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准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔芦草沟组二叠系致密油储层为咸化滨浅湖环境沉积体系,储集 层岩性复杂,岩石类型以致密砂质、云质岩为主,油藏大面积连续分布,具有典型的致 密油特征,幵发难度大。针对致密油储层基质渗透率低,几乎没有自然产能的特点,只 有通过增产改造措施,才能保证正常生产和较长时间稳产。目前致密油储层主要以直井 分层压裂和水平井多段压裂幵采模式为主。虽然压裂取得了一定的成功,但是存在压裂 破胶液返排困难对储层基质伤害大,施工压力高,压裂效果差异明显等问题。因此针对 目标储层云质含量较高的特点,本文探究能否釆用酸压或酸压与加砂压裂联作复合工艺 沟通有利储集体,达到增产的目的。为此,本文结合吉木萨尔芦草沟组致密油储层,通 过优选适合高钙质致密油储层的酸液体系、研究高钙质致密油储层酸岩反应动力学特征、 评价不同酸压工艺酸蚀裂缝导流能力、模拟产能等方法,探讨高钙质致密油储层酸压改 造的可行性,并取得了如下成果: (1)提出适合于目标储层可压性评价的数学模型,该模型充分考虑了岩石力学参 数、脆性矿物含量、天然裂缝和成岩作用对可压性的综合影响,可以对可压性进行定量 评价。 (2)对高钙质致密油储层酸岩反应动力学进行了研究。建立了高钙质致密油储层 反应动力学方程,对比分析常规碳酸盐岩与高钙质致密油储层的酸岩反应动力学参数, 系统研究了影响酸岩反应速率的关键因素,对主控因素进行了分析。 (3)结合液体特性,对不同酸压工艺酸蚀裂缝导流能力进行评价,研究了不同工 艺对高钙质致密油储层的适应性。研究表明,常规酸压技术对目标储层导流能力的改善 效果有限,“胶凝酸酸压+转向酸酸压+土酸闭合裂缝酸化”组合技术能有效提高酸蚀裂 缝导流能力,在尚闭合应力下有一■定的保持能力。 (4)针对高钙质致密油储层,提出了酸压与加砂压裂联作复合改造技术,并通过 实验和产能模拟体现出复合改造技术比常规压裂技术的优越性。 (5)结合储层特征、矿物成分和胶结情况,对于盐酸可溶物含量较高、可压性较 高、胶结好的储层在优选酸液类型、浓度的基础上可以尝试酸压;针对盐酸可溶物含量 相对较低的储层推荐使用酸压与加砂压裂复合改造技术。 本报告完成的研究内容及所取得系列研究成果,拓展了致密油储层改造技术,对于 目标储层酸化压裂设计具有重要的指导意义,同时对于研究其它高钙质致密油藏的增产 改造也具有借鉴意义。 关键词:高钙质致密油储层;酸岩反应动力学;导流能力;酸压改造;可行性研究 I Abstract The Junggar Basin in the Early-Mid Permian is a saline lacustrine basin, where a set of hybrid sedimentation of sandstone and dolomitic rock is developed. Exploration proved that it is a continuous reservoir of self-generation and self-storage and provides good conditions for tight oils accumulation of proximal source type. Therefore it is a typical tight oil characteristics and also difficult to be developed. Tight oil reservoir belongs to extra-low porosity and permeability oilfield with lower production naturally. All oil wells completed in tight reservoirs require facture stimulation to achieve commercial production and improve well productivity. Different technologies are used for different plays but the most common methods used today are vertical or horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. However, whether or not the technique could maximize the efficiency and further improve the technique and enhance the tight oil production after fracturingIn allusion to the problems above, the past ideas for reservoir reconstruction were changed, for the existence of calcareous and siliceous cements in tight oil reservoirs, acidizing or composite fracturing with acid fracturing and sand fracturing were studied. Experiments on acid system optimization, acid-rock reaction and acid etched fracture conductivity were conducted,a new technique of composite fracturing was proposed. The thesis mainly achieves the following content: Firstly, fracability is the capability of the stone that can be fractured effectively during hydraulic fracturing. Shale brittleness,brittle mineral content, nature fracture and diagenesis are mainly influencing factors of shale fracability. A mathematical model is established to quantitatively evaluate the tight oil reservoir fracability. Secondly, an experimental method of acid rock reaction kinetics was set up to get the reaction equation between acid and tight oil reservoir. The result was compared carbonate reservoir with tight oil reservoir. The factors affecting reaction rate of acid type, reaction temperature, and acid concentration were systematically analyzed. Thirdly, the adaptability of several major acid systems and acid fracturing technologies for tight oil reservoir have been accessed based on acid rock conductivity experiments, then the type of acid and acid fracturing technology which aim at tight oil reservoirs with high calcium content. Fourth, a new technique combined fracturing with acidizing and sand fracturing was proposed. Both experiment and simulation indicate that this new technique superior to conventional fracturing. Finally,Considering the character, mineralogical and cementation type of tight oli formation,the tight oil formation can apply acid fracturing by optimizing acidizing fluid type and concentration if the HC1 dissolvability is high and cementation is fine. However, if the HC1 dissolvability is high and cementation is relatively low, I recommend applying a new technique combined fracturing with acidizing and sand fracturing. In this paper, the results achieved by a series of studies to explore the tight oil reservoir II acid fracturing feasibility, expanded the idea of tight oil reservoir stimulation, the results of the paper can serve as guidance for the stimulation treatment of tight oil reservoir with high calcium content. Also, this work can help operators to perform treatments to enhance recovery in other unconventional oil reservoirs with high calcium content. Key words: High calcium tight oil reservoir; Acid-rock reaction kinetics; Flow conductivity; Acid-fracturing ; Feasibility analysis in 目录 第1章绪论 1 1.1本文研究的目的和意义 1 —1. 2国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2 1. 2.1致密油储层开采现状研究 2 1. 2. 2酸压工艺研究 3 1. 2. 3反应动力学研究 4 1.2.4压裂水平井产能研究 5 1.3研究内容及技术路线 6 1.3.1主要研究内容 6 1. 3. 2技术路线 7 第2章芦草沟组致密油储层特征及改造难点 8 2. 1概述 8 2. 2芦草沟组致密油储层基本特征 8 2. 2.1储层岩性 8 2.2.2储集层物性 9 2. 2. 3含油性特征 9 2. 2. 4地应力与岩石机械特性 10 2.2.5源岩特征 11 2. 3芦草沟组致密油储层潜在伤害因素分析 12 2.4目标储层增产改造技术难点 13 2.5本章小结 13 第3章高钙质致密油储层改造可压性评价 14 3. 1高钙质致密油储层可压性影响因素 14 3.1.1岩石力学参数 14 3. 1. 2脆性矿物含量 15 3.1. 3天然裂缝 15 3.1. 4成岩作 15 3.1.5其它因素 16 3. 2高韩质致密油储层可压性研究 16 3. 2.1可压性系数数学模型 16 3. 2. 2参数标准化 16 I 3. 2. 3权重计算 17 3.2.4目标储层可压性评价 18 3. 3 19 第4章高钙质致密油储层酸压改造酸液体系优选 20 4.1目标储层酸压改造酸液性能要求 20 4. 2岩石溶烛性能评价 20 4. 3酸液添加剂的优选研究 22 4. 3.1胶凝剂性能评价 22 4. 3. 2转向剂性能评价 23 4. 3. 3缓蚀剂性能评价 24 4. 3.4助排剂性能评价 24 4.4酸液体系的性能实验研究 25 4. 4.1配伍性实验 25 4. 4. 2残酸表面张力评价 26 4. 4. 3酸液流变性评价 26 4. 5本章小结 27 第5章高钙质致密油储层酸岩反应动力学研究 28 5.1酸岩反应动力学实验研究 28 5.1.1模拟实验条件选择 28 5.1. 2旋转圆盘实验基本理论 29 5. 2酸岩系统反应参数的测定 31 5. 2.1普通酸反应动力学方程 31 5.2.2胶凝酸反应动力学方程 32 5. 2. 3转向酸反应动力学方程 ‘ 33 5. 3活化能的测定 33 5. 3.1普通酸体系 33 5. 3. 2胶凝酸体系 34 5.3.3转向酸体系 35 5. 4酸岩氢离子有效扩散系数的测定 36 5.4.1普通酸传质系数与雷诺数的关系 36 5. 4. 2胶凝酸传质系数与雷诺数的关系 36 5.4.3转向酸传质系数与雷诺数的关系 37 5.4.4实验结果分析 38 5. 5酸岩反应动力学影响规律 38 II 5. 5.1岩石特性对酸岩反应动力学影响规律 38 5. 5. 2酸液类型对酸岩反应动力学影响规律 39 5. 5. 3温度对酸岩反应动力学影响规律 40 5. 5. 4转速对酸岩反应动力学影响规律 40 5. 5. 5酸岩反应速度影响因素正交分析 41 5.6本章小结 42 第6章高钙质致密油储层酸蚀裂缝导流能力研究 44 6.1实验条件及实验方法 44 6.2酸蚀裂缝导流能力影响因素 44 6.2. 1岩石矿物对酸烛裂缝导流能力的影响 44 6.2.2闭合应力对酸蚀裂缝导流能力的影响 45 6. 3常规酸压技术对酸烛裂缝导流能力试验研究 46 6.4不同酸压工艺对酸蚀裂缝导流能力试验研究 47 6. 5实验结果分析 49 第7章高钙质致密油储层复合改造研究 51 7.1酸压与加砂压裂联作复合改造适应性分析 51 7.1.1加砂压裂过程中伤害研究 51 7.1.2复合改造对压裂效果的改善机理 51 7. 2复合改造改善压裂效果实验研究 52 7, 2.1酸液对压裂液滤饼的溶蚀 52 7. 2. 2酸液降低岩石破裂压力 53 7. 2. 3酸液对支撑剂的清洗作用 53 7. 2. 4支撑裂缝导流能力测试 55 7. 2. 5过酸前后岩板电镜扫描分析 56 7. 3复合改造改善压裂效果模拟研究 56 7. 3.1压裂水平井产能模型 56 7. 3. 2压裂水平井产能敏感性分析 60 7. 3. 3复合改造效果模拟研究 62 7. 3. 4复合改造与常规水力压裂增产效果对比 62 7. 4结果分析 63 第8章结论与建议 64 8.1结论 64 8. 2建议 65 致谢 66 in