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随着商业的发展,免费增值模式的应用越来越普遍,市场上主流的游戏和大部分的 应用均采用了免费增值模式。有的企业依靠免费增值模式得到了跨越式的发展,如腾讯。 然而对于大部分企业来说,免费增值模式的付费转化率不高一直是困扰企业发展的难题。 如何识别影响用户付费转化的因素,提高用户的付费转化率,是一个亟待解决的问题。 虽然已有研究陆续对免费增值模式进行了探讨,但对付费转化的具体过程缺乏关注,同 时学者们现有的研究聚焦于B2C情境,而忽略了B2B情境下的付费转化。 本文通过回顾免费增值模式的发展由来,分析了已有研究的成果和不足。采用理论 研究的方法,基于CUSAMS理论和TOE框架,识别出企业用户的试用特征与试用结果 有明显的相关关系,同时还受到机构特征的影响,从而建立了简要理论模型,对影响用 户付费的因素进行初步分析;然后通过现状偏差理论和互惠原则,针对企业用户的试用 特征、机构特征如何影响试用结果进行了分析,给出了研究假设;最后通过对赛诚公司 教务管理系统后台数据的实证分析,对研究假设进行验证,得到了试用增值功能、试用 时长、试用强度在机构规模的调节下如何影响机构用户的付费转化结果。 结果表明,试用增值功能、试用时长、试用强度与是否购买、付费金额具有正相关 关系,从而验证了CUSAMS理论中关系长度、关系深度对客户价值的积极影响;揭示 了机构规模对试用增值功能、试用时长、试用强度与是否购买、付费金额之间关系的调 节作用,从TOE框架的组织因素角度验证了组织规模会影响组织采用技术创新的倾向。 该软件厂商应对现有客户群在相关特征上进行识别和划分,对试用增值功能、试用时长 较长、试用强度较大、规模较小的机构用户应投入更多关注。 关键词:免费增值、付费转化、CUSAMS理论、TOE框架、试用特征、机构特征 II Abstract With the development of business, the application of free value-added mode is becoming more and more common. The mainstream games and most applications on the market have adopted the free Freemium model. Some companies rely on the free Freemium model to achieve leapfrog development, such as Tencent. However, for most companies, the low value-added conversion rate of the Freemium model has always been a problem that puzzles the development of enterprises. How to identify the factors that affect the user's payment conversion and increase the user's payment conversion rate is an urgent problem to be solved. Although the freemium model has been discussed in some studies, there is a lack of attention to the specific process of paid conversion. Meanwhile, the existing researches of scholars focus on the B2C scenario and ignore the paid conversion in the B2B scenario. This paper reviews the development of freemium model and analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of the existing research. Based on the CUSAMS theory and the TOE framework, This paper uses the method of theoretical research to identify the obvious correlation between the trial characteristics of the organization users and the trial results, and also affected by the characteristics of the organization, thus establishing a brief theoretical model to conduct a preliminary analysis of the factors affecting user payment; Then, based on the theory of CUSAMS and Reciprocity principle, this paper analyzes how the trial characteristics of organization users and the characteristics of organization affect the trial results, and gives the research hypothesis; Finally, through the empirical analysis of the back- end data of Sai Cheng's educational administration management system, the research hypothesis is verified, and the results show that whether the value-added function is tried, the length of the trial, the strength of the trial affect the payment conversion results of organization users under the adjustment of organization size. The results show that whether the value-added function is tried, the length of the trial, the strength of the trial is positively related to whether it is purchased and the amount of payment, thus verifying the positive impact of the relationship length and depth on customer value in the CUSAMS theory. This research reveals the moderating effect of organization size on the relationship between whether the value-added function is tried, the length of the trial, the strength of the trial and whether it is purchased and the amount of payment. And it verifies that the organization size will affect the organization tendency to adopt technological innovation III from the perspective of organizational factors in the TOE framework. The company in this article should identify and classify the relevant characteristics of the existing customer base, and should pay more attention to organization users who have tried value-added functions, have a longer trial duration, greater trial intensity, and smaller scale.