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现代信息技术产业发展日新月异,新技术层出不穷。在各个市场细分领域, 新的技术范式也正在不断地萌芽、成熟和再次被替代。杰奥夫雷 G.帕克等学者 提出的组织平台理论认为,在外部技术环境动态性极高的情况下,企业组织形态 发展的结果将是成为平台性组织或者成为组织平台的一部分。另一方面,外部技 术范式转变和组织平台化发展趋势为企业提供了大量的创业和发展的机会,企业 通过自身组织平台化发展以及参与其他组织平台发展等渠道,实现了创业机会识 别和创业资源获取等。 本文以杭州哲信为案例对象,探究互联网企业在外部技术范式转变的背景下 如何实现组织平台化及其动态演化过程。基于理论回顾,本文将外部技术范式转 变作为刺激源,构建了以突破性技术、技术可收益性和关联知识基础为核心要素 的组织平台动态演化动力机制,具体从企业动态能力演化的视角刻画了杭州哲信 的组织平台化过程中的平台核心技术、平台核心业务、平台核心知识等的“整合 -迭代”过程。根据以上理论框架,本文尝试解答技术范式转变和互联网企业组 织平台化的演化机制问题,研究结论对处于互联网等技术快速更新的行业中的组 织平台化发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词,组织平台化,技术范式,中小企业,动态能力浙江工业大学 The Platform Development Strategy of Internet Enterprises from the Perspective of Technological Paradigm Shift ——Based on the case study of Hangzhou Zhexin IT Co., Ltd. ABSTRACT The development of modern information technology industry is changing with each passing day, and new technologies are emerging one after another. In various market segments, the new technology paradigm is constantly sprouting, maturing and being replaced again. The organizational platform theory put forward by scholars such as Geoffrey G. Parker believes that under the condition of extremely high external technical environment, the result of the development of organizational forms will become a platform organization or become part of the organizational platform. On the other hand, the trend of external technology paradigm shift and organizational platform development provides enterprises with a large number of opportunities for entrepreneurship and development. Enterprises have realized entrepreneurial opportunity identification and entrepreneurial resources through their own platform development and participation in other organizations' platform development channels. Get and so on. This article takes Hangzhou Zhexin Information Technology Co., Ltd. as a case study to explore how Internet companies can realize organizational platformization and its dynamic evolution process in the context of external technology paradigm shift. Based on the theoretical review, this paper takes the external technology paradigm shift as the stimulus source, and constructs the dynamic evolution dynamic mechanism of the organizational platform with the breakthrough technology, technology profitability and related knowledge base as the core elements, which is characterized from the perspective of the evolution of enterprise dynamic capabilities. The “integration-iteration” process of platform core technology, platform core business and platform core knowledge in the platform of Hangzhou Zhexin.According浙江工业大学 to the above theoretical framework, this paper attempts to answer the technical paradigm shift and the evolution mechanism of Internet enterprise organization platformization. The research conclusions have certain reference significance for the platform development of enterprises in the fast updating industry such as Internet. KEY WORDS:organizational platform, technical paradigm, small and medium-sized enterprises, dynamic capability浙江工业大学 1 目录 摘要....I ABSTRACT..II 图目录...7 表目录...7 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景及意义.. 1 1.1.1 研究背景....... 1 1.1.2 研究意义....... 2 1.2 研究的思路和方法....... 3 1.3 研究框架..... 4 1.4 研究创新与意义.. 5 第二章 文献综述...6 2.1 技术范式的文献综述.. 6 2.1.1 技术范式的概念形成和理论发展... 6 2.1.2 技术范式转变对市场环境的影响... 7 2.1.3 技术范式转变和组织战略调整....... 9 2.2 组织平台化的文献综述...... 10 2.2.1 组织平台的概念及内涵........ 10 2.2.2 基于双边市场的网络效应.... 11 2.2.3 组织平台的模块化特征........ 12 2.3 动态能力的文献综述. 12 2.3.1 动态能力的概念及内涵........ 12 2.3.2 基于技术范式转变的动态能力演化...... 13 2.3.3 基于资源整合的的动态能力演化. 13 2.4 文献简要评述.... 14浙江工业大学 1 第三章 理论研究模型..15 3.1 技术范式转变与组织平台化发展....... 15 3.2 动态能力演化与组织平台化发展....... 17 3.3 理论分析框架与主要构念测量.. 18 第四章 研究方法和资料来源.......20 4.1 研究方法说明... 20 4.2 案例选取及案例简介 21 4.3 数据采集来源... 22 4.4 案例编码过程... 23 第五章 案例内容和结果分析.......26 5.1 组织平台化不同阶段的案例内容分析........ 26 5.1.1 平台化初始阶段.. 26 5.1.2 平台化发展阶段.. 30 5.1.3 平台化成熟阶段.. 34 5.2 案例结果讨论... 39 5.2.1 技术范式转变对互联网企业动态能力的影响....... 39 5.2.2 技术范式转变对互联网组织平台化战略的影响... 41 5.2.3 互联网组织平台化过程中的“整合-迭代”过程..43 5.2.4 小结... 44 第六章 结论与建议......46 6.1 主要结论... 46 6.2 相关建议... 46 6.3 研究的不足........ 47