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) 专 业,法律硕士(全日制法律硕士) 研究方向,企业法律实务 作者姓名,何淑涵 指导教师,李伟群 教授 我国是一个农业大国,农业是国民经济的基础,亦是关系国计民生的重要问 题之一。然而,我国是农业巨灾频发且受灾严重的国家,自 2008 年至 2013 年, 从西北地区的旱灾、华北和东北地区的洪涝到西南地区的大地震,以致南方低温 冻害、东南沿海台风海啸等,各类特大自然灾害此起彼伏,给我国农业生产带来 了巨大的损失,严重影响了农业的发展。因此,我们必须重视各类特大自然灾害 所带来的巨大破坏性,制定正确有效的应对措施,以减少巨灾给农业带来的损失。 随着保险市场日益成熟的发展,社会各界对农业保险,特别是农业巨灾保险的呼 声越来越强烈。 农业风险是指在农业生产经营过程中,由于灾害所导致的财产损失、人身伤 亡或者其他经济损失等具有不确定性的风险损失。农业巨灾风险则指的是受到自 然因素严重影响而产生的规模较大的农业风险。具体来说,可以将由于极端气象 事件和疫病、虫害大范围流行而导致农林牧渔生产巨大损失的风险定义为农业巨 灾风险。 由于农业巨灾风险的不确定性、区域规模性等原因,很多国家尚未能建立系 统的农业保险制度,这也使得保险在规避农业巨灾风险方面的作用未能得到有效 发挥。然而,纵观世界先进发达的农业大国,如美国、日本、欧洲国家等,这些 国家在农业巨灾风险规避方面建立了比较系统的保险制度,通过保险机制分散风 险,利用农业巨灾再保险、风险证券化、和巨灾保险基金等手段对农业巨灾风险 进行分散与救济,在很大程度上降低了巨灾风险带来的损害。 我国在新中国成立之际便开始着手发展农业保险,而农业巨灾保险在农业保2 险框架下昙花一现地开展过。因农业巨灾保险的发展需要巨大的财力物力,因而 为了发展农业保险而忽视了建立巨灾保险制度,导致农业巨灾保险在历史进程中 一直缓慢发展。作为农业大国及农业巨灾风险频发的国家,我国在农业巨灾风险 分摊和转移上,并没有达到世界先进国家水平。国家立法规范的不完善,政策性 保险贯彻的困难性,以及商业保险公司因盈利问题而避之不及的现状,这些都成 为了制约我国农业巨灾保险法律制度建立的原因。 然而,随着近几年巨灾频发以及保险市场的成熟,加之 2013 年 3 月 1 日开 始实施的农业保险条例对建立大灾风险管理制度作出了原则性规定,因此建立一 套适合我国国情的农业巨灾保险法律制度势在必行。 本文试以农业巨灾保险制度的相关法律问题为研究对象,参考和借鉴法国、 日本、美国、加拿大的农业巨灾保险法律制度体系,并对比分析得出对我国的启 示。通过在对我国农业巨灾保险立法可行性进行分析的基础上,探求构建我国农 业巨灾保险法律体系的理论基础,最后为建立适合我国国情的农业巨灾保险制度 做出进一步构想与设计。本文分为四部分,具体研究内容如下, 第一部分,通过对农业巨灾风险的界定,分析农业巨灾风险的可保性,并通 过农业巨灾保险的发展历程的介绍得出其中出现的问题,为分析我国建立农业巨 灾保险制度的必要性和可行性做铺垫。 第二部分,通过对法国、日本、美国、加拿大的农业巨灾保险体系的基本内 容、运行机制、组织架构和风险分散机制的比较分析,发掘其中值得我国借鉴之 处。 第三部分,通过对我国实践经验和国外优秀探索经验启示,分析我国发展农 业巨灾保险的可行性与必要性,并为构建农业巨灾保险法律体系提供理论铺垫。 第四部分,根据前述理论铺垫,对我国农业巨灾保险法律制度进行构想,从 立法原则、运行机制、法律关系当事人、相关保险费用、风险分散机制五个方面 的规定进行构想与设计。 [关键词] 农业巨灾保险 立法可行性 模式构建1 Feasibility Study on agricultural catastrophe insurance legislation of the legal system (Abstract of Master’s thesis) Major: juris master Research Fields: Economic Law Author: He Shu Han Tutor: Professor Li Weiqun China is an agricultural country, agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, besides it is one of the important issues related to people's livelihood. However, in China, agricultural catastrophe happens freguently and is always hard-hit, from 2008 to 2013, all kinds of natural disasters comes one after another, such as floods, drought, earthquake and so on, which has brought huge losses on China's agricultural production, and also seriously affected the development of agriculture. Therefore, we must pay attention to all kinds of natural disasters brought about by the enormous destructive formulate correct and effective response measures to reduce losses to agriculture caused by the catastrophe. With the growing maturity of the development of the insurance market, the community of agricultural insurance, especially the voice of agricultural catastrophe insurance and more intense. Agricultural risk is the agricultural production process, due to the loss of property caused by disasters, personal injury or other economic losses, such as the risk of loss with uncertainty. Agricultural catastrophe risk refers to the risk of large-scale agriculture is seriously affected by natural factors produced. Specifically, it can be due to extreme weather events and diseases, pests pandemic caused huge animal husbandry and fishery production is defined as the risk of loss of agricultural catastrophe risk. Because of the uncertainty, regional-scale agricultural catastrophe risk and other2 reasons, many countries have yet to establish a system of agricultural insurance system, which also makes the role of insurance in the agricultural catastrophe risk aversion could not be effectively realized. However, throughout the developed world's most advanced agricultural country such as USA, Japan, European countries, these countries have established agricultural catastrophe risk aversion in terms of a more systematic insurance system, diversification of risk through insurance mechanisms, the use of agricultural catastrophe reinsurance, risk means of securitization, and catastrophe insurance fund for agricultural catastrophe risk dispersion and relief, largely reducing the risk of catastrophic harm. In 1950s, the founding on the development of agricultural insurance began to work, while the agricultural catastrophe insurance in the agricultural insurance framework to carry out short-lived too. Due to the development of agricultural catastrophe insurance requires huge financial and material resources, and thus to the development of agricultural insurance while ignoring the establishment of catastrophe insurance system, resulting in agricultural catastrophe insurance in the historical process has been slow to develop. As a large agricultural country and agriculture catastrophe risk -prone , on our risk sharing and transfer of agricultural catastrophe , and did not reach the level of advanced countries in the world . Imperfect, difficult to implement the policy of insurance , as well as commercial insurance companies national legislative norms to avoid problems due to earnings of less than the status quo , these have become the cause of China's agricultural catastrophe insurance constraints established by the legal system . However, in recent years with frequently happening of catastrophe, coupled the implementation of agricultural insurance, which has made a general requirement for the establishment of a major natural disaster risk management system , and therefore suitable for China to establish a agricultural catastrophe insurance legal system is imperative. This article tries to relevant the legal issues on agricultural catastrophe insurance system as the research object, and refer to the agricultural catastrophe insurance of France, Japan, USA, Canada. Under the comparation analysis of the fout countries,3 find out the enlightenment to China. On the basis of catastrophe insurance through legislative feasibility analysis on China's agricultural explore the theoretical foundation to build China's agricultural catastrophe insurance legal system , and finally to make further conception and design suitable for China to establish agricultural catastrophe insurance system. This paper is divided into four parts , the specific contents are as follows : The first part, according to the definition of agricultural catastrophe risk and the analysis obout the insurability of agricultural catastrophe risk, find out the problems which come through the introduction of agricultural catastrophe insurance development process and laying the groundwork for the analysis of the necessity and feasibility in establishment of agricultural catastrophe insurance system. The second part , according to introducing the agricultural catastrophe insurance system of France, Japan, America, Canada, compare the basic content, the operation mechanism, the organizational structure and the risk diversification mechanism , find out the right things which is worth exploring to learn from our place. The third part , through the revelation of our experience and the experience of outstanding foreign experience, analyze the feasibility and necessity of constructing agricultural catastrophe insurance system in our country and provide the theoretical groundwork for the construction of the legal system to agricultural catastrophe insurance. The fourth part , based on the aforementioned theoretical groundwork, designed China's agricultural catastrophe insurance of the legal system in five areas, which contain from the provisions of the legislative principles , operation mechanism, the legal relationship between the parties, the relevant insurance costs, risk diversification mechanism. [keyword] Agricultural catastrophe insurance ;Legislation feasibility; System construction1 目 录 导 言.................................................... 1 第一章 农业巨灾保险概述.................................. 6 第一节 农业巨灾风险的界定及可保性 ...............................6 第二节 农业巨灾保险的性质 .......................................8 第三节 农业巨灾保险的发展历程 ...................................8 第二章 我国农业巨灾保险的立法可行性分析................. 10 第一节 农业巨灾保险立法的必要性 ................................10 一、农业发展的必然需求......................................10 二、当前农业保险发展现状的必然要求..........................10 三、农业保险法和巨灾保险法的必要补充........................11 第二节 农业巨灾保险立法的可行性 ................................12 一、农业保险与巨灾保险的探索经验为基础......................12 二、各界积极的立法态度为动力................................13 三、国外探索经验为向导......................................14 第三章 国外农业巨灾保险法律体系的比较分析............... 14 第一节 法国农业巨灾保险法律体系 ................................15 第二节 日本农业巨灾保险法律体系 ................................16 第三节 美国农业巨灾保险法律体系 ................................17 第四节 加拿大农业巨灾保险法律体系 ..............................19 第五节 国外制度的比较分析与启示 ................................20 一、建立健全法律保障体系....................................21 二、正确处理政府与市场的关系................................21 三、确立多样化的参保形式....................................21 四、制定必要的财政补贴计划..................................22 五、创立多种模式的风险分散机制..............................22 第四章 我国农业巨灾保险法律制度的立法设计............... 22 第一节 农业巨灾保险的立法原则 ..................................22 一、公平公正原则............................................22 二、法制统一原则............................................23 第二节 农业巨灾保险机制的规定 ..................................23 一、政策性与商业性结合的经营模式............................23 二、强制性与自愿性结合的投保方式............................24 第三节 农业巨灾保险法律关系当事人的规定 ........................24 一、政府的角色定位..........................................24 二、保险公司的角色定位......................................24 2 三、农民的角色定位..........................................25 第四节 相关费用的规定 ..........................................25 一、政府的财政补贴..........................................25 二、税收优惠政策............................................26 第五节 农业巨灾风险分散机制的规定 ..............................26 结 语................................................... 27