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农业观光旅游是现代都市人热门的旅游选择,也是W家旅游W、农业部高度 茁视并蜇点扶持迚设的重点领域,本报告以石碣崇焕农业生态旅游园项目作为研 究对象,通过商业计划书的形式,运用战略管理、营销管理以及财务管理相关理 论知识,对项目的概况、战略选择、产品及产品创新、市场分析、目标市场选择、 市场定位、营销组合策略、财务预算、项目效益评价及风险管理等各个方面进行 分析和总体规划。 首先从该项H的概况、战略选择、产品及产品创新等方面进行阐述;其次, 运用五力模型对行业竞争环境进行分析;并运用SWOT分析法对本项目优势、 劣势以及面临的机遇与威胁进行分析,分析结论是,项目本身的优势大于劣势, 项目面临的机遇大于威胁。再次,运用STP营销对项@进行市场细分、选择目 标市场、并对项冃的产品、品牌、功能、形象进行定位;然后运用化理论,制 定项目的营销组合策略;在此基础上,运用财务管理理论,对项目进行财务分析 预测;最后,通过风险分析,表明项目风险较小,且给出了相应的对策;文章最 后,描述了项目的实施进度计划及关键里程碑。 本项目总投资为14097万元,公司的融资手段主要采用股东的直接投资、银 行贷款和风险投资者投资三种方式,其中石碣崇焕旅游有限公司自筹7000万元, 银行贷款3500万元,风险投资者投资3597万元。项目的总体投资收益率为 22.44%,所得税前静态投资回收期为5. 70年,所得税前动态投资回收期为5. 79 年。总体而自‘,通过分析表明,项目市场前景良好,具有客观的盈利能力。有理 由相信,在我们的努力下,本项目将拥有一个光明美好的前景,必将会获得圆满 成功。 关键词:农业观光旅游;农业生态旅游园;商业计划书 I MBA卞位报告w r(:别%字 七娲崇焕农、Ik生态旅游问项II阀、Iku-划15 ABSTRACT Agriculture sightseeing tourism is the popular travel choice, such as this project is focused and supported by the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture, ShiJie ChongI luan Agricultural Bco-Iourisni project is the research object in this paper, through the business plan, with the strategic management,marketing management and financial management, the overview of the project and strategic choice, product and product innovation, market analysis, target market selection, market positioning, marketing combination strategy, financial budget, project benefit evaluation and risk management, and other aspects of analysis and the overall planning. First of all ,expound the overview of the project, strategic choice, products and products innovation; Secondly, using the five forces model to analyze the industry competition environment, and using the SWOT to analyze this project strengths, weaknesses, oppoilunities and threats, the analysis results: the strengths outweigh the weaknesses,the opportunities are greater than the threas. Then, using the STP marketing to segment the market,to choose target market, and position the product, brand, function, image ; Then using 4P theory to make project marketing combination strategies; On this basis, using the financial management to analyze and forecast the finance; Finally, through the risk analysis, the project risk is lesser and gives ihe corresponding countermeasures; The end of the paper, describes the project progress plan and the implementation of the key milestones. The project total investment of RMB 140.97 million yuan, the financing channels are three ways including the shareholder's direct investment, bank loans and risk investment; ShiJie CliongHuan Agricultural Eco-Tourism Co., LTD. Self-financing 70 million yuan, bank loans 35 million yuan, risk investment 35.97 million yuan. The project total investment return rate as22.44%, before income tax of static investment payback, period is 5.70 years, before income tax of dynamic investment payback period is 5.79 years. Overall, through the analysis shows that, the project market prospect is good, has the objective profitability. It would be reasonable to believe that, with the ei'foil of us . the prospect for the project will be bright and beautiful and the project will be successful. Key words: Agriculture sightseeing tourism; Agricultural Leo-Tourism; Business Plan MBA 学位论义hVr<-r- 心碣崇焕农业生态旅游W项I I商、Ikil'&J-1$ 目录 一、绺论 1 (-)研究竹景和总义 1 (二)研究思路和方法 2 (三)报告基本框架 3 二、相关理论概述 4 (一)相关概念 4 (二)战略管理理论 6 (三)营销管理理论 7 (四)财务管理理论 7 三、项0概况 10 (一)项H介绍 10 (二)项目定位与H标 13 (三)项目管理机构与人员 15 四、产品介绍 18 (一)产品描述 18 (二)园区规划原则 22 (三)产品创新 23 (四)园区运行机制 23 五、市场分析 25 (一)行业历史与前景 25 (二)市场规模及增长趋势 28 (三)行业竞争对手 29 (四)行业竞争五力分析 31 (五)SWOT分析 33 六、营销策略 37 (一)项目市场细分 37 (二)项目因标市场 37 (三)项目市场定位 38 (四)项目产品策略 38 (五)项目价格策略 39 (六)项目促销策略 40 miu 位报告m如芡卞 柒焕农业卞态旅游w顶n商业u划15 (-匕)项丨丨分销策略 41 七、财务规划与风险分析 43 (-)财务⑷求与投向 43 (:)融资I卜划 44 (.::)盈利预测 44 (四)风险分析 49 (ii.)退出机制 50 八、项目实施讣划 52 ()实施时间表 52 (二)关键取程碑 54 九、结论 55 (一)项N总体描述 55 (二)研究结论 55 隱 57