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面对当前互联网金融的不断冲击,和甘肃金融市场同业不断的进入,使得 甘肃省商业银行金融市场竞争的不断加剧,银行业传统的营销模式效率日渐降 低,传统金融模式面对的互联网金融冲击日益加剧。一些商业银行在传统营销 的基础上也在寻找应对策略以实现业务的发展,银行业传统的业务发展营销思 路开始转变,各家银行都在积极尝试使用新技术来支撑未来业务的发展。所 以,当前的竞争环境对兰州银行来说不仅是挑战,也是机遇。目前兰州银行在 个人存款业务营销中仍采用传统的营销策略和手段,这些营销措施目前已显现 各种弊端,不能支持现在市场的激烈竞争。如果要保证兰州银行目前在甘肃省 个人存款业务的优势地位,就要尽快对现有的营销策略进行优化,以确保未来 业务发展的需要。 本文首先通过对目前兰州银行个人存款业务营销现状进行描述,对后续的 优化策略进行理论铺垫。其次,通过对兰州银行个人存款业务目前营销策略存 在的问题进行分析,表明兰州银行在面对金融行业营销转型的过程中,缺乏科 学完整的营销思维和创新型的营销策略,得出兰州银行进行个人存款业务营销 策略优化的必要性。最后,通过对兰州银行个人存款业务营销过程中存在的问 题进行实证性调查研究,分析存在问题及问题成因,从而对目前的营销策略进 行优化,并对营销策略优化的实施保障进行简要分析。 通过研究过程可以看出,兰州银行A分行个人存款业务现有营销模式中对于 客户没有分类,对客户的需求没有进行分析,而直接进行的无差别的标准化营销, 浪费银行大量的人力物力,营销效率较低。而借助新科技手段的不断介入,目前 在营销中遇到的一些问题都可以得到解决。因此,该优化策略的提出具有针对性 和适用性的。 关键词: 兰州银行 个人存款业务 营销优化策略 MBA学位论文 作者: 黄然 客户分类视角下的兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销策略优化研究 II Study on the Marketing Strategy Optimization of Personal Deposit Business of A branch of Bank of Lanzhou from the Perspective of Customer Classification Abstract In the face of the continuous impact of Internet Finance and the constant entry of Gansu financial market peers, the financial market competition of commercial banks in Gansu Province is becoming increasingly fierce. The traditional marketing mode efficiency of the banking industry is decreasing, and the impact of Internet Finance on the financial mode is increasing. On the basis of traditional marketing, some commercial banks are also looking for strategies to achieve business development. The traditional banking business development and marketing ideas have begun to change, and banks are actively trying to use new technologies to support future business development. Therefore, the current competitive environment for Bank of Lanzhou is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity.At present, the Bank of Lanzhou still adopts traditional marketing strategies and methods in the marketing of personal deposits. These marketing measures have now revealed various disadvantages and cannot support the fierce competition in the current market. If the Bank of Lanzhou is to guarantee the current dominant position of personal deposit business in Gansu Province, it is necessary to optimize the existing marketing strategy as soon as possible to ensure the needs of future business development. Firstly,this article describes the current status of the Bank of Lanzhou's personal deposit business marketing, and provides a theoretical foundation for subsequent optimization strategies. Secondly, by analyzing the problems in the current marketing strategy of the Bank of Lanzhou's personal deposit business, shows that the Bank of Lanzhou lacks scientific and complete marketing thoughts and innovative marketing strategies in the process of marketing transformation in the financial industry. To proved that necessity of optimizing the marketing strategy of personal deposit business. Finally, through the empirical investigation and research on the problems in the marketing process of the Bank of Lanzhou's personal deposit business, the existing problems and their causes are analyzed, so as to optimize the current marketing strategy and briefly analyze the implementation guarantee of marketing strategy optimization. MBA学位论文 作者: 黄然 客户分类视角下的兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销策略优化研究 III Through the research process, we can see that there is no classification of customers and no analysis of customers' needs in the existing marketing mode of personal deposit business of Bank of Lanzhou-A branch, but the direct standardized marketing without difference wastes lots of human and material resources, and the lower marketing efficiency. With the constant intervention of new technology, some problems encountered in marketing can be solved. Therefore, the proposed optimization strategy in this paper is pertinent and applicable. Key words: Bank of Lanzhou, Personal deposit business, Marketing Optimization Strategy MBA学位论文 作者: 黄然 客户分类视角下的兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销策略优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................ I Abstract ............................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................ 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.1.3 研究目标 ............................................... 2 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 ......................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ............................................... 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ............................................... 3 1.2.3 技术路线图 ............................................. 4 第二章 文献综述 ........................................ 5 2.1 市场营销相关理论 ........................................... 5 2.2 商业银行营销相关理论 ....................................... 7 2.3 客户分类相关研究 ........................................... 7 2.4 现有研究小结 ............................................... 8 第三章 兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销现状及存在问题分析 10 3.1 兰州银行基本情况介绍 ...................................... 10 3.1.1 员工构成 .............................................. 10 3.1.2 存款业务发展情况 ...................................... 11 3.2 兰州银行A分行个人存款业务概况 ............................ 13 3.2.1 存款产品 .............................................. 13 3.2.2 客户构成 .............................................. 14 3.2.3 销售渠道 .............................................. 15 3.2.4 营销现状 .............................................. 16 3.3 兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销存在的问题 .................. 18 3.3.1 客户分类不够精准 ....................................... 18 3.3.2 标准化的营销措施 ....................................... 19 3.3.3 未能充分洞察客户需求 ................................... 20 MBA学位论文 作者: 黄然 客户分类视角下的兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销策略优化研究 V 3.3.4 严重依赖高利率产品 ..................................... 20 3.4 兰州银行A分行个人存款业务营销存在问题的成因分析 ........... 21 3.4.1 落后的营销理念 ........................................ 21 3.4.2 忽视营销策略优化 ...................................... 22 3.4.3 未建立系统的营销体系 .................................. 22 第四章 兰州银行A分行个人存款客户需求和特征分析模型 .... 23 4.1 分析思路 .................................................. 23 4.2 筛选目标客户 .............................................. 23 4.2.1 客户价值模型 .......................................... 24 4.2.2 客户价值模型建模过程 .................................. 25 4.2.3 客户价值模型检验 ...................................... 27 4.2.4 潜力客户的筛选 ........................................ 29 4.2.5 客户价值模型总结 ...................................... 32 4.3 对目标客户进行用户画像 .................................... 33 4.3.1 用户画像模型介绍 ...................................... 32 4.3.2 用户画像模型的前期准备 ................................ 32 4.3.3 用户画像模型实现过程 .................................. 33 4.3.4 用户画像模型运行结果 .................................. 35 4.4 基于用户画像描述客户的需求和特征 .......................... 36 第五章 兰州银行A分行个人存款业务的营销策略的优化 ...... 42 5.1 高端客户营