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可行性研究是指项目在投资决策之前对与拟建项目有关的社会、经济和技术等诸多方 面情况进行细致的调研,对各类可能拟定的建设方案以及技术方案进行深入的比较论 证与技术经济分析,对项目建成以后的经济效益进行科学的评价和预测,综合研究与 建设项目有关的经济合理有效性、技术先进实用性,以及项目建设的可能性,为项目 决策者的投资决策提供科学的依据。本篇利用项目可行性研究的系列理论与方法 对 HLW 景区综合开发项目展开全方位研究,探索分析现实存在的问题,当地政府依此 为理论依据,作出科学的决策。 本篇对国内外项目的可行性研究的现状进行了综述,在此基础上,对 HLW 景区综 合开发项目建设的必要性、技术的可行性、经济的合理性及项目风险的可控性展开立 体论证。研究认为本项目的建设对青州市国民经济的稳定发展和人们生活水平的提高 起巨大作用,而且将具有明显的社会效益。项目的实施将极大带动周边村庄建设、土 特产品生产、餐饮、住宿等第三产业的迅速发展,从而促进当地产业结构的不断优 化,推动该地区经济的发展,因此项目建设是十分必要的。该项目所处地理位置优 越,建设自然条件、基础设施条件具备;项目总体设计和布局合理,各功能区相互呼 应,相得益彰,注重对生态系统的保护;景区硬件设计建设注重建筑新材料与新技术 的应用,环保与节能效果明显,在技术上是可行的。该项目总投资额为 30000 万元, 达产后正常年份可得营业收入 12800 万元,总投资收益率 29.8%;盈亏平衡点较低, 项目变化适应能力和抗风险能力较强;项目清偿能力强,投资回收期短且有保障,经 济上是可行的。对 HLW 景区综合开发项目存在的风险进行了分析,并提出了相关 风险控制方案。结论部分为对上述研究结果的总结与概括,并对项目的后续实施 提出了建议。 关键词,HLW 景区;可行性研究;建设必要性;技术可行性;经济可行性- - Abstract Feasibility studies refer to the in-depth and detailed research on the social, economic and technical aspects related to the proposed project before the investment decision-making, conduct serious technical and economic analysis and a variety of possible development of technical solutions and construction solutions and make scientific prediction and evaluation of the economic benefits after the completion of the project. On the basis of researches in project construction's advancement and practical utility, economic rationality and effectiveness, as well as the possibility of construction, the feasibility studies provide a scientific basis for investment decisions of the project. Using a series of theories and methods on project feasibility studies, this paper effects a comprehensive research on the HLW scenic spot development to explore the problems and analyse the reality, in order to provide theoretical support for local government to make scientific decision. On the basis of status of project feasibility studies home and abroad, this thesis unfolds a 3-D demonstration on the need for HLW scenic spot integrated development projects, technical feasibility and economic rationality. With the conclusion that the construction of this project will contribute a lot to the improvement of Qingzhou's stable development on national economy and people's living level, and will have significant social benefits as well. The implement of the project will greatly promote the construction of the surrounding villages, the rapid development of local products in production as well as catering and accommodation industry, thus contributing to the continuous optimization of the local industrial structure and promoting the economic development of this region, which means the project's construction is very necessary. The project is quite well located and the natural conditions and infrastructure conditions are ripe; the overall project design and layout is favorably reasonable, each functional area to echo each other, complement each other, with the scientific protection of ecosystems; in the mean time, the scenic spot's hardware design and construction focus on the construction of new materials and application of new technologies, hence getting an obvious effect on environmental protection and energy saving, which is technically feasible. With the total investment 300 million RMB, this scenic spot will get an operating incomeof 128 million RMB in a normal year. This project's total investment rate of return is 29.8%, with a low breakeven point and strong adaptation capability and risk-resisting ability. This means the project's strong solvency short investment payback period. Therefore, this project is secure and economically viable. The conclusion of this paper gives a summary and generalization of the results of this study, with some follow-up implementation of the recommendations and some innovation of this thesis pointed out. Keywords , HLW scenic spots; feasibility studies; construction necessity; technical feasibility; economic feasibility- - 目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 的研究背景、目的及意义.. 1 1.1.1 的研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究的目的和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 . 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状.... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状.... 3 1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 ..... 5 1.3.1 研究的主要内容.... 5 1.3.2 研究的主要方法.... 5 1.4 创新之处 ..... 6 第 2 章 HLW 景区综合开发项目建设必要性研究..7 2.1 项目概况 . 7 2.1.1 项目目标定位与建设规模.. 7 2.1.2 建设单位概况.... 8 2.2 拟建项目实施组织 ... 8 2.2.1 组织机构与管理 8 2.2.2 项目实施进度计划与工程管理 8 2.3 HLW 景区综合开发项目建设必要性分析 .. 9 2.3.1 项目开发建设能够带动青州市经济的发展.... 9 2.3.2 项目开发建设能促进人民生活水平提高 11 2.3.3 项目开发建设有利于扩大再就业 11 2.3.4 项目开发建设可以提升环境质量 12 2.4 本章小结 12 第 3 章 HLW 景区综合开发项目技术可行性研究..14 3.1 项目建设的基础条件分析 . 14 3.1.1 区位分析..... 14 3.1.2 基础配套设施分析. 14 3.2 HLW 景区项目规划设计方案的技术可行性分析 153.2.1 项目设计原则.. 15 3.2.2 景区规划方案分析 15 3.3 项目实施条件的技术可行性分析 . 18 3.3.1 供水工程.... 18 3.3.2 排水工程.... 19 3.3.3 供电工程.... 20 3.4 建筑新材料与新技术利用的技术可行性分析 ..... 21 3.4.1 环境保护策略分析 21 3.4.2 项目节能方案分析 23 3.5 本章小结 ..... 25 第 4 章 HLW 景区综合开发项目经济可行性研究..26 4.1 投资估算与资金筹措分析 . 26 4.2 估算依据及说明 ..... 26 4.2.1 投资估算.... 26 4.2.2 资金筹措.... 28 4.3 经济效益分析 ... 28 4.3.1 财务评价依据及财务基础数据.... 28 4.3.2 财务盈利能力分析 29 4.3.3 清偿能力分析.. 30 4.3.4 不确定性分析... 30 4.4 评价结果分析 ... 31 4.5 本章小结 31 第 5 章 HLW 景区综合开发项目风险管理33 5.1 HLW 景区项目生态风险分析及控制 .. 33 5.1.1 生态风险分析.. 33 5.1.2 生态风险管理对策 34 5.2 HLW 景区市场风险分析与控制 .... 35 5.2.1 市场风险分析.. 35 5.2.2 市场风险应对方案 37 5.3 HLW 景区社会环境风险及控制.. 37 5.3.1 HLW 社会环境风险分析... 37- - 5.3.2 HLW 景区项目社会环境风险控制措施... 38 5.4 本章小结 ..... 39 结 论..40