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I 摘要 随着国家政策对房地产调控的加强,新形势下房地产行业面临着巨大的挑 战。在房地产销售的过程中,销售人员的能力直接对楼盘能否顺利成交产生影 响。如何将房地产销售人员销售的积极性调动起来,提升自身的业绩,并与对手 开展激烈的竞争,使本公司在房地产市场中占据一席之地,需要引起房地产公司 管理者的高度关注。对于房地产公司的销售人员来说,薪酬激励是直接、有效的 激励措施之一,但在市场环境出现重大变革后,一部分公司的薪酬制度却没有发 生变化,在薪酬激励方面还有很多问题存在,如薪酬结构不合理,个性化程度 低,激励作用不足等,这些问题的出现严重制约了房地产公司内部管理水平的增 强,削弱了房地产公司对销售人员的管理和激励作用,对于房地产公司未来的发 展极为不利。 本文结合甲房地产公司的实际,以销售人员薪酬体系作为研究重点,查找出 其中存在的问题及缺陷,在借鉴薪酬理论的基础上,利用工资的制定制度、依据 额外奖励制度之间的相互关系,以及整个制度的制定过程,结合公司实际提出了 针对性强的薪酬体系变革方案,并制定出了全面详细的问题解决方案,以期为甲 公司销售人员的薪酬体系调整优化提供一些建议,对该公司当前的薪酬激励进行 完善,将薪酬体系在提升销售人员业绩的作用发挥出来,进而保证房地产企业与 销售人员的利益最大化,实现互惠互利,对于其他房地产公司具有一定的借鉴意 义。作者认为,在优化调整销售岗位的薪酬体系中,应结合销售岗位和销售人员 本身,尽快建立起科学完善的薪酬指标体系,不断凸显销售人员个人努力程度, 将不可控因素剔除出去,清晰界定激励性薪酬中个人因素的直接作用。在对薪酬 体系进行优化的过程中,应积极鼓励对销售人员的情感鼓励和职业发展鼓励,以 将薪酬激励的作用发挥出来。 本文通过问卷调查和访谈调查的方式对甲房地产公司销售人员的薪酬现状进 行了解,通过全面梳理与薪酬体系相关的概念,提出了具有理论和现实意义的薪 酬体系优化策略,以确保甲房地产公司留住更多优秀的人才,在激烈的市场竞争 中立于不败之地。 关 键 词:甲房地产公司;销售人员;薪酬体系;优化设计 论文类型:应用型 选题来源:其他 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the strengthening of real estate regulation and control by national policies, the real estate industry faces enormous challenges under the new situation. In the process of real estate sales, the ability of the sales staff directly affects whether the real estate can be successfully traded. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of real estate sales staff sales, improve their performance, and compete fiercely with their opponents, so that the company has a place in the real estate market, it needs to attract the attention of real estate company managers. For the sales staff of real estate companies, salary incentives are one of the direct and effective incentives. However, after major changes in the market environment, some companies’ compensation systems have not changed. There are still many problems in salary incentives. Such as the unreasonable salary structure, low degree of personalization, insufficient incentives, etc., the emergence of these problems has seriously restricted the internal management level of real estate companies, weakened the management and incentive effect of real estate companies on sales personnel, and the future development of real estate companies. Extremely disadvantageous. This paper combines the reality of A real estate company, takes the sales personnel salary system as the research focus, finds out the problems and defects therein, and uses the salary formulation system and the mutual relationship between the additional reward systems based on the salary theory. As well as the whole process of the establishment of the system, combined with the company's actual implementation of a highly targeted compensation system change program, and developed a comprehensive and detailed problem-solving solution, in order to provide some advice for the company's sales staff's compensation system adjustment and optimization, the company The current salary incentives are perfected, and the role of the compensation system in improving the performance of sales personnel is exerted, thereby ensuring the maximum benefit of real estate enterprises and sales personnel, and achieving mutual benefit, which has certain reference significance for other real estate companies. The author believes that in the optimization and adjustment of the salary system of sales positions, we should establish a scientific and perfect salary indicator system as soon as possible in combination with sales positions and sales personnel themselves, constantly highlighting the individual efforts of sales personnel, ABSTRACT III eliminating uncontrollable factors and clearly defining incentives. The direct role of personal factors in sexual remuneration. In the process of optimizing the compensation system, the emotional encouragement and career development encouragement of sales personnel should be actively encouraged to play the role of salary incentives. Through questionnaire survey and interview investigation, this paper understands the salary status of sales personnel of A real estate company. Through comprehensively combing the concepts related to the salary system, this paper proposes a theoretical and practical salary system optimization strategy to ensure that A real estate company stays. Live more outstanding talents and stand in an invincible position in the fierce market competition. KEY WORDS: A real estate company; Sales staff; Salary system; Optimized design Dissertation type: Application type Subject source: Other 目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ............................................... 1 第一节 研究背景与研究意义 ...................................................................................... 1 一、研究背景 .............................................................................................................. 1 二、研究意义 .............................................................................................................. 2 第二节 国内外研究现状 .............................................................................................. 2 一、国外研究现状 ...................................................................................................... 2 二、国内研究现状 ...................................................................................................... 4 三、评价 ...................................................................................................................... 5 第三节 研究思路、方法和内容 .................................................................................. 5 一、研究思路 .............................................................................................................. 5 二、研究方法 .............................................................................................................. 6 三、研究内容 .............................................................................................................. 6 第二章 薪酬相关理论基础 ................................... 9 第一节 薪酬体系 ............................................................................................................ 9 一、薪酬概念 .............................................................................................................. 9 二、薪酬水平 ............................................................................................................ 10 三、薪酬结构 ............................................................................................................ 10 第二节 薪酬相关的激励理论 .................................................................................... 11 一、需求层次理论 .................................................................................................... 11 二、双因素理论 ........................................................................................................ 11 三、公平理论 ............................................................................................................ 12 四、期望理论 ............................................................................................................ 12 第三节 薪酬设计的影响因素 .................................................................................... 12 一、外部因素