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城市健康运动公园是20世纪90年代在国际上出现的崭新概念,现已风行欧 美和日韩,成为评判一个城市居住环境,生活质量,形象品位的重要标志。目前, 甘肃省正在创建华夏文明传承创新区和努力打造“中国西部游,出发在兰州”的 旅游文化品牌,因此,在甘肃长城电工集团有限责任公司位于兰州市城关区北山 的林场内,建设“兰州市山地自行车运动主题公园”项目,完全符合省市政府提 出的发展理念。以自行车运动做主题,向公众传递的是低碳、环保、健康的生活 理念。通过林场公园运作,进一步带动和提升人们低碳出行、健康出行意识,在 更高层面上号召国民重新回归依靠自行车出行,减少机动车辆使用。 本报告以甘肃长城电工集团有限责任公司位于兰州市城关区北山林场作为 研究对象,通过商业计划书的形式,策划研究林场开发利用问题,目的就是最终 使“兰州市山地自行车运动主题公园”既能够娱乐大众,又能够实现丰厚的盈利。 同时,也使“主题公园”项目具有可持续发展的能力。林场公园项目整体功能商 业策划,突出了以大众文化为内涵,以自行车运动为主题,以全民健身为目的, 以综合效益为目标的策划设计理念。 报告分为四个部分,从项目的基本情况出发介绍了选题的背景和意义;从项 目建设的内外部条件和项目竞争性分析,提出了项目建设及管理模式选择;从项 目总体建设内容和规模,提出了项目整体功能规划方案;从项目收益渠道和营销 策略分析,提出了项目盈利能力预测和风险分析。最后,对整个项目进行综合评 价,得出本项目投资具有可行性的结论。 关键词:林场;山地自行车;主题公园;商业计划书 EMBA学位报告 作者:李迎世 兰州市山地自行车运动主题公园商业计划书 ABSTRACT City Park is a healthy exercise in the 1990s appearing on the new concept of international, which is now popular in Europe, America and Japan and South Korea to become a city judge the living environment, quality of life, the image quality of an important symbol.Currently, Gansu Province, inheritance and innovation of Chinese civilization is being created area and strive to build China's western tour, starting in Lanzhou ” tourism cultural brand , therefore,in Gansu Great Wall Electrical Group Co., Ltd. is located in Chengguan District of Lanzhou City Kitayama forest floor,building “ Lanzhou City, mountain biking theme park project, in full compliance with provincial government put forward the concept of development . To do cycling theme is passed to the public low-carbon, environmentally friendly,healthy living ideas . Through the forest park operation,and further promote and enhance the people of low-carbon travel, health travel awareness, at a higher level called on its citizens to re-return to rely on bicycles to reduce motor vehicle use . In this thesis,Gansu Great Wall Electrical Group Co., Ltd. is located in Chengguan District of Lanzhou City Kitayama Forest as the research object, in the form of a business plan , planning research development and utilization of forest issues,the purpose is ultimately Lanzhou City, mountain biking theme park both to entertain the public,but also to realize huge profits . It also makes “ theme park project has the capacity for sustainable development. Woodland Park Project overall business planning functions,highlighting the mass of a culture to cycling as the theme to fitness for the purpose of comprehensive benefits as the goal of planning and design philosophy. The thesis is divided into four parts, starting from the basic situation of the project introduces topics of the background and significance ; project construction from internal and external conditions,and competitive analysis projects proposed project construction and management mode selection ; from the overall project construction content and scale proposed overall project planning functions ; revenue from the project channels and marketing strategy analysis, project profitability forecasting and risk analysis . Finally, a comprehensive evaluation of the entire project,the project investment feasibility draw conclusions. Keywords: forest; mountain bike; theme park; business plan II EMBA学位报告 作者:李迎世 兰州市山地自行车运动主题公园商业计划书 目录 一、导 言 1 (一)项目背景 1 (二)项目的经济与社会意义 2 (三)项目策划内容 3 二、项目竞争性分析与建设模式 4 (一)项目建设的内外部条件 4 (二)项目的竞争性分析 9 (三)项目管理策略的SWOT分析 12 (四)项目建设与管理模式 14 (五)本章小结 16 三、整体投资与建设规划 17 (一)项目总体建设内容和规模 17 (二)项目投资计划 17 (三)一期工程建设规划 18 (四)二期工程建设规划 20 (五)本章小结 22 四、项目营销与财务分析 23 (一)收益渠道 23 (二)营销策略 24 (三)财务预测与分析 26 (四)项目B0T风险分析 29 (五)本章小结 31 ^ it 32