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本文“轻松吧”办公室无人值守便利架商业计划书,重点研究“轻松吧”办公室无 人值守便利架是否还有市场机会,项目定位是否合适,营销策略如何制定,如何打造有 竞争力的团队,以及项目的财务预测及风险如何等问题。通过本商业计划书的撰写,一 是为团队提供项目进行商业运营的支持;二是为投资者了解本项目的投资风险和收益预 期,提供投资决策参考;三是为行业内研究者提供参考。 本文通过文献检索和结合多种分析工具对项目可行性进行了分析。首先,本计划书 对无人零售和办公室货架等方面的相关研究进行了文献回顾。然后,利用PEST模型分 析发现当前的政策红利、消费经济、人口比例和科技条件都十分有利于无人值守便利架 项目的成长和发展。宏观环境形势大好,但行业环境却不容乐观!利用波特的五力模型, 我们发现目前市场上竞争者众多,行业门槛较低,所以竞争状况比较激烈。接着,本文 又利用SWOT模型分析了“轻松吧”项目的优势与劣势,确定拟开展的“轻松吧”办 公室无人值守便利架项目应利用天然的地域优势、人脉优势和渠道优势,不同于行业内 大多数企业的“先跑马圈地,后质量管理”战略,而采用“铺点质与量并进”和“区域 深耕,稳步前进”的战略,将广州地区白领集中的高端写字楼和科技产品园区等场所做 透做好。在此战略指导下,营销策略方面,本项目计划与为高端写字楼提供服务的物业 公司建立深度合作关系,在其协作下开展办公室铺点上货工作,并与其合作共建前置仓, 此外,本项目亦寻求与供应商也建立深度合作关系,进行直采定制,既能降低成本,又 能为消费者提供定制化服务。最后,根据目前市场上办公室无人值守便利架企业的情况, 做出了本项目五年内的财务预测,并对项目开展过程中可能遇到的风险进行了预估。 本文通过分析发现,在广州地区开展无人便利架项目有较大的市场机会,符合宏观 发展政策,有较高的可操作性,也有不错的经济效益和社会效益。本商业计划书对该项 目全方位的分析,能够加深投资者对项目的了解,为其决策提供参考依据。 关键词:商业计划书;无人零售;办公室;办公室无人值守便利架 II Abstract This article,“Easy Bar” Office Unmanned Convenience shelf Business Plan, focus on whether the “Easy Bar” office unmanned convenience shelf project has market opportunities, whether the project is positioned properly, how the marketing strategy is formulated, how to build a competitive team,and what the financial projections and risks of the project are. Through the writing of this business plan, the first is to make the team members more clear about the strategic focus of the project and then smoothly progress the project; second, it is also expected to enable investors to understand the investment risks and earnings expectations of the project for their investment decisions. finally, I hope to provide some theoretical references for other companies in the industry to carry out projects. This paper analyzes the feasibility of the project through literature search and a combination of multiple analysis tools. First of all, this plan reviews the relevant research on unattended convenience retailing and office shelf. and then, using the PEST model analysis, it is found that the current policy dividend, consumption economy, population ratio and scientific and technological conditions are very beneficial to the growth and development of the unattended facilitation project. The macro environment situation is good, but the industry environment is not optimistic! Using Porter's five-force model, we found that there are many competitors in the market and the industry threshold is low, so the competition is fierce. Then, this paper uses the SWOT model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the “Easy Bar” project, and determines that the “Easy Bar” office unmanned convenience shelf project should use natural geographical advantages, network advantages and channel advantages,different from the strategy of“first grab the land and manage later”adopted by most companies in the industry, adopt the strategy of “pave quality and quantity” and “regional deep cultivation, steady progress”, provide the best service for The white-collar workers in the senior office buildings in Guangzhou area. Under the guidance of this strategy, in terms of marketing strategy, the project plans to establish an in-depth cooperation relationship with the property companies that provide services for the senior office buildings, and cooperate with them to carry out the work of the office and work together to build the front warehouse. In addition, The project also seeks to establish in-depth cooperation with suppliers to carry out direct customization, which can reduce costs and provide customized III services for consumers. Finally, based on the current situation of unattended convenience store enterprises in the market, the financial forecast of the project within five years was made, and the risks that may be encountered during the project development were estimated. Through analysis, this paper finds that there is a large market opportunity for unmanned shelf projects in Guangzhou, which is in line with macro development policies and has high operability, economic benefits and social benefits. This business plan provides a comprehensive analysis of the project, which can deepen investors' understanding of the project and provide a reference for their decision-making. Key words:Business plan; Unmanned convenience retail; Office; Office Unmanned convenience shelf IV 目 录 摘要 ..... I Abstract II 图表清单 .......................... VIII 第一章 绪论 ......................... 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............. 3 1.2 文献综述 .................... 3 1.2.1 商业计划书 ......... 3 1.2.2 无人零售 ............. 4 1.2.3 办公室货架 ......... 5 1.3 研究内容与方法 ........ 6 1.3.1 研究目标 ............. 6 1.3.2 研究内容 ............. 6 1.3.3 研究方法及技术路线 ........................ 7 第二章 项目的环境和竞争分析 ........................ 9 2.1 项目发起简述 ............ 9 2.2 宏观环境分析(PEST) ........................ 10 2.2.1 政治 ................... 10 2.2.2 经济 ................... 10 2.2.3 社会 ................... 10 2.2.4 技术 ................... 11 2.3 行业环境分析(波特五力模型) ......... 11 2.3.1 行业内竞争者 ... 11 2.3.2 潜在进入者威胁 .............................. 12 2.3.3 替代品的威胁 ... 12 2.3.4 供方议价能力 ... 13 2.3.5 买方议价能力 ... 13 V 2.4 本章小结 .................. 13 第三章 项目的市场定位和发展战略 .............. 14 3.1 SWOT分析 ............... 14 3.1.1 机会 ................... 14 3.1.2 威胁 ................... 15 3.1.3 优势 ................... 16 3.1.4 劣势 ................... 18 3.2 市场分析 .................. 19 3.2.1 线上零售与线下零售市场对比分析 ............................. 19 3.2.2 无人零售三种业态市场对比分析 .. 20 3.2.1 市场细分 ........... 20 3.2.2 目标市场选择 ... 22 3.3 发展战略 .................. 22 3.4 本章小结 .................. 23 第四章 营销策略 ............... 24 4.1 选址策略 .................. 24 4.1.1 进驻门槛:办公室人数需达50人 24 4.1.2 企业类型:初创企业等中小型企业 ............................. 24 4.2 产品和服务策略 ...... 25 4.2.1 自行开发小程序,搜集消费者数据,提供个性化定制服务 .................... 25 4.2.2 持续优化产品品类和精心打磨供应链 ......................... 27 4.2.3 与第三方办公用品分享渠道,深度挖掘消费者后续消费需求 ................ 27 4.3 价格策略 .................. 28 4.3.1 习惯性定价 ....... 28 4.3.2 差异化定价 ....... 28 4.4 渠道策略 .................. 28 4.4.1 与物业公司合作共建供应链 .......... 28 4.4.2 与供应商合作进行直采 .................. 30 4.5 推广策略:与物业公司合作进行推广 . 30 4.6 本章小结 .................. 31 VI 第五章 团队建设和管理运营 .......................... 32 5.1 “轻松吧”办公室无人值守便利架团队的使命与核心价值观............................. 32 5.1.1 “轻松吧”团队核心价值观 ............... 32 5.1.2 “轻松吧”团队使命 ........................... 33 5.1.3 “轻松吧”团队愿景 ........................... 33 5.2 “轻松吧”项目团队职能架构图及各部门职责...................... 33 5.3 “轻松吧”项目团队人力资源规划........... 34 5.3.1 “轻松吧”项目团队人员招聘 ........... 34 5.3.2“轻松吧”项目团队人员培训 ............ 35 5.4 “轻松吧”项目团队绩效管理与员工激励.............................. 35 5.4.1 绩效管理 ........... 35 5.4.2 薪酬管理 ......