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I 摘要 随着我国通信行业的快速发展,通信类公司逐渐向着施工设计的总承包以及 更为专业的通信技术方向发展,这促使越来越多的公司从劳动密集型逐渐向管理 或是知识密集型的方向转变,以实现公司管理效益最大程度的发挥以及市场竞争 力持续增强,在这个过程中,通信项目经理作为公司最重要的核心群体决定着公司 的市场竞争力,自然受到最大程度的关注,项目经理能力与绩效的不断提升直接决 定公司业务的发展程度。因为通信技术迅速突破创新,新技术领域的项目管理人才 供不应求,HY公司项目经理的供给不得不从外部招聘为主转为内部培训开发为主, 但HY公司项目经理绩效能力已经难以通过现有培训体系得到显著提升,严重制 约了公司项目的可持续发展,对此,HY公司必须要对现有培训体系进行研究设计, 以此实现项目经理综合素养的全面提升,更好满足公司项目运行需求,保障项目经 理能力与公司业务发展所需匹配,进而为公司战略扩展提供持续的人才输送保障。 本文研究中所运用的方法主要包括文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法等,并在此基 础上构建了岗位胜任力培训体系。本文首先采用文献研究法对员工培训、岗位胜任 力等人力资源相关理论进行说明;其次采用问卷调查法对项目经理培训体系的现 状进行分析,发现培训需求分析不全面、培训计划实施缺乏针对性与规范性、培训 效果评估不深入以及培训师资力量薄弱等一系列问题,并认为项目经理岗位胜任 力模型指导匮乏是诱发这些问题的主要原因。再次借助胜任力相关理论,通过行为 访谈法、专家小组讨论法、问卷调查法,在项目经理岗位需求以及公司特点的前提 下,从通用能力、职业素养、专业能力、知识技能四个方面完成对项目经理岗位胜 任力模型的构建;最后在项目经理岗位胜任力模型基础上设计现有培训体系,并确 定胜任力模型标准与实际胜任力的差异性,以差异作为需求探索的基准点,根据培 训需求确定培训课程内容与方式及项目经理胜任力组建培训讲师队伍,完善相关 培训制度,确保培训工作的有效落实,最终对培训结果进行评估。总之,在培训设 计、执行、评估的整个环节下,不断优化培训设计模型,以明确项目经理胜任力在 培训体系中的应用,有效解决目前项目经理培训体系存在的问题,为项目经理能力 的不断提升和引导提供了体系化保障。 本文的研究成果运用于HY公司项目经理的培训实践,同时也为通信领域通 信类工程公司项目经理培训提供一套行之有效、可供借鉴的培训机制。 关键词:培训体系,胜任力模型,项目经理,通信工程 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of communication industry in our country, the telecommunication companies gradually toward the construction design of general contracting and professional direction of the communication technology development, prompting a growing number of companies from labor-intensive to management or the development of knowledge intensive transformation, in order to realize company maximizes the management benefit and continue to enhance market competitiveness, in this process, the project manager of communication as the core of the company's most important group decides the market competitiveness of the company, nature is attention to a great extent, to improve the project manager and performance directly decide the development of the company's business. Because communication technology rapid breakthrough innovation, new technology in the field of project management talents in short supply, HY company mainly the supply of the project manager have to recruit from outside to internal training and development is given priority to, but the project manager of HY company performance ability has been difficult to through the existing training system received a significant boost, serious restricted the sustainable development of the project, HY company, HY company must optimize the existing training system, promotion of comprehensive implementation project manager's comprehensive literacy, better meet the demand of company project operation, in order to ensure project manager needed to match with the company's business development, Then for the company's strategic expansion to provide continuous personnel transport guarantee. The methods used in this paper mainly include literature review, interview and questionnaire survey, etc., on which the post competency training system is built. Firstly, this paper USES literature research method to explain human resource related theories such as employee training and post competency. Secondly adopted questionnaire survey to analyze the current situation of the project manager training system, found the training demand analysis is not comprehensive, lack of pertinence and normative training plan, training effect evaluation is not in-depth, and training the teachers strength is weak, and a series of problems, and that lack of competency model to guide the position of project manager is the main reason for the cause of these problems. With the help of competency theories, the competency model of project manager is constructed from four aspects, ABSTRACT III namely general ability, professional quality, professional ability and knowledge and skills, through behavioral interview, expert group discussion and questionnaire survey, on the premise of job demands of project economy and company characteristics. Finally on the basis of the project manager position competency model design of the existing training system, and determined the competency model of the difference of standard and practical competence to explore as requirements of datum, according to training needs and determine the training course content and methods and project manager competency to form a training instructor team, perfect training system, ensure the effective implementation of training work, eventually to evaluate training results. In short, under the whole process of training design, implementation and evaluation, the training design model is constantly optimized to clarify the application of project manager competence in the training system, effectively solve the problems existing in the current project manager training system, and provide systematic guarantee for the continuous improvement and guidance of project manager ability. The research results of this paper are applied in the training practice of project managers in HY company, and also provide a set of effective and referable training mechanism for the training of project managers in communication engineering companies. Keywords: Training system, competency model, project manager, communications engineering 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .............. 1 1.1.1 通信行业发展现状 .................. 1 1.1.2 通信行业人才现状 .................. 1 1.2 研究问题及研究意义 ......................... 2 1.3 研究内容及方法 .. 3 1.3.1 研究内容 ... 3 1.3.2 研究方法 ... 3 1.3.3 研究思路及框架 ...................... 4 第二章 理论基础和文献综述 .......................... 6 2.1 国内外研究动态 .. 6 2.1.1 国外研究动态 .......................... 6 2.1.2 国内研究动态 .......................... 6 2.2 员工培训与人力资本开发理论 ......... 8 2.2.1 员工培训理论 .......................... 8 2.2.2 人力资本理论 .......................... 8 2.3 岗位胜任力的相关理论 ..................... 9 2.3.1 岗位胜任力的概念 .................. 9 2.3.2 岗位胜任力模型 ...................... 9 2.3.3 岗位胜任力模型的构建要求 . 11 2.3.4 岗位胜任力模型的构建步骤与方法 ................... 12 2.4 基于胜任力模型的培训体系构建理论 .......................... 13 2.4.1 基于胜任力模型的培训需求分析 ....................... 13 2.4.2 基于胜任力模型的培训计划与实施 ................... 14 2.4.3 基于胜任力模型的培训效果评估 ....................... 14 2.5 本章小结 ............ 15 第三章 HY公司项目经理培训的现状及存在的问题 ................ 16 3.1 HY公司现状分析 ............................. 16 3.1.1 HY公司现状 .......................... 16 3.1.2 HY公司项目经理现状 .......... 16 目 录 V 3.2 项目经理培训体系现状 ................... 17 3.2.1 培训需求分析现状 ................ 17 3.2.2 培训计划制定与实施现状 .... 17 3.2.3 培训效果评估现状 ................ 18 3.3 项目经理培训体系现状调查与分析 .............................. 19 3.3.1 项目经理的人员构成情况 .... 19 3.3.2 项目经理培训现状调查分析 20 3.4 项目经理培训体系存在问题及原因分析 ...................... 24 3.4.1 尚未形成基于岗位胜任力模型的培训需求分析机制 ...................... 24 3.4.2 培训计划与实施缺乏系统性和实效性 ............... 25