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随着旅游业发展进入形象驱动阶段,旅游形象在吸引旅游者方面上发挥着较强的 推动作用,逐渐受到旅游目的地相关部门的重视。随着互联网和智能手机的不断普及, 网络凭借其便捷性和丰富性成为人们获取和传递信息的重要方式,一方面更多的旅游 者选择在网络上搜索旅游目的地相关信息并进行资源共享,另一方面旅游目的地也更 加重视借助网络渠道推广本地良好的旅游形象,开展旅游业的推广营销。甘肃省有着 大量的旅游资源,是闻名国内外的旅游目的地之一。但不容忽视的是,入甘旅游者在 旅游体验上存在着一定量的负面评价,甘肃旅游管理部门在旅游投射形象的塑造和宣 传上也存在着不合理之处,甘肃旅游感知形象和投射形象存在不一致的地方。 本文以网络文本为数据来源,利用内容分析法,将旅游目的地形象划分为旅游感 知形象和投射形象,从认知形象(形象构成)、情感形象(情感传达)和整体形象三 个方面对两种形象进行对比分析,进而找出感知形象和投射形象之间的差异及其原因, 最后提出提升甘肃省旅游形象的对策建议。本文研究结果为甘肃省旅游形象的不断完 善提供了理论依据,有助于甘肃省准确把握本省旅游形象的优势与不足、进一步推进 旅游形象建设。本文的主要研究内容及结论如下: (1)旅游者对甘肃旅游资源、旅游环境、旅游氛围感知较为强烈;情感态度上, 到甘旅游者对甘肃旅游的评价绝大多数是积极正面的评价,但也存在少量的中性和消 极的评价;整体感知形象具有复合、多元、矛盾的特点。 (2)甘肃省主要对其旅游资源、旅游活动、旅游设施、旅游氛围进行了重点宣 传;情感形象上,甘肃旅游形象塑造者情感表达主要是积极正面的表达,同时也有少 量中性表达;整体投射形象具有全面、积极、统一的特点。 (3)甘肃省旅游感知形象和投射形象两种形象间的差异主要表现在:投射形象 中重点宣传的购物、旅游活动等内容在感知形象中未有相应的较为强烈反应;旅游者 持有一定的消极态度,而在投射形象中情感态度传达为完全积极。出现差异的原因主 要在于旅游感知形象存在滞后性和不确定性、旅游投射形象存在趋好性、样本选择存 在局限性。 (4)最后针对感知形象和投射形象之间的差异及其原因,提出改进建议,以促 进两种形象的统一,推进甘肃省旅游形象建设。兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 5 关键词:网络文本 旅游感知形象 旅游投射形象 甘肃兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 6 Abstract With the development of tourism industry entering the image-driven stage, tourism image plays a strong role in attracting tourists, and gradually attracts the attention of tourism destination departments.With the continuous popularity of the Internet and smart phones, the network because of its convenience and richness as an important method of information acquisition and transmission, on the one hand, more and more tourists choose tourism destination on the Internet search relevant information and resource sharing, on the other hand also pay more attention to tourism destination with the aid of network channels to promote local good tourism image, carry out the promotion of tourism marketing.Gansu province has a large number of tourism resources, is one of the famous tourist destinations at home and abroad.However, it should not be ignored that tourists in Gansu have a certain amount of negative evaluation on the tourism experience, the tourism administration of Gansu province in the image of tourism projection in the shaping and publicity of unreasonable, Gansu tourism perception image and image projection is inconsistent. Text based on the network for the data source, the use of content analysis, the tourism destination image is divided into tourism perceived image and the projection image, from the cognitive image (image), the emotional image (emotion) and the overall image, two kinds of image were analyzed in three aspects, and then find out the difference between image and the projected兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 7 image perception and the reasons, finally put forward some countermeasures to promote the image of tourism in Gansu province.The main research contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) Tourists have a strong perception of tourism resources, tourism environment and tourism atmosphere in Gansu;In terms of emotional attitude, most of the tourists to Gansu province are positive, but some are neutral and negative.The overall perception image has the characteristics of compound, multiple and contradictory. (2) Gansu province mainly publicized its tourism resources, tourism activities, tourism facilities and tourism atmosphere;In terms of emotional image, the emotional expression of the image shapers of tourism in Gansu province is mainly positive, and there is also a small amount of neutral expression.The overall projection image has the characteristics of comprehensive, positive and unified. (3) The difference between the tourism perception image and the projected image of Gansu province is mainly reflected in the following aspects: shopping and tourism activities that are mainly publicized in the projected image have no corresponding strong reaction in the perceived image;Tourists hold a certain negative attitude, while the emotional attitude is completely positive in the projected image.The reasons for the differences mainly lie in the lag and uncertainty of tourism perception image, the tendency of tourism projection image and the limitation of sample selection.兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 8 (4) Finally, in view of the differences between the perceived image and the projected image and their causes, improvement Suggestions are proposed to promote the unification of the two images and promote the construction of tourism image of Gansu province. Keywords : Network text; Tourism perception image; Projected image of tourism; Gansu province兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 9 目 录 摘要....................4 Abstract...............6 1 绪论...................12 1.1 研究背景........................12 1.1.1 旅游发展已进入形象驱动阶段............12 1.1.2 旅游形象的传播依赖于网络文本........12 1.1.3 甘肃省旅游形象建设影响甘肃省融入丝路经济带...........13 1.2 研究目的及意义............13 1.2.1 研究目的.................13 1.2.2 研究意义.................14 1.3 研究内容........................14 1.4 研究方法........................16 1.5 文献综述........................17 1.5.1 旅游目的地形象研究综述....................17 1.5.2 旅游目的地感知形象和投射形象研究综述......................20 1.5.3 甘肃省旅游目的地形象研究综述........21 1.5.4 研究述评................21 2 概念界定与理论基础......................23 2.1 概念界定........................23 2.1.1 旅游目的地形象概念............................23 2.1.2 旅游感知形象概念.24 2.1.3 旅游投射形象概念.24 2.2 理论基础.......................25 2.2.1 认知-情感模型.......25 2.2.2 旅游目的地形象营销理论....................25 2.2.3 旅游目的地旅游形象构成要素维度划分...........................26兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 10 3 甘肃省旅游感知形象研究..............29 3.1 资料来源........................29 3.1.1 样本选择.................29 3.1.2 文本预处理.............29 3.2 认知形象分析................30 3.2.1 认知高频词汇.........30 3.2.2 认知形象类目分析.31 3.2.3 认知形象具体分析.34 3.2.4 认知形象总结.........41 3.3 情感形象分析................41 3.3.1 情感形象测量.........42 3.3.2 情感形象关联分析.44 3.3.3 情感形象总结.........46 3.4 整体形象分析................47 3.5 感知形象总结................48 4 甘肃省旅游投射形象研究..............50 4.1 资料来源........................50 4.2 形象构成分析................50 4.2.1 高频词汇.................50 4.2.2 类目分析.................51 4.2.3 形象构成总结.........58 4.3 情感传达分析................58 4.3.1 情感传达测量.........59 4.3.2 情感传达关联分析.60 4.3.3 情感传达总结.........61 4.4 整体形象分析................61 4.5 投射形象总结................62 5 旅游形象对比分析及差异原因..... 63兰州财经大学硕士学位论文 基于网络文本的甘肃旅游感知形象与投射形象对比研究 11 5.1 甘肃旅游形象对比分析63 5.1.1 认知形象(形象构成)对比分析........63 5.1.2 情感形象(情感传达)对比分析........67 5.1.3 整体形象对比分析.69 5.2 两种形象出现差异的原因...........................70 5.2.1 旅游者感知存在滞后性和不确定性....70 5.2.2 甘肃旅游目的地形象营销存在不足....71 6 甘肃旅游形象优化策略.................72 6.1 感知形象优化策略........72 6.1.1 深度挖掘人文资源.72 6.1.2 完善旅游基础设施建设........................72 6.1.3 丰富娱乐活动,满足游客多样化需求74 6.2 投射形象优化策略........75 6.2.1 建立动态评价机制和宣传效果反馈机制...........................75 6.2.2 在形象宣传上发挥网络的积极作用....76 6.2.3 大力推广旅游形象品牌........................76 7 结论及展望.......78 7.1 主要结论.......................78 7.2 研究不足........................79 7.2.1 研究资料的局限.....79 7.2.2 研究方法的局限.....80 7.3 研究展望........................80。。。。。。以下内容略