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1998年在东南亚各地爆发的金融危机,2007年在美国由于房地产次贷危机诱 发的金融海啸,2010年希腊政府发生严重的财政危机等等,这些特定的金融事件虽 然发生在不同国家,破坏程度不一,但其结果是相似的,都对当事国和世界经济造 成了灾难性的影响和较大的经济波动,对民众的生活造成负面的影响。金融这双无 形的手的对世界的影响力量已经超过了战争,人们把它比喻为“货币战争”,金融立 国已是大势所趋,如何在世界性的金融危机中幸免于难提高金融在中国的地位和 世界的影响力及抗风险能力是我们必须直面的课题。 保险作为我国金融行业的三驾马车之一,其作用和影响力正在逐年上升,已经 成为金融价值链中的重要环节。我国的保险事业发展才短短二十余年,政策支持、 市场环境和保险机制很不成熟,国民的风险管控意识和保险观念有待加强。而且处 于发展初期的保险中介公司也存在较多问题:一是保险中介与经济发展的总体要 求、与保险业发展的需求、与人民群众对保险服务的需要仍不相适应。服务质量和 服务水平还有相当大差距,代理机构的诚信、经纪机构的专业、公估机构的公正、 人才队伍建设等都是需要我们长期关注的问题;二是保险中介从业人员和保险营销 员的岗前培训和继续教育制度没有很好地落实;三是规模小。保险中介机构数量 虽已发展到2000余家,但无论是整体还是个体,其市场份额、业务收入、资产规 模都较小,仅相当于一家中等规模的保险公司。 面对我国加入世贸以来的经济全球化趋势,市场的逐步开放,产销分离的加速, 保险中介行业已经成为一种新的发展趋势。笔者作为一名保险中介从业者,主要是 从以下几个方面对组建全国性保险中介公司的可行性进行分析研究的:一、企业组 织结构的构建;二、运行模式及企业文化;三、盈利模式与财务分析。本文首先对 我国保险的需求与现实的落差进行宏观剖析,进而对保险中介未来发展的形态和路 径进行科学判断,通过对世界保险中介产业发展核心制度的分析,提出我国保险中 介业发展核心竞争力建设的思路和具体的运作方式,包括盈利模型、服务模式等, 并进一步印证可行性,对组建企业的投入和产出的财务状况进行了详细分析,最后 通过对经济效益和社会效益的双重评估,力证了本项目的可行性。希望对筹建和发 展保险中介企业提供系统的、有益的借鉴和帮助。 关键词:保险中介盈利模式量化标准核心竞争力 (P 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S TliESIS Abstract In 1998 the outbreak of the financial crisis in south-east Asia, due to the property in the United States in the of 2007 induced the financial tsunami, in 2010 a serious financial crisis broke in Greece, although these specific financial events happened in different countries, have different damage, but the result is the same. All has the impact of disaster on the parties and the world economy and economic volatility, an adverse impact on the lives of people, financial these invisible hand has become a greater impact than the war powers of the world. People around the world financial form compared to the currency wars, these is not a accidental event for our country、economic and financial workers sent a useful warning, financial state has been imminent had to send, how to survive in the global financial crisisImprove the financial status in China and the world’s influence and the ability to resist risk is must face the reality of the project. Insurance as one of the troika of China's financial industry. Its effect and influence is on the rise year by year. The economic development and the harmonious social construction plays a huge social positive energy, become a important part of the financial value chain. And the development of insurance in China is only a short more than 20 years, policy support, market environment and the insurance mechanism is not very mature. And the consciousness and the concept of risk control should strengthen. And is at the early stage of development of the insurance intermediary companies have more problems. The first problem is the insurance agents don't match the overall requirements of economic development. People still don't adapt to the need for insurance services. The second problem is the insurance intermediary practitioners and insurance marketing staff pre-service training and continuing education system was not well implemented. The third problem is the scale of this industry is too small. Insurance intermediary institution number has grown to over 2000,but market share, revenue, asset scale of all institution are only about a medium-sized insurance company. In the face of economic globalization since China's accession to the WTO in 2002, the market gradually opening, production and marketing separation speed, the insurance intermediary industry is becoming a new trend, how to guide the mediation strategy layout, chaos to winIn the process of enterprise operation profit model which takeIf there is a measurable can be used for referenceThese problems is the writer as an 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS insurance intermediary practitioners the purpose of the study. Firstly, this paper makes macroscopic analysis on insurance demand in China and the reality gap. Secondly this paper is to form and path for the future development of insurance intermediary for scientific judgment. Through the analysis of the intermediary development at the core of the system, put forward of the construction of the core competitiveness of China's insurance intermediaiy development train of thought and specific works, including profit model, service model, to further confirm the feasibility. Thirdly this paper is to form a enterprise of input and output of the financial situation analysis. Finally through the analysis of the dual economic and social benefits shows the feasibility of this project. Hope to provide system, beneficial reference and help to the development of insurance intermediary business. Key words: Insurance Intermediate Profit Model Quantitative Standard Core Competitiveness z2k\硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 目录 摘要 i Abstract ..... — ii 1绪论 1 1.1研究的背景及意义 1 1.2研究的目标和内容 2 1.2.1研究S标 2 1.2.2研究1容 2 1.3研究思路 3 2国内外保险业及中介业发展现状与趋势 4 2.1国外保险业及中介业发展的现状 . 4 2.1.1英国保险中介市场 4 2.1.2美国保险中介市场 4 2.1.3德国保险中介市场 4 2.1.4印度保险中介市场 5 2.2国内保险业及中介业发展的现状 5 2.2.1国内保险业市场状况 5 2.2.3国内保险中介业发展现状 6 2.3保险中介业的发展趋势 7 2.3.1产销分离的发展趋势 7 2.3.2保险中介行业发展风向标 9 3组建全国性保险中介公司的公司内部结构构想 11 3.1公司总体发展规划及中长期发展目标 11 3.2公司组织结构的构想 12 3.3公司人员构成安排规划 13 3.3.1总公司人员构成安排 13 3.3.2分支机构设立及人员配备 14 3.4公司核心制度设计及公司文化培育 14 3.4.1公司核心制度设计 14 3.4.2公司优秀人才战略与公司文化建设 15 4组建全国性保险中介公司运作策略规划 17 7 /硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 4.1影响保险中介公司发展的因素 17 4.2公司具体运作策略的规划 18 4.2.1市场定位 18 4.2.2供应商及产品策略 18 4.2.3竞争策略 19 4.2.4市场营销策略 19 4.2.5激励机制 20 4.3具体运行模式的可行性分析 21 4.3.1全国性销售平台的可行性分析 22 4.3.2独立理财顾问制度可行性分析 23 5组建全国性保险中介公司盈利模式及财务可行性分析 26 5.1公司盈利模式可行性分析 26 5.2公司财务分析可行性研究 27 5.2.1公司首年度预期 27 5.2.2公司第二年度预期 28 5.2.4公司本部第三年度预期 30 5.2.5地市战略合作公司首年预期 32 5.3效益评价 32 5.3.1经济效益评价 32 5.3.2社会效益评价 33 5.4风险控制措施及退出机制 33 5.4.1风险控制措施 33 5.4.2退出机制 34 6结论与展望 35