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本报告采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地走访法等方法,分析高考加试体育可行 性的各方面依据,探讨了高考加试体育的重要意义,为教育部门改革考试制度提供一些 理论依据。此外通过不同人群对高考加试体育可行性的调查及其原因分析得出对高考加 试体育的态度,并根据对高考加试体育方案评价的调查,设置了符合我国高考制度的体 育加试方案,以便为今后高考改革和体育加试提供参考。本研究的主要结论如下, 1 党中央出台一系列政策的根本原因是,增强青少年体质状况促使青少年身心全面 健康发展,体现了我国政府对学生体质发展的高度重视,是高考加试体育可行的重要法 律依据;中考加试体育政策的实施以及取得的成果让我们看到了遏制青少年体质连年下 降的希望,并为高考加试体育的可行性提供了理论和实践基础。 2 高考加试体育的意义包括,高考加试体育符合教育方针和中央政策精神;有助于 全面改善青少年身体素质、体现民族精神风貌的有效手段;有利于学校体育的健康发展; 是培养身心健康、全面发展的现代化建设人才的重要策略;是培养体育专业人才和国防 后备力量的重要途径。 3 教师家长学生对待高考加试体育有不同的看法和见解,调查结果表明不同人对高 考加试体育的总体态度是一致的,认为加试体育可行的比重较大,民众总体对高考加试 体育有明显的倾向性。 4 高考加试体育的指导思想是健康第一,切实提高青少年身体素质,将青少年培养 成德智体全面发展的社会主义现代化建设人才。根据调查分析高考加试体育的内容应有 别于中考,根据高中学生身体发展需求在考核健康素质、运动素质的基础上添加运动技 能的考核。 5 高考加试体育的考核方法为必考加选考模式,在体育项目的设置上应结核高中体 育与健康课程标准,适当地选择体育考试项目,考试分数为 40 分。评分标准按照《国 家学生体质健康达标测试》为标准执行,具体如何实施需要进一步的研究。 关键词,加试;体育;高考;可行性;Abstract Using literature data, expert interviews, questionnaires, to explore the feasibility of college entrance test plus sports, plus entrance test analyzes the feasibility of the various aspects of sport basis, the college entrance test plus sports awareness of the necessity and feasibility. By different groups of college entrance test plus sports program evaluation survey, initially identified plus entrance test of sports programs in order to provide a reference for future reform and Sports plus entrance test. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1 CPC Central Committee issued a series of policies for the development of physical fitness of students made a systematic, consistent requirements, reflecting the high degree of government attention to the physical development of students, college entrance test plus sports viability of an important legal basis; Physical examination TRIAL implementation and the results achieved so we see year after year to curb youth physical decline of hope, and for the college entrance examination test the feasibility of sports provides a theoretical and practical basis. 2 Entrance test plus sports significance include: entrance test plus sports and education policy in line with the central spirit of the policy; contributing to the overall improvement of adolescent physical fitness, reflecting an effective means of national spirit; cultivate physical and mental health, the modernization of the comprehensive development of talent important strategy; to guide the whole society to the basic measures civilized and healthy lifestyle; school sports can promote their own development; sports professionals is an important way of reserve forces and defense culture; 3 By investigating different treatment groups plus entrance test sports attitudes were different, but that the overall college entrance test plus sports is necessary and feasible. College entrance test plus sports attitude of public opinion surveys, has created favorable conditions for its feasibility. 4 Entrance test plus sports guiding ideology of health first, and effectively improve adolescent health. First, it attaches great importance to the work of youth sports. Second, earnestly implement the strengthening of youth sports to enhance youth physical measures of. Third is to strengthen leadership, make concerted efforts, the whole society to work together to support youth sports. College entrance test plus sports content should be distinguished from the examination, add motor skills assessment on the basis of health quality, the quality of themovement. Provinces should be set in line with local candidates subjects depending on the circumstances. 5 Sports in the test set by the project analysis, we recognized college entrance test plus sports programs are: examination project entrance test plus sports standard reference to develop a national student Physical health standard score sheet in the third year of implementation of scoring criteria and testing standards needs further study. Key words: sports college entrance examination; examination; feasibility;目录 摘要......................................................................V Abstract................................................................. VI 1 前言 .................................................................... 1 1.1 选题依据 .......................................................... 1 1.1.1 体育锻炼实施不到位导致青少年身体素质发展出现严重问题 ......... 1 1.1.2 国家对现代学生体质健康问题极为重视........................... 2 1.1.3 高考加试体育是增强学生体质、健康的有效手段之一............... 3 1.2 研究目的 .......................................................... 4 1.3 研究意义 .......................................................... 4 1.4 文献综述 .......................................................... 5 1.4.1 国外高考加试体育情况研究..................................... 5 1.4.2 国内加试体育的相关研究....................................... 5 2 研究对象与研究方法...................................................... 9 2.1 研究对象 .......................................................... 9 2.2 研究方法 .......................................................... 9 2.2.1 文献资料法................................................... 9 2.2.2 问卷调查法................................................... 9 2.2.3 实地调查法.................................................. 11 2.2.4 逻辑分析法.................................................. 11 3 研究结果与讨论......................................................... 12 3.1 高考加试体育(可行性)的主要依据 ................................. 12 3.1.1 高考加试体育相关的政策法规依据.............................. 12 3.1.2 高考制度的改革及发展趋势.................................... 13 3.1.3 我国对中考加试体育的重视以及在高考中的展望 .................. 13 3.2 高考加试体育的意义 ............................................... 14 3.2.1 高考加试体育符合教育方针和中央政策精神 ...................... 14 3.2.2 高考加试体育是改善青少年身体素质、体现民族精神风貌的有效手段 15 3.2.3 高考加试体育是全面发展现代化建设人才的重要策略.............. 15 3.2.4 高考加试体育有利于学校体育的健康发展........................ 15 3.2.5 高考加试体育是培养体育专业人才和国防后备力量的重要途径...... 16 3.3 高考加试体育可行性的民意态度分析.................................. 16 3.3.1 学生对高考加试体育的态度.................................... 16 3.3.2 学生家长对高考加试体育的态度................................ 19 3.3.3 教师对高考加试体育的态度.................................... 20 3.3.4 学校领导对高考加试体育的态度................................ 223.3.5 教育部门人员对高考加试体育的态度 ............................ 23 3.4 探究高考加试体育可行的方案 ....................................... 24 3.4.1 高考加试体育方案的指导思想及原则............................ 24 3.4.2 高考加试体育的内容设置 ...................................... 25 3.4.3 高考加试体育考核的方法...................................... 26 4 结论与建议............................................................. 29 4.1 结论 ............................................................. 29 4.2 建议 ............................................................. 29