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I 摘要 随着经济快速发展,居民个人收入不断增加,选乘飞机出行的意愿及支付能力均 明显上升,对航空公司服务质量要求日益提高,已逐渐将服务视为航空公司主要产品 之一,服务逐渐成为航空公司核心竞争力,服务好坏直接影响着顾客乘机体验满意程 度,直接影响着航空公司的效益和未来发展。SD航空股份有限公司(以下简称“SD 航空公司”)作为SD航空集团控股的子公司,成立于1994年,现有飞机113架(截 至2017年),总部设在济南,经营国内、国际、地区航线共200多条,近些年公司运 输规模不断扩大,逐步完成由中小型向大型航空公司的转变。但与三大航为首的大型 航空公司相比,SD航空公司仍然成立时间短、规模小,运营资本有限,在服务投入、 服务创新与服务硬件配备等方面差距明显,而服务投入与服务创新已成为航空公司能 否为旅客提供舒适满意乘机体验的前提与基础。目前航空公司服务趋于同质化,能否 为旅客提供更多个性化、多元化服务成为航空公司之间服务水平高低判别的重要标准。 在服务资本投入有限的情况下,怎样更好的挖掘自身服务潜力成为SD航空公司进一 步提升服务质量的重要课题。 本文以SD航空公司为研究对象,对其全流程服务各接触点进行全面系统梳理, 运用层次分析法,选取购票服务、值机与离港、行李服务、空乘服务、机上广播、客 舱环境、机上娱乐、机上餐食、不正常航班服务等9个项目作为一级评价指标,在此 基础上进一步细化23个项目作为二级评价指标;采用专家排序法对各级评价指标科 学赋予权重,并制定指标计算规则,构建一套SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度评价 指标体系。根据公司实际服务情况,设计科学合理调查问卷,采用问卷调查法,对乘 坐SD航空公司航班旅客开展满意度调查,收集顾客对SD航空公司服务满意度评价数 据。通过调查发现,目前SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度现状是总体处于比较满意, 旅客对服务总体表示认可,但与心中期望仍有差距,尚存提升空间。其中购票环节满 意度最高,地面、空中环节满意度次之,不正常航班服务环节满意度最低。SD航空 公司提供的服务中存在的主要问题是不正常航班信息通知、食宿安排不及时,不正常 航班工作人员处置能力欠缺,机上娱乐、餐食等硬件体验较差,购票、地面等环节服 务窗口业务办理效率不高,服务场所舒适度仍有提升空间等。针对上述问题,本文重 点在提升不正常航班服务保障能力,提升硬件服务水平,提高服务窗口业务办理效率, 提高服务场所舒适性,提升精细化管理水平,加强服务信息化建设,提升服务品牌影 响力等多方面提出改进对策建议,最终实现SD航空公司服务质量的提升。 关 键 词:SD航空公司, 服务质量, 顾客满意度,满意度评价, 服务接触点 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the economy and the increasing income of the residents, the willingness to travel by air and the ability to pay have been increased obviously, and the requirement for the service quality of airlines has been increasingly improved. Service has gradually been regarded as one of the main products and become the core competitiveness of airlines. Service quality affects the satisfaction of customers' flight experience and directly affects the economic efficiency and future development of airlines. SD Airlines Co,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SD Airlines") as a subsidiary of SD Aviation Group, was established in 1994, headquartered in Jinan. There are 113 aircrafts (up to 2017), operating more than 200 domestic, international and regional routes. In recent years, the company's transportation scale has been expanding, gradually completing the transformation from small and medium-sized to large airlines. However, compared with the three major airlines, SD Airlines still has a short establishment period, small scale and limited operating capital. There are obvious gaps in service input, service innovation, and service hardware. And service input and innovation have become the premise and foundation for airlines to provide comfortable and satisfying flight experience for passengers. At present, airline services tend to be homogenized.,whether it can provide personalized and diversified service for passengers has become an important criterion to judge the level of service among airlines. Under the circumstance of limited service capital investment, to futher exploit its service potential has become an important issue for SD Airlines to improve its service quality. This paper takes SD Airlines as the research object and uses AHP. Select nine items such as ticket service, check-in and departure, baggage service, cabin service, cabin broadcasting, cabin environment, cabin entertainment, meals on board, and non-scheduled flight services as the first-level evaluation indicators. On the basis of this, twenty-three projects were further refined as secondary evaluation indicators, and weights were given scientifically to build a customer satisfaction evaluation index system for SD airline service quality. By means of questionnaire survey, customer satisfaction data are collected, and customer satisfaction of SD airline service quality is evaluated. Through the survey we found that ticket service got the highest satisfaction of the whole process, followed by ground service and passenger cabin service satisfaction, besides that,and non-scheduled flight service need 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文 IV to be improved. The main problems in the non-scheduled flight services provided by SD Airlines are the notification,the timeliness of accommodation arrangements, the lack of disposal ability of non-scheduled flight, the poor experience of entertainment and meals on board, and the inefficiency such as ticket purchase and ground services.There’s still room for improvement in the comfort of service venues. In response to the above problems, this paper aims to improve the support capacity of non-scheduled flight, the hardware level, the efficiency of service window, the comfort of service venues, the level of refined management,the information construction of service. the influence of brands and other aspects, eventually to achieve SD airline service quality improvement. Keywords: SD Airlines, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Satisfaction evaluation, Service contact point 插图索引 V 插图索引 图1.1 本文技术路线图 ................... 9 图2.1 顾客满意影响因素 ................ 11 图2.2 中国顾客满意度测评模型(CCSI) .. 15 图2.3 中国民航业顾客满意度测评模型 .... 15 图2.4 航空公司顾客满意度测评模型 ...... 16 图3.1 SD航空公司航线网络布局图 ....... 19 图3.2 SD航空公司全流程服务接触点 ..... 22 图4.1 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查样本舱位比例 .................. 32 图4.2 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查样本性别比例 .................. 32 图4.3 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查样本年龄段比例 ................ 33 图4.4 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查样本学历比例 .................. 33 图4.5 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度样本出行目的比例 .................. 34 图4.6 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度样本购票时间比例 .................. 34 图4.7 购票、地面服务环节二级评价指标满意度横向对比 ................... 38 图5.1 SD航空公司服务质量管理体系 ..... 48 表格索引 VII 表格索引 表1.1 “十三五”时期民航发展主要预期指标 .............................. 1 表2.1 七个等级心理特征及描述 ........... 13 表3.1 SD航空公司主要产品介绍 .......... 17 表3.2 SD航空公司产品主要支付方式 ...... 18 表3.3 2012年-2016年SD航空公司主要运输指标 ........................... 19 表3.4 2012年-2016年SD航空公司航班正点率 ............................. 20 表3.5 2013年-2016年SD航空公司旅客有效投诉率 ......................... 20 表3.6 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度评价指标 ........................... 24 表3.7 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度评价指标权重 ....................... 26 表4.1 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查发放座椅号 ..................... 30 表4.2 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查样本构成 ....................... 31 表4.3 可靠性统计量 ..................... 35 表4.4 KMO和Bartlett的检验 ............ 36 表4.5 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查整体及一级评价指标满意度 ....... 36 表4.6 SD航空公司服务质量顾客满意度调查二级评价指标满意度 ............. 37 目录 XIII 目录 摘要 ......... III ABSTRACT ........................... III 插图索引 .. V 表格索引 VII 符号对照表 ............................ IX 缩略语对照表 ........................ XI 第一章 绪论 ......................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ................. 1 1.2 研究意义 ................. 3 1.3 研究目的 ................. 4 1.4 国内外研究现状 ..... 4 1.4.1 国外研究现状 .......................