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2015年,在我国提出“互联网+”国家战略和行动计划之后,互联网对传统 行业的冲击与影响日益明显,并已成为推动我国经济转型升级的主要动力源。随 着我国社会经济文化的快速发展以及国民素质的提高,教育愈发引起人们的重视; 而全面二孩政策的落实,也使得早教行业市场规模越来越大。在互联网的推动下, 早教行业也在产品、价格、渠道和促销等市场营销策略方面发生了巨大的变化。 金宝贝早教是知名的国际早教机构,虽然其较早进入我国早教市场,占据较 大的市场份额,但固化的商业模式使得其在互联网营销方面仍有所欠缺。在当前 我国“互联网+”国家战略和行动计划的背景下,本文以金宝贝早教机构为实证 案例,结合我国早教行业的发展现状以及未来市场需求,对其互联网时代的市场 营销策略进行系统全面的研究。本文通过访谈、问卷调查、查阅相关文献获取案 例数据,首先,整体论述了我国早教行业市场规模大、互联网市场竞争激烈的发 展现状;其次分析我国早教市场政治、经济、社会、技术等宏观环境以及消费者 购买力、营销渠道等微观环境;最后,使用SWTO分析法对金宝贝早教机构的优 势、劣势、威胁、机遇等方面进行分析。综合分析发现金宝贝早教机构在互联网 背景下的市场营销策略上存在以下问题:(1)线上产品不够丰富;(2)早教产品 价格偏高;(3)网络营销渠道匮乏;(4)促销渠道形式单一。总之,金宝贝早教 机构在市场营销中并未积极充分地利用互联网,缺乏互联网创新思维。 针对金宝贝早教在互联网背景下市场营销方面所存在的问题,本文提出如下 建议:首先,丰富早教产品内容,加大产品研发力度,强化在线服务,引入与企 事业单位的托育合作;其次,调整早教产品价格,实施区域性差别定价策略以及 个性化差别定价策略;再次,拓宽网络营销渠道,包括强化网络直销策略、重视 网络口碑传播、创新“老带新”营销、运用自媒体营销策略等;最后,丰富网络 促销形式,包括网络价格刺激、网络抽奖促销、网络积分促销等促销手段。 本研究的目的一方面在于促进金宝贝早教机构更好地运用互联网思维、使用 互联网手段进行市场营销;另一方面,对提升早教行业企业市场营销的效率,推 动早教行业的快速发展,提高婴幼儿及家长的满意度,增强客户粘性具有一定的 启示作用和借鉴价值。 关键词:互联网,早教,营销策略,金宝贝 II Marketing strategy research of "Gemboree" Early Education Institution based on "Internet Plus" Abstract After China had proposed the "Internet Plus" national strategy and action plan in 2015, the impact and influence of the Internet on traditional industries became increasingly obvious, and it has become the main power to promote China's economic transformation and upgrading. With the rapid development of China's society, economy and culture, and the improvement of the national quality, education has increasingly attracted people's attention. The implementation of the comprehensive two-child policy has also made the market of the early education industry increasingly large. Driven by the Internet, the early education industry has also undergone tremendous changes in marketing strategies such as product, price, channel and promotion. "Gemboree" is a well-known international early education institution. Although it entered the early education market in China earlier and occupied a large market share, the solidified business model makes it still lacking in Internet marketing. Under the background of China's current "Internet Plus" national strategy and action plan, this paper takes "Gemboree" as an empirical case, and combines the development status of China's early education industry and future market demand, to make a systematical and comprehensive study on the marketing strategy in the Internet era. This paper collects case data through interviews, questionnaires, and related literatures. Firstly, it discusses the development status of large market in China's early education industry and the fierce competition in the Internet market. Secondly, it analyzes the macro-environment of China's early education market in terms of politics, economy, society and technology, and also analyzes the micro-environment of consumers' purchasing power, marketing channels; Finally, using SWTO to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of "Gemboree". According to the comprehensive analysis, it is found that the following problems exist in the marketing strategy of "Gemboree" under the Internet background: (1) the lack of online products; (2) the high price of the products; (3) the shortage of the network marketing channels; (4) the single form of promotion strategy. It hasn’t fully utilized the Internet in marketing, and is lack of innovative thinking in the Internet. For the problems as mentioned above, this paper puts forward some suggestions III as follows. They are, first of all, to enrich their products, especially to strengthen the product research and online services, and introduce a nursery cooperation with enterprises and institutions; secondly, to adjust the price of early education products, implement regional differential pricing strategies and individualized differential pricing strategies; thirdly, to broaden network marketing channels, including strengthening online direct marketing strategy, paying attention to online word-of-mouth communication, innovating “old leads new” marketing, using self-media marketing strategies, etc; finally, to enrich online promotion forms, including network price incentives, online sweepstakes promotion, and online point promotion etc. The purpose of this study is to improve the application of Internet thinking and Internet mode in marketing for "Gemboree"; at the same time, it is expected to be constructive and helpful to promote the marketing efficiency and the rapid development of early education industry, and to improve the satisfaction of infants and parents, and finally to enhance the customer engagement. Keywords: Internet, early education, marketing strategy, Gemboree IV 目录 摘要 .............................................................. I Abstract ......................................................... II 第一章 引言 ...................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.2 研究意义 ................................................... 2 1.3 研究方法 ................................................... 2 1.4 研究内容 ................................................... 3 1.5 研究思路 ................................................... 4 1.6 研究创新点 ................................................. 5 第二章 文献综述与理论基础 ........................................ 6 2.1 文献综述 ................................................... 6 2.1.1 早教市场营销研究现状 .................................. 6 2.1.2 “互联网+教育”研究现状 ................................ 7 2.1.3 研究评述 .............................................. 9 2.2 相关概念 ................................................... 9 2.2.1 早教与早教市场 ........................................ 9 2.2.2 互联网+教育 .......................................... 10 2.3 理论依据 .................................................. 11 2.3.1 网络营销理论 ......................................... 11 2.3.2 服务营销理论 ......................................... 12 2.3.3 4P营销理论 .......................................... 12 第三章 早教行业及其互联网市场发展现状 ........................... 14 3.1 早教行业市场发展状况 ...................................... 14 3.1.1 早教行业基本概况 ..................................... 14 3.1.2 早教行业发展特点 ..................................... 15 3.2 早教行业互联网市场发展现状 ................................ 16 3.2.1 早教在线产品 ......................................... 16 3.2.2 早教互联网营销 ....................................... 16 3.2.3 在线客户关系维护 ..................................... 17 第四章 金宝贝早教机构及其市场环境分析 ........................... 18 4.1 金宝贝早教机构简介 ........................................ 18 4.1.1 品牌概述 ............................................. 18 V 4.1.2 早教理念 ............................................. 19 4.1.3 课程设计 ............................................. 19 4.1.4 教具特点 .......................