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中国制造大而不强,核心是创新能力不强,实质是人才不强。《中国制 2025》对中国制 造业的发展创新做出的顶层设计,指出高技能人才是我国各类人才队伍中的重要组成部分, 是工人阶级队伍的核心骨干和优秀代表之一,也是我们国家创新技术技能、创造社会财富的 重要力量,对推动国家技术创新、经济发展以及社会进步中都发挥着非常重要的作用。处于 充分竞争领域的国有制造型企业的技能人才规模及质量直接决定了企业的发展质量。制造型 企业的性质就决定了制造人才也就是技能人才尤为重要,技能人才的重要使命就是把实验室、 图纸上的产品变为实实在在的高品质的商品,这也决定了制造型企业能否高质量发展的关键。 针对这个问题,本文从“供应链管理”基本原理出发,引用近年来国际、国内人才供应链的 概念和基本做法,紧紧结合熊猫制造技能人才培养、管理等实际,着重从人才规划、人才盘 点、人才培养、人才补给、考核激励五个方面提出以满足客户需求为导向的技能人才供应链 设计方案。 全文共分为 6 章。其中前两章主要阐述研究的选题背景、研究目的和意义,并对国内外 相关基础理论和研究现状进行简要概括。第三章结合熊猫制造实际,深入分析了熊猫制造技 能人才管理现状。第四章结合人才供应链建设要求,通过问卷调查的方式对熊猫制造技能人 才管理存在的问题进行深入调研,为构建技能人才供应链提供了依据。第五章结合熊猫制造 产业发展特点和技能人才培养管理实际,着重从制定短期敏捷的人才规划、进行标准灵活的 人才盘点、以能力矩阵为基础 ROI 最大化的人才培养、建立技能人才多元化无时差人才补给 机制、优化考核激励机制五个方面,即从动态短期的人才规划、灵活标准的人才盘点、ROI 最大化的人才培养、无时差的人才补给、建立统一分层的考核激励机制五个方面,提出能够 满足企业发展和客户需求的技能人才供应链设计方案。第六章为总结与展望对通过总结并分 析创新点和存在的局限性。 关键词: 客户需求;技能人才;人才供应链II Abstract Made-in-China (China manufacturing) is big but not strong. The core is that there is no strong innovation ability, and the essence no strong talent. "Made in China 2025" is a top-level design for the development and innovation of China's manufacturing industry. It points out that high-skilled talents are an important part of China's talent team, are the core backbone and outstanding representatives of the workforce, who are important force to innovate technical skills, and create social wealth, playing an important role in promoting technological innovation, economic development and social progress. The size and quality of skilled talents team in state-owned manufacturing enterprises in a fully competitive field directly determines the quality of enterprise development.The nature of manufacturing enterprises determines that manufacturing talents, that is, skilled talents, are particularly important. The important mission of skilled talents is to turn the products in the laboratory and on the drawings into real high-quality products, which also is the key of manufacturing enterprises high-quality development. In response to this problem, this article starts from the basic principle of "supply chain management", quotes the concepts and basic practices of international and domestic talent supply chains in recent years, and closely combines the actual situation of Panda Manufacturing company, and focuses on five aspects which are talent planning, talent inventory, talent training, talent supply, performance and incentives to provide skilled talent supply chain management plan oriented to meet customer needs. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters mainly explain the background of the topic, the purpose and significance of the study, and briefly summarize the relevant basic theories and research status at home and abroad. Chapter 3 analyzes the actual situation and problems of skilled talent management by combining Panda Manufacturing company. The fourth chapter by combining with the requirements of talent supply chain construction, through a questionnaire survey, conducting in-depth investigation and analysis of the problems existing in the management of Panda Manufacturing Company skilled talent, provides a basis for the construction of skilled talent supply chain. Chapter 5 combines Panda Manufacturing development characteristics and skilled talent training and management practice, proposes the design plan for the supply chain of skilled talents from five aspects which are developing short-term agile talent plans, performing standard and flexible talent inventory, cultivating talent based on the capability matrixIII to maximize ROI, establishing a diversified and in-time talent supply mechanism for skilled talents, optimizing the performance incentive mechanism, i.e., dynamic short-term talent planning, standard and flexible talent inventory,maximized ROI talent training,in-time talent supply and unified and hierarchical performance and incentive mechanism. Chapter 6 is summary and outlook, summarizes and analyzes the innovation points and the limitations. Keywords: Customer Needs;Skilled Talent;Talent Supply ChainIV 目录 第一章 绪论.......1 1.1 选题背景...............1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ...2 1.2.1 研究目的........................ 2 1.2.2 研究意义........................ 2 1.3 研究方法...............3 1.3.1 文献研究法.................... 3 1.3.2 问卷调查法.................... 3 1.3.3 案例分析法.................... 3 1.4 研究思路和技术路线...........................3 1.4.1 研究思路....................... 3 1.4.2 技术路线........................ 4 1.5 章节内容安排 .......4 第二章 相关文献与理论概述...........6 2.1 供应链管理相关理论...........................6 2.1.1 供应链管理内涵 ............ 6 2.1.2 供应链管理思维 ............ 6 2.2 国内外人才供应链研究.......................7 2.2.1 人才供应链的含义 ........ 7 2.2.2 人才供应链主要内涵..... 8 2.2.3 人才供应链对人才培养的作用 .................... 9 2.2.4 人才供应链对企业适应外部环境变化的作用........................... 10 2.2.5 人才供应链对促进就业及优化人力资源管理的作用 ............... 11 2.3 小结......................12 第三章 熊猫制造技能人才管理现状............................13 3.1 企业基本情况 .....13 3.1.1 股权结构...................... 13 3.1.2 发展战略...................... 13 3.1.3 业务结构...................... 13 3.2 技能人才现状 .....14 3.2.1 制定了技能人才培养方针 .......................... 14 3.2.2 对构建了技能人才评价指标体系............... 14 3.2.3 多种培养手段发挥了积极作用 .................. 16 第四章 人才供应链视角下熊猫制造技能人才管理问题调查 ....................17 4.1 调查方式.............17 4.2 调查实施.............17V 4.3 调查过程.............17 4.4 供应链视角下熊猫制造技能人才管理存在的问题..........17 4.4.1 缺乏标准灵活的技能人才盘点 .................. 17 4.4.2 技能人才供给弹性不足.............................. 18 4.4.3 技能人才储备不能满足客户制造需求 ....... 19 4.4.4 技能人才培养机制不够科学 ...................... 20 4.4.5 技能人才评价不够多维.............................. 20 第五章 基于客户需求导向的熊猫制造技能人才供应链设计 ....................21 5.1 制定短期敏捷的人才规划 .................22 5.1.1 强化满足客户需求的经营理念 .................. 22 5.1.2 制定短期敏捷的技能人才规划 .................. 22 5.2 进行标准灵活的人才盘点 .................23 5.2.1 全面覆盖的系统盘点... 24 5.2.2 重点聚焦的质量盘点... 25 5.3 以能力矩阵为基础 ROI 最大化的技能人才培养..............27 5.3.1 构建技能人才能力矩阵.............................. 27 5.3.2 构建技能岗位能力模型............................. 28 5.3.3 分类开展能力提升培训.............................. 30 5.3.4 综合运用多种培训模式.............................. 31 5.4 建立技能人才多元化无时差补给机制.............................32 5.4.1 建立“三位一体”技能人才职业发展通道.... 32 5.4.2 建立首席技师遴选培养机制 ...................... 33 5.4.3 优化现代企业师徒培养机制 ...................... 33 5.4.4 用好技能竞赛选拔机制.............................. 34 5.4.5 优化高职院校轮岗实习机制 ...................... 34 5.5 建立统一分层的考核激励机制 .........35 5.5.1 建立系统的考核激励体系 ......................... 35 5.5.2 建立首席技师考核激励机制 ..................... 36 5.5.3 建立师带徒考核激励机制 .......................... 37 5.5.4 建立多角度综合考核机制 .......................... 37 5.5.5 建立内部技能人力资源池 .......................... 38 第六章 结论与展望......................39 6.1 结论.....................39 6.2 研究的创新点和局限性.....................39 6.2.1 研究的创新点 ............. 39 6.2.2 研究的局限性 ............. 40 6.3 展望.....................40