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- I - 摘要 在民航业飞速发展的前提下,航空公司机队规模与员工数量也飞速增长。这时, 绩效评价体系如果不进行相应的优化变革,将会影响并制约航空公司的发展。目前 多数航空公司的绩效评价体系较为简单,特别是在签派员行业,仅仅将传统的安全 指标和办公秩序等作为绩效评价的有效指标,绩效评价的工具类型单一甚至全凭主 观论断。随着航空业的不断发展,传统计划经济时代的绩效评价方法或单一类型的 绩效评价工具已远远不能满足航空企业的发展需求,更不能全面的进行绩效评价, 因而对现有绩效评价体系做出有效的改进,探索出一套适用于现代航空企业发展的 绩效评价体系就成了重中之重,只有科学地利用绩效评价体系的相关理论和工具, 并与航空公司的发展有机结合,才能体现出绩效评价存在的真正价值。KPI与360度 考评法相结合,能够更加全面地评估签派员在公司发展中的绩效水平,弱化只使用 一种工具所带来的缺点,同时可以将两种方法的优势充分的发挥出来。 本论文以GS航空公司运行控制部签派员为研究对象,将KPI绩效管理作为主要 手段,辅以360度评价模型,共同完成签派员的绩效评价工作,并根据评价结果对 签派员进行具有针对性的绩效提升。本文主要研究内容如下:首先,本文以绩效管 理的相关理论为基础,对GS航空公司运行控制部签派员绩效管理现状进行了分析; 其次,本文根据民航签派员的职业特点,选取GS关键绩效指标,对现有月度绩效评 价与管理体系进行优化,并辅以360度评价模式,完善年度绩效评价模型;随后根 据绩效评价结果,对不足之处综合分析,进行针对性的绩效提升及改进;最后,根 据对GS航空公司运行控制部的签派员绩效评价体系得出的分析结果,制定优化后的 签派员绩效评价体系的实施保障措施,以保证优化后的绩效评价体系能够在GS公司 顺利施行。 关键词:签派员;绩效评价;体系优化 燕山大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - II - Abstract Under the premise of rapid development of the civil aviation industry, the size of the airline fleet and the number of employees have also increased rapidly. At this time, if the performance evaluation system does not adapt to the development of the times, it may affect and restrict the airlines. At present, the performance evaluation system of most airlines is relatively simple, especially in the dispatcher industry. Only the traditional safety indicators and office order are used as effective indicators for performance evaluation. The types of performance evaluation tools are single or even based on the supervisor's judgment. With the continuous development of the aviation industry, the performance evaluation methods in the traditional planned economy era or a single type of performance evaluation tools are far from meeting the development needs of aviation enterprises, and can not comprehensively perform performance evaluation. Therefore, the existing performance evaluation system is Effective improvement and exploration of a performance evaluation system suitable for the development of modern aviation enterprises has become a top priority. Only scientifically use the relevant theories and tools of the performance evaluation system to organically integrate with the development of airlines. In order for performance evaluation to play its true role. The combination of KPI and 360-degree assessment method can more fully assess the performance level of dispatchers in the company's development, weaken the shortcomings of using only one tool, and fully exploit the advantages of the two methods. This paper takes the dispatcher of the GS Airline Operation Control Department as the research object, and uses KPI performance management as the main means, supplemented by the 360-degree evaluation model, and jointly completes the evaluation work, and finds the dispatcher's own performance problems based on the evaluation results. Conduct effective performance improvement work. The main research contents are as follows: Firstly, based on the relevant theory, this paper analyzes the status quo of performance management of dispatchers in GS Airlines Operation Control Department. Secondly, according to the professional characteristics of civil aviation dispatchers, this Abstract - III - paper selects KPI key performance indicators. The existing monthly performance appraisal and management system is optimized, supplemented by a 360-degree evaluation model, and the semi-annual and annual performance appraisal model is improved. Then, based on the results of the performance appraisal, a comprehensive analysis of the insufficiency of the dispatcher’s performance is carried out, and the pertinence is targeted. Performance improvement and improvement. Finally, based on the analysis of the results of the dispatcher performance evaluation system of the GS Airline Operations Control Department, provides corresponding safeguard measures for the specific implementation of the performance evaluation system to ensure that the improved performance evaluation system successfully implemented in this company. Keywords:dispatcher; performance evaluation; system optimize 目 录 - I - 目 录 摘要 ...... I ABSTRACT .......................... II 第1章 绪 论 ...................... 1 1.1研究背景及研究意义 . 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............... 2 1.2国内外研究现状 ......... 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ....... 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ....... 5 1.2.3国内外研究述评 ... 7 1.3研究内容及研究方法 . 8 1.3.1研究内容 ............... 8 1.3.2研究方法 ............. 10 第2章 绩效评价体系优化的相关理论基础 ... 11 2.1相关概念 ................... 11 2.1.1绩效评价 ............. 11 2.1.2绩效管理 ............. 11 2.1.3绩效评价体系 ..... 12 2.1.4签派员 ................. 13 2.2绩效评价的内容 ....... 13 2.2.1工作能力 ............. 13 2.2.2工作态度 ............. 13 2.2.3工作绩效 ............. 14 2.3常见绩效评价方法 ... 14 2.3.1 KPI ....................... 14 2.3.2平衡计分卡法 ..... 15 2.3.3 360度考评法 ...... 15 2.4 本章小结 .................. 16 第3章 GS航空公司运行控制部签派员绩效评价体系现状分析 17 3.1GS航空公司及运行控制部简介 ............. 17 3.1.1GS航空公司简介 17 燕山大学工商管理硕士学位论文 - II - 3.1.2运行控制部简介 . 17 3.1.3运行控制部组织结构 ........................ 18 3.1.4运行控制部人员构成情况 ................ 18 3.2 GS航空公司运行控制部签派员绩效评价状况 ................... 18 3.2.1现有绩效评价流程 ............................ 18 3.2.2现有绩效评价结果应用 .................... 20 3.3签派员绩效影响因素与绩效评价存在问题 ......................... 21 3.3.1签派员绩效的影响因素 .................... 21 3.3.2现有绩效评价体系存在问题 ............ 21 3.4原因分析 ................... 22 3.4.1管理者对绩效评价工作的忽视 ........ 22 3.4.2长期历史惯性原因 ............................ 23 3.4.3缺乏深入的工作分析 ........................ 23 3.5本章小结 ................... 23 第4章 GS航空公司运行控制部签派员绩效评价体系优化 ........ 24 4.1绩效评价体系优化原则、目标和方法 .. 24 4.1.1绩效评价体系优化原则 .................... 24 4.1.2绩效评价体系优化目标 .................... 24 4.1.3绩效评价体系优化方法 .................... 25 4.2绩效评价指标的确定及定义 .................. 25 4.2.1绩效评价指标的确定 ........................ 25 4.2.2绩效评价指标的定义 ........................ 27 4.3绩效评价体系的优化方法 ...................... 28 4.3.1 KPI体系搭建 ...... 28 4.3.2 360度评价体系构建 ......................... 32 4.4绩效评价周期及绩效辅导 ...................... 32 4.4.1绩效评价周期 ..... 32 4.4.2绩效辅导 ............. 32 4.5绩效评价结果反馈及应用 ...................... 34 4.5.1绩效评价结果反馈 ............................ 34 4.5.2绩效评价结果申诉 ............................ 35 4.5.3绩效评价结果的应用 ........................ 36 4.6本章小结 ................... 37 第5章 GS航空公司优化后签派员绩效评价体系实施保障措施 38 5.1设置签派员绩效评价管理机构 .............. 38 目 录 - III - 5.2建立签派员绩效评价体系评审制度 ...... 38 5.3全员提高对优化后绩效评价体系的认识 ............................. 38 5.4强化沟通以确保绩效评价的公平性 ...... 39 5.5本章小结 ................... 40 结 论 ... 41。。。。。。以下内容略