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本文以 H 公司的定价策略为研究对象,研究了 H 公司在定价过程中存在的
问题,并对 H 公司的定价策略进行了设计和改进。首先,分析了办公用品行业
几个方面对 H 公司主要竞争对手进行分析;对文具、办公用纸、打印耗材、办
公设备这几个不同细分产品的竞争情况进行了比较。然后对 H 公司客户的销售
情况、客户结构和客户利润进行分析,将客户市场进行细分,得到 2 个一级细
分市场:“价格优先型”和“服务优先型”,再对 2 个一级细分市场进一步细
分,分别得到 2 个二级细分市场:“价格驱动型”、“价值驱动型”、“便利

H 公司是一家为客户提供一站式整体服务的办公用品企业。通过对 H 公司
的现状和定价方法分析,指出了 H 公司在定价上存在的问题:定价目标混乱,

针对这些问题,对 H 公司的定价流程进行了设计:确定了以利润最大化为
H 公司定价目标;根据客户购买历史数据,建立针对每个客户的历史购买数据
捆绑定价策略和订单折扣价格策略,指导 H 公司办公用品定价

The Research of the Pricing Strategy for Office Supplies
Sales of H Company
In this paper, the pricing strategy of H Company is taken as the research object, the problems
existing in the pricing process of H Company are studied, and the pricing strategy of H Company is
designed and improved. First, analyze the development status and development trends of office
supplies industry. In recent years, office supplies industry developed rapidly, China has become the
world&39;s largest consumer of office supplies, and gradually to the one-stop procurement direction.
Then analyze the competitive environment of office supplies and analyzed the main competitors of
H Company from the aspects of distribution mode, distribution cost, payment method, delivery
efficiency and return service, and compare the competition of stationery, office paper, printing
consumables and office equipment. And then analyze the customer sales, customer structure and
customer profit of H customers. Subdivide the market into two primary market segments: price
priority and service priority , and then further subdivide this two primary market segments into
two respective secondary market segments: Price-driven, value-driven, convenience-driven
and brand-driven, and analyze customers in different market segments.
H company provide one-stop overall service of office supplies. Through the analysis of the
current situation and pricing method of H Company, it points out the problems existing in the
pricing of H Company: the pricing target is chaotic and unclear; the pricing decision is arbitrary;
the pricing is lack of consideration of the market demand; the cost accounting method is simple;
Lack of analysis of competitors; product pricing method is single.
In response to these questions, design the pricing process for H Company. Determine the
pricing target of H Company is maximizing the profit. According the historical buying data of the
customer, establish a database of each customer to predict customer demand. Estimate the cost of
customer service by using activity-based costing. Establish a competitor product price database,
analyze the competitive situation. Confirm the price at last. Then through the case analysis, base on
the data of examples, improve the pricing strategy of different market segments. And proposed
bundled pricing strategy and order discount pricing strategy, guide the office supplies pricing for H
Key Words:Office supplies; Pricing strategy; Segment market; Bundling pricing;
Discount pricingIII
目 录
1 引言 . 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义...... 1
1.1.1 选题的背景 ........ 1
1.1.2 选题的意义 ........ 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 ......... 2
1.2.1 国外相关研究 .... 2
1.2.2 国内相关研究 .... 2
1.2.3 定价基础理论 .... 4
1.3 研究内容和研究思路 .. 5
1.4 论文的难点和可能的创新点 ... 6
2 行业和竞争分析 ...... 7
2.1 行业分析 ........ 7
2.1.1 办公用品行业现状 ......... 7
2.1.2 办公用品行业销售模式 . 7
2.1.3 办公用品行业发展趋势 . 8
2.2 竞争分析 ........ 9
2.2.1 行业竞争格局 .... 9
2.2.2 主要竞争对手分析 ......... 9
2.2.3 细分产品竞争分析 ....... 10
2.3 小结 .. 12
3 客户分析 ... 13
3.1 客户销售数据分析.... 13
3.2 客户结构四象分析.... 14
3.3 客户利润分析 ........... 16
3.4 客户区别性价值驱动因素分析 ......... 18
3.5 客户市场细分 ........... 20
3.6 小结 .. 22IV
4 H 公司现状分析 ..... 23
4.1 公司简介 ...... 23
4.2 H 公司现状及当前定价方法 .. 23
4.3 H 公司的优势和劣势 . 24
4.4 H 公司定价存在的问题 ......... 25
4.5 小结 .. 28
5 H 公司定价流程设计与定价策略改进 ........ 29
5.1 H 公司定价流程设计 . 29