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人工智能(AI)技术的发展有效的促进了教育信息化的快速进步,对老师的教育方 式和学生的学习模式产生了较大的影响,特别是人工智能学习系统的成功应用让更多教 育工作者开始思考如何运用科技的手段来提升教学品质。在优质教育资源稀缺的背景 下,如何有效使用人工智能的工具,提升老师的授课效率以及学生的学习效率,让人工 智能为教育工作产生有益影响,这是当前教育市场开始加强人工智能教育产品研发的主 要动力。要想实现教育领域中人工智能教学的推广应用离不开相匹配的营销策略,培训 机构经营者需要更加系统、全面、深入的思考人工智能时代教育产品的市场推广方式, 通过对教育培训市场的研究,把营销理论方法和模型运用其中,为培训机构做好准确定 位,并指明发展方向。本文以松鼠 AI 教育培训机构为研究对象,针对在人工智能教育 市场面临的内外部竞争环境,结合传统教育机构的市场营销策略,提出了针对松鼠 AI 教育培训机构的市场营销策略。 在市场经济环境下,企业不可避免的要面对行业竞争问题,为突破行业竞争壁垒, 很多企业开始关注营销策略的研究与规划。而营销策略研究需要多层面的理论支撑,除 了常规的营销组合理论之外,还涉及到以客户需求为中心的 7Ps 理论以及涉及到市场定 位和市场细分层面的 STP 理论,本文在对以上理论文献进行调阅和梳理基础上,运用 宏观市场分析模型(PEST)对松鼠 AI 教育培训机构的经营环境进行了分析,利用波特 五力模型对松鼠 AI 教育机构面临的教育市场竞争形势进行了分析研判。通过市场调查 分析发现,松鼠 AI 教育机构在市场营销中面临着教育产品过于单一、营销模式不完善、 人员流动大等问题。运用营销组合理论,从产品、渠道、价格和人员等方面提出松鼠 AI 教育机构开展市场营销组合策略及建议,包括不断优化打造核心课程、制定合理的 价格策略、多元化营销渠道的建立和拓展促销方式等。 关键词:教育培训;人工智能;营销策略II Abstract The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has effectively promoted the rapid progress of educational informatization, greatly influenced teachers' education mode and students' learning mode, and brought new experience for teachers' teaching activities and students' learning. Especially, the successful application of AI self-adaptive learning system has made more educators start to think about how to use the technology hand To improve the quality of teaching. In the context of the scarcity of high-quality education resources, how to effectively use the tools of artificial intelligence, improve the teaching efficiency of teachers and students' learning efficiency, reduce the ineffective and repetitive work of teachers, and let artificial intelligence have a beneficial impact on education, which is the main driving force for the current education market to strengthen the research and development of artificial intelligence education products. In order to realize the promotion and application of artificial intelligence teaching in the field of education, the operators of training institutions need to think more systematically, comprehensively and deeply about the marketing methods of educational products in the era of artificial intelligence. Through the research on the education and training market, the marketing theories, methods and models are applied to make a correct positioning for training institutions, and point out the development of training institutions Direction of exhibition. This paper takes squirrel AI education and training institutions as the research object, aiming at the internal and external competition in the artificial intelligence education market, combined with the marketing strategy of traditional education institutions, puts forward the marketing strategy for squirrel AI education and training institutions. In the market economy environment, enterprises inevitably have to face the industry competition. In order to break through the industry competition barriers, many enterprises begin to pay attention to the research and planning of marketing strategies. Marketing strategy research needs multi-level theoretical support. In addition to the conventional marketing mix theory, it also involves the 7PS theory centered on customer demand and STP involving market positioning and market segmentation Theory, based on the review and combing of the above theoretical literature, this paper analyzes the business environment of squirrel AIIII education and training institutions by using the macro market analysis model (PEST), and analyzes and judges the educational market competition situation faced by squirrel AI education institutions by using Porter's five forces model. It is found that squirrel AI educational institutions are faced with many problems in marketing, such as too single educational products, imperfect marketing model and large staff turnover. Using the theory of marketing mix, this paper puts forward the marketing mix strategies and suggestions of squirrel AI education institutions from the aspects of products, channels, prices and personnel, including continuously optimizing and building core courses, formulating reasonable price strategies, establishing diversified marketing channels and expanding promotion methods. Key words: Education and Training; Artificial Intelligence; Marketing StrategyIV 目 录 第一章 绪论...1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义......1 1.1.1 研究背景................1 1.1.2 研究意义................2 1.2 国内外文献综述..............3 1.2.1 国外研究综述........3 1.2.2 国内研究综述........4 1.3 研究的内容与框架..........6 1.4 研究方法..........................7 1.4.1 文献分析法............7 1.4.2 案例分析法............7 1.4.3 问卷调查法............8 第二章 相关理论概述..................9 2.1 宏观环境分析模型..........9 2.2 波特五力模型................10 2.3 市场营销 STP 理论.......10 2.4 市场营销 7Ps 理论........11 第三章 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构外部环境分析........ 12 3.1 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构宏观环境分析........ 12 3.1.1 政治环境分析......12 3.1.2 经济环境分析......12 3.1.3 社会环境分析......13 3.1.4 技术环境分析......13 3.2 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构波特五力分析........ 14 3.2.1 替代品分析..........14 3.2.2 潜在进入者分析..15 3.2.3 供应商议价能力分析.........................16 3.2.4 购买者的议价能力分析.....................16 3.2.5 主要竞争对手分析.............................17 第四章 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构营销现状及问题分析........................... 21 4.1 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构概况........................ 21V 4.1.1 机构基本情况......21 4.1.2 机构的产品和服务.............................21 4.1.3 机构营销现状......23 4.2 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构营销策略存在的问题........................... 30 4.2.1 产品策略存在的问题.........................30 4.2.2 促销策略存在的问题.........................31 4.2.3 人员管理策略存在的问题.................32 4.3 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构营销策略存在问题原因分析............... 35 4.3.1 课程研发投入不足.............................35 4.3.2 促销策略单一......35 4.3.3 激励机制失效......36 第五章 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构营销策略优化设计 37 5.1 产品策略优化................37 5.1.1 打造核心精品课程.............................37 5.1.2 持续开发新项目和课程.....................37 5.1.3 不断提升产品附加值.........................37 5.2 价格策略优化................38 5.2.1 市场定价法..........39 5.2.2 差别定价法..........40 5.2.3 分阶段付费..........40 5.3 渠道策略优化................40 5.3.1 门店销售..............41 5.3.2 转介绍销售..........41 5.3.3 发展网络销售......41 5.4 促销策略优化................42 5.4.1 广告促销..............42 5.4.2 人员推销..............43 5.4.3 营业推广..............43 5.4.4 线上推广..............43 第六章 松鼠 AI 教育培训机构营销策略实施的保障措施................... 45 6.1 组织保障措施................45 6.1.1 完善管理制度......45 6.1.2 改进考核评价体系.............................45VI 6.1.3 完善考评奖惩机制.............................45 6.2 人员保障措施................46 6.2.1 营销人员保障......46 6.2.2 教师队伍保障......46 6.3 文化保障措施................47 6.3.1 打造以人为本的企业文化.................47 6.3.2 构建学习型组织..47 6.3.3 塑造团结协作的团队精神.................47 第七章 结论与展望....................49 7.1 论文主要结论................49 7.2 本论文研究的局限性....50。。。。。。以下内容略