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I 摘要 高速铁路的飞速发展需要强有力的人力资源支撑,高铁工作有专业性强、涵盖广、 强度大、更新快、标准高、夜间作业多、团队协作多等特点,因为高铁员工的特点决 定了无法用过去普速铁路传统的人力资源管理方式与评价考核方式进行简单得管理, 基层站段如何辨别与评价高铁职工进而如何做好站段人力资源成为摆在众多基层站段 面前的一道难题,本文从铁路基层站段T公司的高铁岗位出发,建立岗位胜任力模型 并根据模型对现有培训课程进行优化。 本文从文献分析着手,利用公开发布的优秀高铁职工事迹与相关文献研究,从中 初步整理出高铁职工胜任力因子,随后利用优秀组与普通组织高铁职工的行为分析访 谈,对其关键行为事件进行分析,基于对关键行为事件的分析进行抽象、剖析、整合 与汇总,随后利用问卷调查法展开统计调研,最后获得了十七个胜任力因子。基于此, 运用SPSS21.0 统计软件对相关调研数据展开因子分析,获得五项公因子。第一,知识 技能;第二,团建能力;第三,基层管理能力;第四,职业素养;第五,身心素质。 从知识技能层面而言,具体包含四项内容,按照模型解释的程度从高到低排列分别是 技术能力、实践经验、安全知识、持续学习能力;就职业素质而言,具体包含三项, 首先是责任心,其次是敬业精神,最后是正直诚信;就团队建设能力而言,也包含四 项内容,首先是培养指导,其次是团队合作能力,再次为沟通能力,最后为关心同事; 从身心素质出发包括,身体状况、抗压能力、应急处理能力;基层管理能力包括三项 内容,首先是组织协调,其次是表率效应,最后是计划执行,基于此获得了包含十七 项胜任力因子与五项公因子在内的T公司高铁职工胜任力模型。 运用AMOS21.0统计软件对该模型展开多要素斜交因子剖析,验证模型的有效性。 结论证实构建的模型拟合指标处于可接受范畴之中,意味着模型具备效力。在文章最 后着重探索了将高铁职工胜任力模型应用于T公司自身的高铁职工培训层面上,并将 胜任力模型作为基础,制定了行之有效的培训与评估方式。论文基于深入探究与分析 的前提下,构建了T公司高铁职工胜任力模型,展开了验证性剖析,并将模型在T公 司培训中的应用进行了探索,这为高铁职工的评价与管理带来了理论模型,并就实践 推广做出了探索。 关键词:高速铁路;职工;胜任力模型 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract High-speed railway needs strong human resources support for its rapid development. High-speed rail work has the characteristics of high professionalism, wide coverage, high intensity, fast renewal, high standard, more night work and more teamwork. How to train high-speed railway workers in line with the development of high-speed rail through internal adaptive training is a difficult problem in front of many basic stations. This paper sets up the post competency model and optimizes the existing training courses according to the model from the high-speed rail posts T company in the basic railway stations. Based on abstracting, analyzing, integrating and summarizing the key behaviors, this paper first sorted out six kinds of high-speed rail employees' competency factors from the deeds of excellent workers, then selected 16 high-speed rail employees from excellent groups and ordinary organizations to conduct interviews on key behavior events, and finally got 26 T company high-speed rail employees team leader competency factors. Then using the questionnaire survey method to carry out statistical research, finally obtained 17 competency factors. Based on this, five common factors were obtained by factor analysis using SPSS21.0 statistical software. First, knowledge and skills; second, team building ability; third, grass-roots management ability; fourth, professional accomplishment; fifth, physical and mental quality. As far as knowledge and skills are concerned, there are four elements: technical ability、 practical experience、safety knowledge, and finally continuous learning ability; in terms of professional quality, there are three elements: first, responsibility, second, professionalism, and last, integrity; in terms of team building ability, there are four elements: first, guidance, second, teamwork, second, communication, and last, caring for colleagues; in terms of physical and mental quality, including: stress resistance, physical condition and emergency handling, Grass-roots management ability includes three contents, first organization coordination, second example effect, and finally plan implementation. Based on this, we obtain the competency model of T company high-speed railway workers, including 17 competency factors and five common factors. After analyzing the multiple factor skew factor using AMOS21.0 statistical software, the conclusion proves that the model fitting index is in the acceptable category, which means the model is effective. At the end of this paper, the author focuses on applying the competency model of high-speed rail workers to the training level of high-speed rail workers T company their own, and based on the competency model, the author formulates effective training. and evaluation methods. Abstract III Based on indepth research and analysis, this paper constructs a competency model for T company high-speed railway workers, carries out validation analysis, and explores the application of the model in T company training, which brings theoretical and practical experience for the cultivation of high-speed rail workers as a reference. Key words: High-speed Railway; Staff; Competency Model 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ...... II 目 录 .......... IV Contents ... VII 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................ 1 1.2 研究目的 ........................ 1 1.3 研究意义 ........................ 2 1.4 研究内容 ........................ 2 1.5 研究方法 ........................ 2 1.6 研究路线 ........................ 3 第二章 相关概念界定及理论基础 .......................... 4 2.1 胜任力理论概念界定及理论基础 ............... 4 2.1.1 国外胜任力概念及发展概述 .............. 4 2.1.2 国内胜任力理论概念及发展概述 ...... 7 2.2 培训概念发展及理论基础 ........................... 9 2.2.1 国外培训概念概述及理论基础 .......... 9 2.2.2 国内培训概念概述及理论基础 ........ 10 2.2.3 高铁培训概念界定 ............................ 13 2.3 高铁岗位及高铁职工概念界定 ................. 13 第三章 T公司高铁职工培训现状 ........................ 14 3.1 T公司概况 .................... 14 3.2 高铁职工结构分析 ...... 14 3.3 培训现状 ...................... 16 3.3.1 培训机构 ............. 16 3.3.2 培训计划 ............. 16 3.3.3 培训方式 ............. 17 3.3.4 培训方法 ............. 17 目 录 V 3.3.5 培训师资 ............. 17 3.4 培训存在问题及分析 .. 18 3.4.1 培训存在问题 ..... 18 3.4.2 问题原因分析 ..... 20 第四章 T公司高铁职工胜任力因素分析 ............ 21 4.1 基于文献综述的胜任力特征总结 ............. 21 4.1.1 对现有文献中高铁职工胜任力特征进行归纳 ............... 21 4.1.2 高铁职工先进事迹胜任力因子提取 21 4.1.3胜任力因子结果分析 ......................... 23 4.2 基于行为事件访谈的胜任力项目分析 ..... 23 4.2.1 设计访谈提纲 ..... 23 4.2.2 抽样访谈对象 ..... 24 4.2.3 实施访谈过程 ..... 24 4.2.4 胜任力因子提取 . 25 4.2.5 访谈结果与分析 . 26 第五章 T公司高铁职工胜任力模型建构 ............ 30 5.1 调查问卷设计及预试 .. 30 5.1.1 问卷编制 ............. 30 5.1.2 问卷预编及形成正式问卷 ................ 30 5.2 正式问卷设计及分析 .. 32 5.2.1 问卷基本信息统计 ............................ 32 5.2.2 探索性因子分析 . 32 5.2.3 调查问卷信度分析 ............................ 38 5.3 T公司高铁职工胜任力模型构架 ............... 40 5.4胜任力模型验证性因素分析 ...................... 41 5.4.1 模型假设 ............. 41 5.4.2 模型识别检验 ..... 42 5.4.3 模型拟合 ............. 42 5.4.4 模型修正 ............. 44 5.4.5 修正模型拟合 ..... 46 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 VI 5.4.6模型评价 .............. 49 5.4.7 模型解释 ............. 49 第六章 培训课程设计 ............. 51 6.1 培训课程设计原则 ...... 51 6.1.1 培训需求分析 ..... 51 6.1.2 高铁岗位需求出发 ............................ 52 6.1.3 高铁职工需求出发 ............................ 52 6.2 课程设计步骤 .............. 52 6.2.1 高铁职工胜任力测评 ........................ 53 6.2.2 培训课程设置 ..... 53 6.2.3培训课程分级 ...... 55 6.2.4 培训方式匹配 ..... 56 6.2.4 课程效果反馈 ..... 56 第七章 研究结论 ..................... 57 7.1 研究结论 ...................... 57 7.2 研究局限与不足 .......... 57