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猛进,涌现了如 B(百度)、A(阿里巴巴)、T(腾讯)为代表的众多互联网巨头公司

在软件服务这一细分领域,SaaS 模式正在逐步取代售卖正版软件给企业提供服务的
发展的新的趋势。企业有了 SaaS 软件运营服务,就不需要购买计算机软、硬件设备、
租用机房和招聘相应的技术员工。可以根据实际的工作需求,由企业发起向 SaaS 生产
商购买所需的服务。对大多说中小企业主来说,SaaS 服务模式的应用明显可以减少软件

针对 SaaS 服务模式的市场刚刚兴起,还有巨大的市场空间可以去发掘和拓展,AB
公司决定将业务重心放在研发一款服务于中小企业的 SaaS 服务软件,Bangbang 软件就

本论文的研究是按照以下思路进行的:首先,将 SaaS 软件行业现实背景与理论进
行结合分析提出问题所在;其次,根据 AB 公司研发的 Bangbang 软件的产生和当前发展
进程,分析出 AB 公司该 Bangbang 软件在市场营销过程存在的问题,并对此问题进行相
应的分析;然后根据市场分析结果,制定出 Bangbang 软件的市场营销策略;最后,对
本课题研究成果进行总结和展望,并为 AB 公司 Bangbang 软件产品市场营销提供可行性

关键词:SaaS 模式;市场营销;营销策略研究首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文 AB 公司软件产品市场营销策略研究
Large-scale data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other Internet technology,
high-speed development, while China&39;s Internet technology is also leaps and bounds, such as
B (Baidu), A (Alibaba), T (Tencent) as the representative of the Internet giant company.
In the area of software services, SaaS model is gradually replacing the sale of genuine
software to provide services to the traditional model. SaaS (Software-as-a-service) is called
software operation, in the Internet platform to meet the needs of enterprises or individual
users of a new model. It is the new era of innovative application model, but also a new trend
in the development of science and technology. Enterprises have SaaS software operating
services, you do not need to buy computer hardware and software, rental equipment and
recruitment of the corresponding technical staff. Can be based on the actual work needs,
initiated by the enterprise to SaaS manufacturers to purchase the necessary services. For most
of the small and medium business owners, the application of SaaS service model can
significantly reduce the use of software and maintenance costs, and thus more in line with the
development trend of science and technology.
SaaS service model for the market just emerging, there is a huge market space can be
explored and expanded, AB company decided to focus on the development of a service for
small and medium enterprises SaaS service software, Bangbang software came into being.
In this paper, the research is based on the following ideas: First, the SaaS software industry,
the reality of the background and theoretical analysis of the problem; second, according to AB
company Bangbang software development and the current development process, analysis of
AB company Bangbang The paper analyzes the problems in the marketing process and
analyzes the problems of the software. Then, according to the market analysis results, the
marketing strategy of Bangbang software is worked out. Finally, the research results of this
topic are summarized and forecasted, and the ABbang software Product marketing to provide
the feasibility of the implementation of the program.
Key Words: SaaS model; marketing; marketing strategy research首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文 AB 公司软件产品市场营销策略研究
1 导论 ......... 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 ... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 . 1
1.1.2 研究意义 . 1
1.2 研究的思路、方法和内容框架 ... 2
1.2.1 研究的思路 ......... 2
1.2.2 研究的方法 ......... 2
1.2.3 研究的内容框架 . 3
2 文献综述 . 4
2.1 营销策略基本理论 ........... 4
2.2 STP 理论 .... 4
2.3 营销组合理论 ....... 5
3 AB 公司营销环境分析 .... 7
3.1 AB 公司与 SAAS 软件行业的现状分析 .... 7
3.1.1 AB 公司简介及现状分析7
3.1.2 SAAS 软件行业的现状分析 ........ 8
3.2 AB 公司宏观环境分析 ...... 9
3.2.1 政治法律环境分析 ......... 9
3.2.2 经济环境分析 ..... 9
3.2.3 技术环境分析 . 10
3.3 AB 公司市场需求与竞争分析 .....11
3.3.1 市场需求分析 ....11
3.3.2 竞争分析 ........... 12
4 AB 公司软件市场营销策略研究 .......... 13
4.1 营销目标 . 13
4.1.1 营销现状 ........... 13
4.1.2 营销目标分析 ... 13
4.1.3 营销目标设置.... 13
4.2 目标市场战略分析 ......... 14首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文 AB 公司软件产品市场营销策略研究
4.2.1 市场细分与机会 ........... 14
4.2.2 市场现状与目标市场选择 ....... 15
4.2.3 市场定位 ........... 16
4.3 营销组合分析 ..... 16
4.3.1 产品策略