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硕 士 学 位 论 文
专 业:工商管理
硕 士 生:李承润 (签名)
指导教师:王新红 (签名)
摘 要

和存在问题的基础上,根据 SWOT 分析法对齐鲁银行中间业务的发展环境进行了分析,

环境的 SWOT 分析,发现其优势在于业务品种日渐丰富、收入不断增加等;劣势包括产

关 键 词:齐鲁银行;中间业务;营销策略
研究类型:专题研究Subject :Research on Qilu Commercial Bank Intermediary Business
Marketing Strategy
Specialty :Master of Business Administration
Name :Li Chengrun (Signature)
Instructor :Wang Xinhong (Signature)
In the background of economic liberalization and financial deregulation, western
commercial bank has gradually put their business focus on intermediary business. With their
effort during the past twenty years, the scale of intermediary business has been enlarged
constantly, the scope has been lager involved, and their income has been quickly grown. The
commercial banks in our country are just in the contrast. Traditional management model are
still lead the way with small scale and few category. Those management models have a little
technical needs and the proportion of income are relatively low. With the deepening of the
reform of economic system, and the increasing demand for financial improvement by social
economy, commercial banks has realized the importance to innovate the intermediate business.
They are trying to make full use of the advantage on capital, technical, talent, information in
order to develop Intermediary businesses, which made a good beginning and improvement to
the development of Intermediary businesses of commercial banks in our country.
Based on the theory of commercial bank intermediary business marketing, the paper
chooses the marketing of intermediate business of Qilu commercial bank as object, and makes
a deep analysis on the status of the development about intermediate business to find the
problem existed in the process of development. The paper makes sure of the mainly influence
factors. With the analysis of Qilu commercial bank intermediary business marketing
development environment based on SWOT method, the paper puts out implement
The paper gets the following main conclusions. First, at present, Qilu commercial bank
has achieved some results of intermediary business marketing, such as abundant varieties of
business, rising incomes, and so on. However, there are some problems for intermediary
business marketing of Qilu commercial bank. For example, few varieties, unreasonable
income structure, lack of market segmentation, which cannot met customer’s demand. Second,with the analysis based on SWOT method, the paper makes sure of the superiority, weakness,
opportunity and threats of Qilu commercial bank intermediary business marketing
development environment. Third, the intermediary business marketing of commercial banks in
western developed countries have achieved good results, such as mixed operation, various
marketing business, diversified market strategies, advanced service means. Finally, the paper
puts put the strategy and suggestion about the marketing and development of intermediate
business. What we should do is to improve the development of the local national economy,
improve the urban and rural residents per capita disposable income, improve the system of
intermediate business management, improve the ability of marketing, and pay attention to the
organization and management system of intermediate business marketing.
Key words:Qilu Commercial Bank; Intermediate Business; Marketing Strategy
Thesis : Monographic Research目录
目 录
1 绪论.... 1
1.1 选题背景和选题意义 .. 1
1.2 相关文献综述 .. 2
1.2.1 国外研究综述 .. 2
1.2.2 国内研究综述 .. 3
1.2.3 研究现状评述 ... 5
1.3 研究思路 .......... 5
1.4 研究方法及技术路线 .. 6
2 商业银行中间业务概述及理论基础 . 8
2.1 中间业务的定义 .......... 8
2.2 中间业务的分类 .......... 8
2.3 中间业务的特点 ........ 10
2.3.1 较少使用自身资金 ..... 10
2.3.2 不构成表内资产与负债 ......... 10
2.3.3 中间业务的种类多、范围广 . 10
2.3.4 主要以接受客户委托开展 ..... 10
2.4 中间业务营销的理论基础 .... 11
2.4.1 企业战略管理理论 ..... 11
2.4.2 企业营销战略理论 ..... 11
2.4.3 市场细分理论 . 11
2.4.4 市场定位理论 . 12
3 齐鲁银行中间业务发展现状及存在问题 ... 13
3.1 齐鲁银行总体经营状况 ........ 13
3.2 齐鲁银行中间业务发展现状13
3.2.1 中间业务品种日渐丰富 ......... 13
3.2.2 中间业务收入不断增加 ......... 15
3.2.3 中间业务贡献度日益提高 ..... 15
3.2.4 网上银行中间业务发展良好 . 16
3.3 齐鲁银行中间业务存在的问题 ........ 17
3.3.1 产品种类单一且结构不合理 . 17
3.3.2 产品不能很好地满足客户需求 ......... 18
3.3.3 风险管理水平有待提高 ......... 18
3.4 齐鲁银行中间业务营销存在的问题18
3.4.1 业务营销与客户需求存在错位 ......... 18
3.4.2 缺乏专业的营销人才储备 ..... 18
3.4.3 中间产业营销意识淡薄 ......... 19
3.4.4 营销电子信息技术过于匮乏 . 19
3.4.5 中间业务营销管理机制落后 . 19
4 齐鲁银行中间业务营销环境 SWOT 分析 ..... 20
4.1 齐鲁银行中间业务营销的内部优势20
4.1.1 中间业务品种、范围不断拓宽 ......... 20
4.1.2 中间业务收入和贡献度逐步提升 ..... 20
4.1.3 运用互联网开展中间业务能力增强 . 20
4.1.4 与外资银行合作具备一定优势 ......... 20
4.1.5 跨区域经营及营销形成自身优势 ..... 21
4.2 齐鲁银行中间业务营销的内部劣势21
4.2.1 产品种类有待进一步提升 ..... 21
4.2.2 产品市场定位不够明确 ......... 21
4.2.3 营销管理有效性不强 . 21
4.2.4 人力资源、智力支持不够 ..... 22
4.2.5 声誉受损波及营销效果 ......... 22
4.3 齐鲁银行中间业务营销的外部机会22
4.3.1 济南市经济发展态势较好 ..... 22
4.3.2 相关法律法规逐步完善 ......... 23
4.3.3 科技创新保持良好态势 ......... 23
4.3.4 居民对中间业务需求上涨 ..... 23
4.4 齐鲁银行中间业务营销的外部威胁24
4.4.1 外资银行竞争日益加剧 ......... 24
4.4.2 潜在替代产品的压力 . 24
4.4.3 分业经营限制了产品创新 ..... 24
4.4.4 金融脱媒加剧的冲击 . 24
4.5 齐鲁银行中间业务营销环境 SWOT 分析总结 ...... 25
5 西方商业银行中间业务营销经验及启示 ... 27
5.1 西方商业银行中间业务营销经验 .... 27
5.1.1 商业银行的混业化经营方式 . 27
5.1.2 重视中间业务营销品种扩张 . 28
5.1.3 多样化的中间业务营销策略 . 29
5.1.4 采用先进的中间业务营销手段 ......... 29
5.2 西方商业银行中间业务发展迅速的原因 .... 29
5.2.1 电子技术的广泛应用 . 29
5.2.2 政策松动扫清了障碍 . 30
5.2.3 进一步提升的融资方式 ......... 30
5.3 齐鲁银行与西方商业银行中间业务营销对比分析31
5.3.1 中间业务范围相对狭小 ......... 31
5.3.2 中间业务发展相对缓慢 ......... 31
5.3.3 服务观念的差异化 ..... 31
5.3.4 中间业务经营环节差异 ......... 31
5.4 西方商业银行中间业务营销的启示32
5.4.1 开发信息技术是中间业务营销的助推器 ..... 32
5.4.2 培养专业人才是中间业务营销的关键因素 . 32
5.4.3 实行混业经营是中间业务营销的制度保障 . 32
6 完善齐鲁银行中间业务营销的策略 ........... 34
6.1 梳理经营方式,鼓励中间业务营销34
6.1.1 通过立法鼓励混业经营方式 . 34
6.1.2 制定积极的财政、货币政策 . 34
6.2 积极拓展、升级中间业务营销范围34
6.2.1 不断扩大中间业务的营销范围 ......... 35
6.2.2 积极推动营销产品转型升级 . 35
6.2.3 建立自身具有特色的品牌 ..... 35
6.3 加大引入、推广信息技术以提升营销成效35
6.3.1 加快中间业务营销信息平台 . 36
6.3.2 加大中间产品营销的创新力度 ......... 36
6.4 转变营销观念,培养专业营销人才36
6.4.1 积极转变中间业务营销理念 . 36
6.4.2 全面引进、培养综合营销人才 ......... 37
6.4.3 建立营销人才资源管理体系 . 37
6.5 完善中间业务营销组织管理体系 .... 37
6.5.1 统筹协调以提高营销积极性 . 38
6.5.2 成立专门的中间业务营销部门 ......... 38
6.6 不断加强中间业务营销风险管理 .... 38
6.6.1 完善中间业务营销的会计制度 ......... 38
6.6.2 建立营销监控信息管理系统 . 39
6.6.3 加强营销内部控制和监管制度 ......... 39
6.7 合理运用策略组合,制定科学营销规划 .... 39
6.7.1 针对实际科学运用组合营销策略 ..... 39
6.7.2 制定长期的营销发展规划 ..... 40
6.7.3 综合运用多种促销策略 ......... 40
7 结论及展望 ... 42
7.1 主要研究结论42
7.2 进一步研究展望 ........ 42
致 谢..44