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摘 要
渐增大,循环经济开始进入人们的视野。作为国家重点支持的 12 家大型建材企业集

究和战略规划的提出奠定理论基础。其次,综合运用 PEST 分析、波特五力模型、SWOT


- II -
With the high-speed development of economy in our country, a large number of
irrefragable resources drying up, the environmental protection pressure is also growing, in
such circumstances, to enterprises survival and development put forward higher request,
the circular economy began to enter into peoples field of vision. BBMG is a national key
support one of the 12 large building materials enterprise group, has a wealth of
management experience in the field of circulation economy, but also achieved good
economic and social benefits. Chengde BBMG circular economy industrial park by
BBMG established by BBMG in such aspects as capital, technology advantages,
combined with the actual situation of chengde city tailings resources at the same time, the
common development of chengde tailings resources.
In this background, this paper using the relevant theories of strategic management,
through the chengde BBMG circular economy industrial park of internal and external
environment analysis, especially in combination with the current environmental pressure,
the development of circular economy to adapt to the states overall development strategy
under the premise of the chengde BBMG circular economy industrial parks development
strategy is analyzed, through the analysis of macro environment and industry environment,
develop scientific development strategy, continue to increase the core competitiveness of
the park, improve the efficiency of the park, using 3 to 5 years time, the park built low
energy, low pollution and high output of green model economic zone.
This paper studies the main content is as follows: first of all, summarizes the relevant
theories of circular economy, for the follow-up related research provides the theoretical
foundation and strategy is put forward. Secondly, using the SWOT analysis to chengde
jinyu circular economy industrial park of internal and external environment are analyzed,
and find out the advantages and disadvantages of park development and existing
opportunities, threats, by using the scientific method is analyzed clearly park development
strategic target, work out for the parks development strategy, the implementation of the
strategy of solutions and guarantee measures are put forward. Finally, the article puts
forward relevant safeguard measures, ensure the realization of park strategic development
In this paper, the research will be on the development of chengde jinyu circularAbstract
- III -
economy industrial park provides forceful support for its strategic target realization of; At
the same time, also can give the same in the transition period of industrial and mining
enterprises to provide the beneficial reference.
Keywords: Circular economy; Development strategy; industrial park; BBMG目 录
目 录
摘 要.......I
第 1 章 绪 论..........- 1 -
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义........- 1 -
1.2 国内外研究发展现状- 3 -
1.2.1 国外研究发展状态..........- 3 -
1.2.2 国内研究发展状态..........- 3 -
1.3 本文的研究思路..........- 5 -
1.4 本文的研究内容..........- 5 -
第 2 章 相关理论基础..........- 6 -
2.1 循环经济的概念..........- 6 -
2.1.1 循环经济...- 6 -
2.1.2 循环经济在我国的开展情况.....- 7 -
2.1.3 循环经济与清洁生产、绿色 GDP 的关系.....- 7 -
2.2 绿色循环经济与绿色设计....- 9 -
2.2.1 绿色设计的原则..- 9 -
2.2.2 绿色设计的主要内容及模式.....- 9 -
2.3 国内外循环经济园区发展现状分析..........- 10 -
2.3.1 循环经济产业园....- 10 -
2.3.2 美国的生态工业园- 12 -
2.3.3 卡伦堡工业园.- 13 -
2.3.4 国内循环经济产业园发展.......- 13 -
2.4 循环经济产业园区发展战略的分析方法.- 17 -
2.4.1SWOT 分析法.....- 17 -
2.4.2 投入产出法.........- 17 -
2.4.3 物质流技术法....- 17 -
2.5 企业战略理论- 19 -
2.6 本章小结........- 19 -
第 3 章 承德金隅循环经济产业园区发展环境分析.....- 21 -
3.1 宏观环境分析...........- 21 -
3.1.1 社会环境.- 21 -
3.1.2 经济环境.- 22 -
3.1.3 社会环境.- 23
3.1.4 技术环境.- 23 -
3.2 产业环境分析...........- 24 -
3.2.1 循环经济产业环境........- 24 -
3.2.2 承德市资源状况简介...- 26 -
3.3 企业内部环境分析..- 27 -
3.3.1 北京金隅集团简介.......- 27 -
3.3.2 承德金隅循环经济产业园简介...........- 28 -
3.3.3 承德金隅资源与能力分析.......- 28 -
3.4 承德金隅循环经济产业园区 SWOT 分析- 29 -
3.4.1 机遇分析- 29 -
3.4.2 威胁分析- 30 -
3.4.3 优势分析- 30 -
3.4.4 劣势分析- 33 -
3.5 本章小结........- 34 -
第 4 章 承德金隅循环经济产业园区发展战略.- 35 -
4.1 战略目标.......- 35 -
4.1.1 总体目标- 35 -
4.1.2 阶段目标- 36 -
4.1.3 指标体系- 36 -
4.2 战略规划设计的原则..........- 38 -
4.3 战略规划方案...........- 39 -
4.3.1 战略规划总体设计.......- 39 -
4.3.2 资源综合利用规划.......- 41 -
4.3.3 生态产业规划...- 42 -
4.4 本章小结.......- 42 -
第 5 章 承德金隅循环经济产业园实施保障......- 43 -
5.1 园区运行的组织保障...........- 43 -
5.1.1 园区组织结构....- 43 -
5.1.2 园区生产流程协同........- 43 -
5.2 完善的循环经济评价体系..- 44 -
5.3 园区运营资源保障...- 46 -
5.3.1 外部资源保障....- 46 -
5.3.2 金隅集团内部资源保障- 47 -
5.3.3 人力资源支撑....- 48 -
5.4 本章小结........- 48 -目 录
结 论...........- 49 -
参考文献.......- 51 -第 1 章 绪论