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I 摘要 企业如何在发展中吸引、留住、用好人才,员工如何在企业平台上施展才华, 实现人生价值,这是每个管理者需要面对的问题。 生涯发展管理是人力资源管理的重要部分,从传入我国到现在,经历了二三 十年的发展历程,现已被人们逐渐认识和了解。生涯发展管理能够帮助员工找准 职业定位,促进潜能发挥,实现事业发展和个人价值,也能够促进企业人力资源 的开发和创新,为企业高质量发展提供支持。目前,我国中小企业对员工生涯发 展管理的作用有了一定的认识,但普遍存在实践应用不足,员工对个人生涯发展 管理意识淡化,生涯发展目标不明确,措施不具体。因此,研究企业员工生涯发 展管理将会有重大意义和应用前景。论文以 Y 公司为研究对象,查找公司在员工 生涯发展管理中存在的突出问题,并对这些问题进行系统分析,对员工生涯发展 管理建设提出方案。 本文通过调查研究,发现 Y 公司在员工生涯发展管理中存在管理薄弱、生涯 发展路径狭窄、培训和绩效管理欠缺等主要问题,针对这些问题提出公司应该加 强生涯发展管理建设,拓宽生涯发展路径、建立培训体系、完善生涯发展激励机 制和加强企业文化建设、加强员工自我生涯发展管理相关对策与建议。 关键词:生涯管理;人力资源;职业规划;对策研究Abstract II Abstract How to attract, retain and make good use of talents in the process of development, and how to display talents on the enterprise platform to realize the value of life, these are the problems that every manager needs to think about and solve. Career development management is an important part of human resource management. It has experienced 20 to 30 years of development since it was introduced into China. Now it has been gradually recognized and understood by people. Career development management can help employees find their career positioning, promote their potential, realize their career development and personal value, promote the development and innovation of human resources, and provide support for the high-quality development of enterprises. At present, China's small and medium-sized enterprises have a certain understanding of the role of career development management of employees, but there is a general lack of practical application, employees have little sense of personal career management, career development goals are not clear, measures are not specific. Therefore, it is of great significance and application prospect to study the career development management of enterprise employees. Taking Y Company as the object of study, this paper finds out the prominent problems in the management of employee career development and makes a systematic analysis of these problems, and puts forward plans for the management construction of employee career development. In this paper, through investigation and study, found that Y to exist in the management of employee career development management is weak, the career development path narrow, main problems such as lack of training and performance management, aiming at these problems puts forward company should strengthen the construction of career development management, broadening the career development path, to set up the training system, perfecting the incentive mechanism and career development to strengthen the construction of enterprise culture, strengthen the staff individual career management related countermeasure and the suggestion. Keywords: career management; human resources; career planning; strategy study目 录 III 目 录 摘要....I Abstract.II 第 1 章 绪论........................1 1.1 研究的背景...........1 1.2 研究的目的与意义..............................2 1.2.1 研究目的.........2 1.2.2 研究意义.........2 1.3 国内外研究现状...2 1.3.1 国外研究现状.2 1.3.2 国内研究现状.4 1.3.3 研究评述.........4 1.4 研究方法...............5 1.5 研究内容和框架...5 1.5.1 研究内容.........5 1.5.2 研究框架.........6 第 2 章 相关理论综述........8 2.1 生涯发展的基本概念..........................8 2.1.1 生涯的含义.....8 2.1.2 生涯发展的特点............................8 2.2 生涯发展管理相关理论......................9 2.2.1 生涯选择理论.9 2.2.2 生涯的发展理论..........................12 2.2.3 生涯激励理论..............................13 2.3 本章小结.............14 第 3 章 Y 公司生涯发展管理现状..................15 3.1 公司发展历程.....15 3.2 公司员工基本情况............................15 3.2.1 性别结构.......15目 录 IV 3.2.2 年龄结构.......16 3.2.3 学历结构.......16 3.2.4 职务结构.......17 3.3 公司员工生涯发展管理情况............17 3.4 Y 公司员工生涯发展管理问卷调查与结果分析.............18 3.4.1 问卷设计依据..............................18 3.4.2 调查问卷发放和回收..................18 3.4.3 问卷调查结果分析......................18 3.5 实地访谈情况分析............................25 3.5.1 Y 公司人力资源管理状况...........25 3.5.2 Y 公司职业通道情况...................25 3.5.3 Y 公司员工培训情况...................25 3.5.4 Y 公司在薪酬福利情况...............26 3.6 本章小结.............26 第 4 章 Y 公司员工生涯发展管理存在问题分析.........................27 4.1 生涯发展管理建设薄弱....................27 4.1.1 对生涯发展管理的重要性认识不足.........................27 4.1.2 缺乏专业的生涯发展管理人员..28 4.1.3 对员工生涯发展需求信息掌握不全.........................28 4.2 职业发展路径狭窄............................29 4.2.1 晋升渠道单一..............................29 4.2.2 晋升缺乏公平性..........................30 4.3 培训机制有待完善............................30 4.3.1 培训内容有待丰富......................30 4.3.2 培训的方式有待加强..................31 4.4 薪酬福利机制不完善........................32 4.4.1 薪酬制度设计不合理..................32 4.4.2 工资水平相对较低......................32 4.4.3 绩效考核作用发挥不明显..........33 4.4.4 福利待遇有待提高......................33 4.5 企业文化建设有待加强....................34 4.5.1 人本文化建设缺失......................34 4.5.2 缺乏创新文化..............................35目 录 V 4.6 本章小结.............35 第 5 章 Y 公司员工生涯发展管理对策方案..37 5.1 加强企业生涯发展管理建设............37 5.1.1 成立生涯发展管理机构..............37 5.1.2 建立健全公司员工生涯发展管理机制.....................37 5.1.3 开展生涯咨询与辅导..................38 5.2 拓宽生涯发展路径............................39 5.2.1 了解员工生涯发展需求..............39 5.2.2 设置多阶梯生涯发展模式..........39 5.2.3 加强岗位之间轮换......................41 5.3 建立生涯培训系统............................41 5.3.1 制定生涯培训总则......................42 5.3.2 规划培训课程..............................42 5.3.3 完善培训制度..............................42 5.3.4 强化培训评估与反馈..................43 5.4 完善生涯发展激励机制....................43 5.4.1 强化薪酬激励..............................43 5.4.2 强化其他激励措施......................44 5.4.3 强化绩效考核..............................44 5.5 强化企业文化建设............................45 5.6 加强员工自我生涯发展管理............45 5.6.1 制定个人生涯发展规划..............45 5.6.2 实施个人生涯开发......................46 5.6.3 开展个人生涯周期管理..............46 5.7 本章小结.............47 结 论.48