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-I- 中文摘要 通过一定的激励措施,从物质、精神等多个层面对员工行为进行有效激励, 从而实现员工行为与组织发展目标的趋同,这是企业调动员工积极性、提升核心 竞争力的普遍方式。近年来,TP供热公司采取了一些激励员工的尝试,收到了一 定的效果,但由于激励措施的局限性,目前员工队伍中还存在着工作主动性不强、 创新精神不够、部分员工有倦怠情绪的现象,因此,构建科学有效的员工激励策 略,是当前TP供热公司亟待解决的主要课题。 本文运用社会调查方法探讨TP供热公司员工激励存在的问题,目前TP供热 公司存在员工薪酬激励效果欠佳、员工培训激励认同感不足、员工晋升激励不够 畅通等问题,究其原因,主要在于TP供热公司激励理念相对传统滞后、员工激励 管理制度有待加强、员工激励资金保障相对薄弱、员工激励的良性文化氛围有待 加强。基于此,本文在激励理论指导下,结合TP供热公司员工激励问题导向和公 司发展导向,提出了具体应对策略,即:薪酬激励关注公平性,福利待遇项目多 样化;进一步加强信息化网络远程培训,持续强化一线员工培训激励;进一步完 善员工职业素质能力激励体系,员工职业发展通道多元化。在此基础上,TP供热 公司要加大员工激励资金投入,加强员工激励资金管理;加强激励管理制度建设, 提升激励管理制度执行力;建立科学的员工激励理念,加强管理层对员工激励的 重视,加强员工对激励全过程的参与。 关键词:供热公司;员工激励;激励策略 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 -II- Abstract Through certain incentive measures, effective incentives for employee behavior from multiple levels such as material and spiritual, so as to achieve the convergence of employee behavior and organizational development goals, this is a common way for companies to mobilize employee enthusiasm and enhance core competitiveness. In recent years, TP Heating Company has taken some attempts to motivate employees and has achieved certain results. However, due to the limitations of incentive measures, there are still lack of initiative and innovation in the workforce, and some employees have burnout. Emotional phenomenon. Therefore, constructing a scientific and effective employee incentive strategy is the main issue that TP heating companies need to solve urgently. This article uses social survey methods to explore the problems of employee incentives in TP heating companies. At present, TP heating companies have poor employee salary incentives, insufficient recognition of employee training incentives and insufficient employee promotion incentives. The main reason for the problem is that the TP heating company's incentive concept is relatively traditional, the employee incentive management system is relatively weak, the employee incentive fund protection is relatively insufficient, and the benign cultural atmosphere of employee incentive needs to be strengthened. Based on this, this article, under the guidance of incentive theory, combined with TP heating company’s employee incentive problem orientation and company development orientation, puts forward specific response strategies, namely: salary incentives pay attention to fairness, welfare and treatment items are diversified; further reinforce information network distance training, continuously strengthen the training and incentives for front line employees; further improve the incentive system for employees' professional quality and ability, and the career development channels of employees have been diversified. On this basis, TP Heating Company shall increase employee incentive funds investment, strengthen employee incentive fund management; strengthen the construction of incentive management system, enhance the executive power of incentive management system; establish scientific employee incentive concepts, and strengthen management’s incentives for employees Pay attention to and strengthen employees' participation in the whole process of motivation. Keywords:Heating company; Employee motivation; Motivation strategy 目录 -III- 目录 中文摘要·I Abstract·II 绪论·······1 一、研究背景·······1 二、研究目的及意义·················1 (一)研究目的·················1 (二)研究意义·················2 三、国内外研究现状·················2 (一)国外研究现状···········2 (二)国内研究现状···········4 (三)国内外研究现状评述··5 四、研究内容及方法·················5 (一)研究内容·················5 (二)研究方法·················6 第一章 概念界定与理论基础············8 第一节 概念界定···8 一、人力资源管理··············8 二、员工激励··8 第二节 理论基础···9 一、内容型激励理论···········9 二、过程型激励理论··········11 本章小结···········13 第二章 TP供热公司员工激励现状···14 第一节 TP供热公司概况及人力资源现状······14 一、公司概况14 二、人力资源现状············14 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 -IV- 第二节 TP供热公司现行员工激励概况·········18 一、员工激励管理机构······18 二、现有激励方式的主要内容···············19 第三节 TP供热公司员工激励效果调查·········20 一、调查样本设计············20 二、调查结果统计分析······21 本章小结···········24 第三章 TP供热公司员工激励存在的主要问题及原因分析·········25 第一节 TP供热公司员工激励存在的主要问题25 一、员工薪酬激励效果欠佳25 二、员工培训激励认同感不足···············26 三、员工晋升激励不够畅通27 第二节 TP供热公司员工激励问题的原因分析28 一、企业激励理念相对传统滞后············28 二、员工激励管理制度相对薄弱············29 三、员工激励资金保障相对不足············29 四、员工激励的良性文化氛围有待加强···30 本章小结···········30 第四章 TP供热公司员工激励策略制定···············31 第一节 TP供热公司员工激励的思路与原则···31 一、员工激励的总体思路···31 二、员工激励的基本原则···31 第二节 TP供热公司员工薪酬激励策略·········32 一、薪酬激励关注公平性···32 二、福利待遇项目多样化···33 第三节 TP供热公司员工培训激励策略·········34 一、进一步加强信息化网络远程培训······35 目录 -V- 二、持续强化一线员工培训激励············35 第四节 TP供热公司员工晋升激励策略·········36 一、进一步完善员工职业素质能力激励体系···············36 二、员工职业发展通道多元化···············37 本章小结···········38 第五章 TP供热公司员工激励策略实施的保障措施39 第一节 资金保障·39 一、加大员工激励资金投入39 二、加强员工激励资金管理39 第二节 制度保障·39 一、加强激励管理制度建设39 二、提升激励管理制度执行力···············40 第三节 文化保障·41 一、建立科学的员工激励理念···············41 二、加强管理层对员工激励的重视·········41 三、加强员工对激励全过程的参与·········42 本章小结···········42 结论·····43。。。。。。以下内容略