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对商贸型企业而言,采购成本作为公司总成本中占比较高的部分,降低采购成本能够更快的提 高公司的利润。因此,重视采购管理对于商贸公司而言至关重要。尤其是随着商贸公司的数量持续 增加,传统的“孤军奋战”的模式难以适应竞争,通过供应链的方式,能够缩短了从原材料采购到 产品成交的时间,降低了企业采购成本。青岛万裕久公司是一家以批发、零售大米为主的贸易型企 业,公司成立时间相对较短,目前实行的仍然是传统的询价采购模式,公司虽然已经建立了一套采 购管理体系,但是采购管理仍存在一定的问题,导致公司采购成本较高,影响了公司的利润。因此, 本文基于供应链思想,对万裕久公司采购管理进行研究。 研究首先应用采购与供应链管理相关理论方法对万裕久公司采购管理现状进行分析,发现公司 现有的采购管理存在以下问题:采购模式方面,传统的询价模式导致信息的不对称、验收质量控制 难度大、响应用户需求迟钝;采购过程管理方面,采购组织架构不合理、需求预测缺乏准确性、过 程缺乏协同控制机制、库存积压或不足;供应商管理方面,评审人员构成过于简单容易导致道德风 险、缺少系统的评价指标体系、竞争关系多于合作关系等。其次,结合公司采购管理存在的问题, 基于供应链管理思想,从供应链采购模式、供应链采购管理、供应商管理三方对公司采购管理进行 优化,主要包括:(1)提出公司实行VMI供应链采购管理模式;(2)对供应链采购过程进行规范和 协调管理,包括设置供应链协调机制组织、加强供应链信息资源需求分析、加强供应链协同计划管 理、实行联合库存和运输调度、落实采购过程监控管理;(3)与优质供应商建立战略联盟合作关系, 包括完善供应商选择组织和流程,建立了包含3个一级指标14个二级指标的供应商评价指标体系, 对供应商进行分类激励,完善风险共担、利益共享机制。最后,研究将供应链采购管理优化实施分 为推行及商谈、准备和试运行、正式运作三个阶段,明确不同阶段的重点工作。研究认为,供应链 采购管理的实施需要公司转变管理思想,提高公司相关人员的能力。同时,供应链采购管理的实施 是离不开信息化,公司应当建立供应链协同管理信息平台。 研究得出的管理启示包括:第一,采购管理不是单一的库存管理或供应商管理,本质上是企业 间的合作与协同,目的是满足共同客户价值的增值。第二,采购管理是个系统工程,不仅需要企业 内部完善子系统的运作,还需要与其他子系统进行协同。只有达到了系统间的协同才能保障管理效 能的最大化。第三,供应链采购管理对信息化程度要求较高,企业必须要完善信息系统,加快信息 的内外部传递。 关键词:采购管理;供应链采购;库存管理;供应商管理 II Abstract For commercial enterprises, procurement costs account for a relatively high proportion of the company's total costs, so reducing procurement costs can improve the company's profits more quickly. Therefore, it is very important to attach importance to purchasing management for trading companies. Especially with the continuous increase in the number of trading companies, the traditional "fighting alone" mode is difficult to adapt to the competition. By means of supply chain, it can shorten the time from raw material procurement to product transaction and reduce the procurement cost of enterprises. Qingdao his, long is a company mainly wholesale, retail rice trade type enterprise, the company set up a relatively short time, the current practice is still the traditional pattern of inquiry to purchase, although the company has established a set of procurement management system, but there are still some problems of procurement management, lead to the company purchasing cost is higher, affect the company's profits. Therefore, based on the thought of supply chain, this paper studies the purchasing management of Wanyujiu company. This paper first expounds the basic theories of purchasing and supply chain, and analyzes the current situation of purchasing management of Wanyujiu Company by applying relevant theories and methods. It finds that there are the following problems in the current purchasing management of Wanyujiu company: the traditional inquiry mode leads to information symmetry, the difficulty of acceptance quality control, and the sluggish response to user demand; lack of accuracy of demand forecast, lack of collaborative control mechanism in the process, overstock or shortage of inventory; in the aspect of supplier management, too simple composition of reviewers is easy to lead to moral hazard, lack of systematic evaluation index system, more competition than cooperation, etc. Secondly, based on the existing problems of the company's procurement management and the thought of supply chain management, this paper optimizes the company's procurement management from three aspects: supply chain procurement mode, supply chain procurement management and supplier management. First of all, it puts forward the VMI supply chain purchasing management mode. Secondly, standardize and coordinate the purchase process of the supply chain, including setting up the coordination mechanism of the supply chain, strengthening the demand analysis of the information resources of the supply chain, strengthening the collaborative planning management of the supply chain, implementing the joint inventory and transportation scheduling, and implementing the monitoring management of the purchase process. Third, establish strategic alliance and cooperation relationship with high-quality suppliers, including improving the supplier selection organization and process, establishing a supplier evaluation index system including 3 first level indicators and 14 second level indicators, providing classified incentives for suppliers, and improving the mechanism of risk sharing and benefit sharing. Finally, the optimization implementation of supply chain procurement management is divided into three stages: implementation and negotiation, preparation and trial operation, and formal operation. The implementation of supply chain purchasing management requires the company to change management ideas and improve the ability of relevant personnel. At the same time, the implementation of supply chain procurement management is inseparable from informatization. The company should establish a supply chain collaborative management information platform. Through the research, this paper draws management enlightenment, mainly including: first, procurement management is not a single inventory management or supplier management, in essence is the cooperation and collaboration between enterprises, the purpose is to meet the common customer value added. Second, procurement management is a systematic project, which not only needs to improve the operation of subsystems within the enterprise, but also needs to coordinate with other subsystems. Only when the cooperation between systems is achieved can the management efficiency be maximized. Third, supply chain procurement management requires a high degree of information; enterprises must improve the information system, to speed up the internal and external transmission of information Key words: Purchase management; supply chain purchase; inventory management; supplier management III 目 录 摘要 ... I Abstract .............................. II 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1选题背景 ............... 1 1.2研究目的和意义 ... 1 1.2.1研究目的 .... 1 1.2.2研究意义 .... 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ... 2 1.3.1供应链采购管理研究 ............... 2 1.3.2供应商管理研究 ....................... 3 1.3.3贸易公司采购管理研究 ........... 5 1.3.4文献述评 .... 5 1.4研究思路、内容和方法 ...................... 6 1.4.1研究思路 .... 6 1.4.2研究内容 .... 6 1.4.3研究方法 .... 7 1.5本文创新之处 ....... 7 第二章 理论基础 ............... 8 2.1相关概念 ............... 8 2.1.1供应链 ........ 8 2.1.2供应链采购 8 2.2相关理论 ............... 9 2.2.1采购管理理论 ........................... 9 2.2.2供应链管理理论 ..................... 10 2.2.3供应链采购管理 ..................... 10 第三章 青岛万裕久公司采购管理现状及存在问题 ................... 12 3.1青岛万裕久公司概况 ........................ 12 3.2青岛万裕久公司采购模式 ................ 12 3.3青岛万裕久公司采购管理主要内容和现状 ................... 13 3.3.1采购管理组织形式 ................. 13 3.3.2采购需求和计划管理 ............. 13 3.3.3采购运输与库存管理 ............. 14 3.3.4采购监控与评价管理 ............. 15 3.3.5供应商管理 ............................. 15 3.4青岛万裕久公司采购