new impetus for economic growth and for industry structure adjustment. To coordinate with economy of Hong Kong and Macau and to promote economic development of Zhuhai, the State Council approved Hengqin’s overall development plan in August 14th, 2009. Hengqin is allocated to Zhuhai special economic zone, and it will be constructed as the demonstration area of a new cooperative pattern in Guangdong- Hong kong- Macau region, and as the experimental area for deepening reform and scientific innovation. In order to develop Hengqin New Area, Zhuhai municipal government set up a solely state-owned enterprise DHQ. It subsidiary company, GF, is the core platform for the strategic business. KC, the wholly-owned subsidiary of GF, is primarily responsible for investment, construction, operation and management for high and new technology innovation base in Hengqin New Area. To ensure the effective exploitation, planning, construction and operation of innovation base, to accelerate the development of the free trade area, as well as to realize the maximization of KC’s social and enterprise benefits, this paper intends to conduct in-deep study and make analysis of the project in the form of business plan with the use of management theories and the writer’s experience in this company. The paper initially makes introduction of Hengqin New Area project. Then, by means of PEST, Five Force and SWOT analysis, it clears the internal and external environment, the advantages and disadvantages, and also the competitive stance of the project. Based on the preciseMBA 学位报告 作者:胡嘉 横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地商业计划书 III positioning of the project, the development plan, content and function of this project are set out, so that, it can allocate the resources, such as talents, capital and materials. Combination use of STP and relevant competitive strategy helps to develop the marketing strategy. That is, establishing emerging market with primary industry, featured industry and innovation project as the core and setting out marketing mix strategy based on investment-attraction pattern to explore the operation mode and profit-making mode. As last, this paper makes quantitative analysis of the project through a great deal of data, which includes scientific estimation of cost, investment income, and payback period, demonstrating the feasibility and economical efficiency. In addition, potential risks are identified and relevant risk-control strategy is formulated. Through the conduct of applied research of Hengqin New Area project, it hopes to provide reference and theoretical guidance for the development of this project Key Words: Hengqin New Area High and New Technology Innovation BaseMBA 学位报告 作者:胡嘉 横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地商业计划书 2 目 录 一、绪 论 ...............................................1 (一)研究背景 ......................................... 1 (二)研究意义 ......................................... 1 (三)理论综述 ......................................... 2 (四)研究方法 ......................................... 4 (五)研究内容 ......................................... 4 二、横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目概况 .................5 (一)项目投资人介绍 ...........................................5 (二)项目所在地概况 ...........................................6 (三)项目规划 .................................................6 (四)园区主要提供服务 ........................................11 (五)组织管理概要 ............................................12 三、横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目战略定位 ............14 (一)宏观环境分析 ............................................14 (二)产业和竞争环境分析(波特五力竞争分析) ..................22 (三)SWOT 分析 ................................................26 (四)战略定位 ................................................29 四、横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目营销战略 ............31 (一)市场分析 ................................................31 (二)市场定位及市场细分 ......................................33 (三)营销组合策略 ............................................34 (四)本章小结 ................................................42 五、横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目运营 ................44 (一)假设说明 ................................................44 (二)项目资本成本的确认 ......................................45 (三)项目实施进度 ............................................46 (四)投资估算 ................................................47 (五)预期效益 ................................................52 (六)本章小结 ................................................55MBA 学位报告 作者:胡嘉 横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地商业计划书 3 六、横琴新区国际高新技术创新基地项目风险管理 ............56 (一)项目风险管理 ............................................56 (二)本章小结 ................................................61 七、结 论 ..............................................62