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Research on Credit Risk Management of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China GBranch by Zhangjiaqi Supervisor:Professor Zhaojunping Pluralistic Supervisor:Senior Engineer Yusongwei AThesis Submitted to the Northeast Petroleum University In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the Professional Master of Business Administration Part-time June,2023东北石油大学MBA学位论文 工商银行G支行信贷风险管理研究 摘要 随着我国信息化的不断深入发展,传统商业银行信贷风险已经从原本的“客 户-银行”二元性风险转化为多元化风险糯滴袢找嫔罨胤⒄梗沟眯糯? 险管理不仅成为商业银行的一项重要工作,更成为影响商业银行的持续发展水平 的重要因素。当前我国商业银行风险随着经济市场的变化而不断变动,致使支行 信贷风险逐步增加,对其的控制效果也在日益下降,这对支行信贷的矻⒄? 和健康化发展造成了很大的影响。当前,我国工商银行G支行信贷风险管理中存 在一些问题,这使得工商银行G支行信贷风险发生率提高,进而影响工商银行G 支行健康、长远地发展虼耍绾味怨ど桃蠫支行信贷风险进行防控,成为 其管理的重点。 本文将工商银行G支行作为主要研究对象,通过相关文献的研究发现目前我 国工商银行G支行的信贷风险管理中存在较多漏洞,造成了信贷资产质量下降, 不良贷款率陡增等问题的发展,对工商银行G支行的健康运营和良好发展造成了 很大影响。本文首先对信贷风险管理相关概念和资产管理理论和内部控制理论等 风险管理理论进行阐述;其次对工商银行G支行信贷业务及其风险管理现状进行 分析,了解当前工商银行G支行信贷基本情况;然后通过构建工商银行G支行信 贷风险指标体系,利用层次分析法进行各个风险因素的权重分析,检验信贷风险, 并进行相应评价;最后,对工商银行G支行信贷风险进行控制,解决工商银行G 支行信贷业务中的风险问题,以期能够对工商银行G支行信贷业务工作以及业务 的长期、健康的发展起到一定的积极作用。 关键词:商业银行;信贷风险;风险识别;风险控制 I 东北石油大学MBA学位论文 Research on Credit Risk Management of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China GBranch ABSTRACT With the deepening development of Chinas informatization,the credit risk of traditional commercial banks has been transformed from the original "customer-bank" binary risk to the diversified risk.With the deepening development of credit business, credit risk management is not only an important work for commercial banks,but also an important factor affecting the sustainable development level of commercial banks.At present,the risks of commercial banks in China are constantly changing with the changes of the economic market,resulting in the gradual increase of the credit risks of sub-branches,and the control effect on them is also declining day by day,which has a great impact on the normal development and healthy development of sub-branch credit. At present,there are some problems in the credit risk management of ICBCG Sub-branch,which increases the credit risk incidence of ICBCGsub-branch,thus affecting the healthy and long-term development of ICBCGsub-branch.Therefore, how to prevent and control the credit risk of ICBCGSub-branch has become the focus of its management. This paper will be industrial and commercial bank of Gbranch as the main research object,through the relevant literature research found that the industrial and commercial bank of Gbranch credit risk management in more loopholes,caused the credit asset quality decline,the development of the problems such as non-performing loan ratio,and the industrial and commercial bank of Gbranch health operation and good development caused great influence.This paper first expounds the related concepts of credit risk management and asset management theory and internal control theory and other risk management theory;Secondly,analyze the credit business and risk management status of ICBCGSub-branch,Understand the current basic credit situation of ICBCGSub-branch;Then conduct the weight analysis of each risk factor through hierarchical analysis,Inspection of the credit risk,And make the corresponding evaluation;last,Building the credit risk index system of ICBCGSub-branch,To control the risk of the credit business of ICBCGSub-branch,Solve the risks in the credit business of ICBCGSub-branch,In order to play a positive role in the credit business of ICBCGbranch and the long-term and healthy development of the business. II 东北石油大学MBA学位论文 Key Words:Commercial bank;credit risk management;risk identification;risk management III 。。。以下略