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蓝天电力公司燃机技术人员培训体系优化研究 蓝天电力公司系鑫能集团旗下企业,是鑫能集团公司的重要支柱产业。其 旗下有拥有30余家发电企业,其中2*200MW规模燃机电厂6家。燃机发电生产 工艺相对于其他发电类型具有极强独特性,涉及内容复杂、技术发展迅速,行 业发展潜力巨大;与此同时,由于燃机发电进入我国时间较短,尚处于起步阶 段,可以借鉴的运行和检修经验较少,行业标准和管理模式还在探索期,可供 参考的技术资料稀缺;这些因素共同决定了蓝天电力公司燃机技术人员培训的 现状:虽然燃机发电技术处于领先地位,但是现阶段我国燃机发电培训教材水 平参差不齐,没有形成统一体系,这一现状决定了科学、有序的培训是目前增 强燃机发电企业竞争实力的主要途径。 本文在综述了培训理论、培训需求分析、培训评估等国内外相关理论文献 的基础上,通过对蓝天电力公司现行燃机技术人员培训体系的探究发现其培训 体系存在如下问题:培训负责机构功能不突出、培训需求分析不够精准、培训 课程、授课形式单一、培训效果评估不完善,现行培训难以发挥其应有作用。 本文针对蓝天电力公司现行燃机技术人员培训中存在的问题,结合相关培 训理论,通过深度人物访谈、问卷调查、行业走访等形式,对蓝天电力公司燃 机技术人员培训体系架构进行了优化。新的燃机技术人员培训体系从培训需求 入手,以培训效果评估收尾,完善了培训流程,着重关注培训需求分析、课程 设置、师资选拔和培训效果评估环节,力争深入解决培训中存在的问题。在方 案改进过程中,着重针对以上问题一一提出解决方案,重点突破培训架构瓶颈 问题,最后提出燃机技术人员新培训系统运行的保障机制:通过规定技术人员 岗位胜任力培训制度、形成培训管理规范化制度的方式实现制度保障,通过建 立相应培训工作的组织,明确职责,形成企业内部培训师队伍的建立与考核工 作机制、形成学习型企业文化促进组织发展等形式来实现组织文化保障机制。 II 在燃机发电迅猛发展、国内市场迅速扩张的历史时期,蓝天电力公司发挥 优势,不断改进,通过培训体系优化促进燃机技术人员发展提升企业竞争力, 一定会取得成功,以此巩固其行业地位,实现企业发展战略。 关键词: 培训体系优化 ,培训需求分析,培训效果评估,培训制度保障 III Abstract Research on Optimization of Training System for Gas Turbine Technician in Blue-sky Power Company Blue-sky Power (Group) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Xin-neng Group and an important pillar industry of Xin-neng Group. It has more than 30 power generation companies, of which 6 are gas fired power plants with large scale 2*200MW. Compared with other types of power generation, the production process of gas turbine power generation has strong uniqueness, involving complex contents, rapid technological development, and great potential for industry development. At the same time, due to the late start of gas turbine power generation in China, there is a lack of relevant standards and management mode of the industry, and there is no reference for authoritative operation and maintenance. These factors together determine the status quo of the training of gas turbine technicians in Blue-sky Power Company: although the technology is advanced, there is no unified training materials and scientific training system in China, how to strengthen the training system has become an important way to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. On the basis of summarizing training theory, training demand analysis, training evaluation and other relevant literature at home and abroad, this paper finds the following problems in the training system of Blue Sky Power Company's current training system for gas turbine technicians: the function of the responsible training organization is not prominent, the training demand analysis is not accurate, and the training system is not accurate enough. The current training work is difficult to play its due role because of the single training course and teaching form and the imperfect evaluation of training effect. Aiming at the existing problems in the training of gas turbine technicians in Blue-sky Electric Power Company, this paper optimizes the training system of gas turbine technicians in Blue Sky Electric Power Company by means of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and industry visits. The new training system for gas turbine IV technicians starts with the training needs and ends with the training effect evaluation. It perfects the whole training process, and pays more attention to the training needs analysis, curriculum design, teacher selection and training effect evaluation, so as to solve the existing problems in the training system. In the process of scheme improvement, this paper puts forward solutions one by one to solve the above problems, focusing on breaking through the bottleneck of the training system architecture, and finally puts forward the guarantee mechanism for the operation of the new training system for gas turbine technicians: by stipulating the post competency training system for technicians and forming a standardized training management system To realize the system guarantee, the organizational culture guarantee mechanism can be realized by establishing the organization responsible for the corresponding training work, clarifying the responsibilities, forming the working mechanism of establishing and assessing the trainer team within the enterprise, and forming the learning enterprise culture to promote the development of the organization. In the historical period of rapid development of gas turbine power generation and rapid expansion of domestic market, Blue-sky Electric Power Company will make full use of its advantages and make continuous improvement to promote the development of gas turbine technicians and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises by optimizing the training system.