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: 随着我国经济的飞速发展,居民消费水平、消费能力快速增长, 我国生态休闲农业旅游也获得了高速发展。生态休闲农业旅游是以农村自 然资源、农村生态环境、农村风情风貌、农业生态经营模式为资源条件, 吸引游客前来旅游、度假、体验、教育、品尝、购物等活动的一种农业、 休闲旅游业相结合的新型产业。在城市化高度发展、居民消费水平不断提 高的发展形式下,生态休闲农业旅游未来会有广阔的发展空间。 在我国生态休闲农业旅游业的蓬勃发展的形式下,很多企业、地区追 逐市场热点,而不能科学、理性地投资,从而造成大量社会资源的浪费。本 文针对广东省梅州市三角镇龙上善坑村的具体情况,从当地经济及生态休 闲农业旅游项目开发的角度研究分析了本项目有关实施方案的可行性,给 出了项目投资预算、效益评估,结合项目实际情况分析了该项目投资风险 和对策。对该项目的实施提供了切实可行的参考方案。 本文以梅州云顶生态休闲农业旅游开发项目为研究对象,研究内容分 为六个部分,从项目背景、项目建设条件、市场分析和行业发展前景、项目 建设方案、项目投资预算和效益评价等方面对该项目的可行性进行了分 析。在研究上运用项目管理、旅游管理、财务管理和投资风险等相关理论, 从多学科、多视角对该项目可行性进行详细的梳理和分析,通过文字叙述、 项目分析、图表说明等多种方法确定项目市场战略、项目方案和建设规模。 本文得出的研究结论进行了总结性的概括,得出该项目是必要的和可行 的。 关键词:生态休闲农业旅游、项目分析、可行性研究III FEASUBILTY STUDY OF MEIZHOU GENTINGE ECO AGRICULTURALTOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Wu Zhaohui(The Project Management) Directed by Lei Zhenhua Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economy, the consumption level of residents, the rapid development of consumption ability, promote the development of eco agricultural tourism in China. Eco agricultural tourism is based on natural resources in rural areas, the rural ecological environment, rural style, ecological management model of agricultural resources, attract tourists to travel, vacation, experience, education, taste, a kind of agricultural activities such as shopping, leisure and tourism industry model combining. Highly developed in the city, the development form of the consumption level has been constantly improved under the eco agricultural tourism will have a broad space for development in the future. The vigorous development in the form of eco agricultural tourism in China, many enterprises and regions to chase hot market, but not scientific, rational investment, resulting in a waste of social resources. According to the specific circumstances of Guangdong Province, Meizhou City, Shan Keng Cun River in Zhenlong, from the local economy and eco agricultural tourism development project the angle of the feasibility of the project for the implementation of the program, given the evaluation of project investment budget and benefit, combined with the actual situation of the project analysis of project investment risk and countermeasures. Provides a feasible reference plan for the implementation of the project. This paper takes Meizhou Genting ecological leisure agricultural tourism development project as the research object, the research content is divided into six parts, from the background of the project, the project construction conditions, the development prospects of market analysis andIV industry, project construction plan and contents of project investment budget and benefit evaluation and other aspects of the analysis of the feasibility of the project. The use of project management. In the research on tourism management, financial management and investment risk and other related theories, from multiple disciplines, carding and detailed analysis on the feasibility of the project more perspective, through the narrative, project analysis, charts and other methods to determine the project marketing strategy, scale scheme and construction project. The conclusion of this article summarized the summary is that the project is necessary and feasible. Keywords: Ecological leisure agriculture tourism Item analysis Feasibility studyV 目 录 摘要:.....I Abstract: III 第一章 绪论....1 1.1 项目背景及研究意义....1 1.1.1 项目研究背景.1 1.1.2 项目研究的意义......2 1.2 国内外生态休闲农业旅游发展现状........3 1.2.1 国外的发展现状......3 1.2.2 国内的发展现状......3 1.3 研究内容和方法......4 1.3.1 主要研究内容.4 1.3.2 研究方法5 第二章 项目 SWOT 分析及行业发展趋势.7 2.1 项目 SWOT 分析... 7 2.1.1 优势.......8 2.1.2 劣势.......8 2.1.3 机遇.......9 2.1.4 挑战.....10 2.1.5 SWOT 分析结论...10 2.2 行业发展趋势分析........12 第三章 项目建设条件及必要性研究...... 13 3.1 项目建设条件.......13 3.2 项目建设的必要性........14 3.2.1 项目建设符合当发展需要....14 3.2.2 促进旅游产业与农业融合发展.....14 3.2.3 满足人们短途游憩的多元化需求.14 3.2.4 符合梅州市绿色经济崛起战略.....15 3.2.5 有利于推动社会主义新农村建设.15 3.2.6 小结.....15 第四章 项目建设方案......17 4.1 项目任务和规模...17 4.1.1 项目建设概况........17 4.1.2 项目建设任务与规模... 18 4.1.3 建设规划.......19 4.1.4 云顶生态休闲农业旅游开发项目的各项经济技术指标..19 4.2 项目建设标准和具体建设内容...... 20 4.2.1 民俗文化......20 4.2.2 科普教育......22VI 4.2.3 精致农业......22 4.2.4 休闲、养生健体...24 4.2.5 旅游产品创意体验区... 25 4.2.6 特色农产品商业...22 4.2.7 公用工程......22 4.3 项目实施计划........25 4.3.1 第一年计划重点建设基础设施.....25 4.3.2 第二年计划..25 4.3.3 第三年年计划.......26 4.3.4 项目建成后组织管理... 26 第五章 项目投资预算和效益评价. 29 5.1 预算和效益评价依据.....29 5.2 项目建设投资估算29 5.3 资金使用和管理....30 5.4 效益评价.......30 5.4.1 项目经营期的确定30 5.4.2 营业收入、营业税金及附加估算..30 5.4.3 总成本费用估算....31 5.4.4 利润及利润分配估算.... 32 5.5 财务分析......33 5.5.1 财务盈利能力分析33 5.5.2 财务不确定分析....33 5.5.3 借款偿还分析.......34 5.6 项目财务上的可行性....34 第六章 项目的风险与控制.....35 6.1 本项目面临的风险35 6.2 风险控制措施........35 第七章 项目研究结论与建议.37 7.1 总体方案可行性分析.....37 7.2 结论与建议...37 7.2.1 结论......37 7.2.1 结论......37