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很久以来,领导行为方面的研究都很热门,但是研究者们大多数关心的都是 正向方面的领导行为。这些年,我国经济快速发展,领导与员工的负面关系不断被 报道。具有负面影响的领导行为对员工的生活工作造成严重影响,同时也对企业和 社会发展造成损失。因此,研究者和管理者开始对负面领导行为重视起来。破坏性 领导行为作为一种负面的领导行为,虽然在国外已有大量研究,但结合中国特定的 文化环境的破坏性领导行为的研究仍然非常少。我国组织中导致破坏性领导行为发 生的原因与国外的有非常大的差别,显然不可生搬硬套国外的改善策略。 本文以在中国特定的风俗习惯背景下成长的企业为例,通过文献研究、问卷 调查和深度访谈的研究方法,基于下属视觉对破坏性领导行为的诱因和改善措施进 行研究。首先,运用调查问卷的方法对C教育机构的破坏性领导行为存在状况进 行识别,得出C教育机构存在破坏性领导行为。调查问卷有18个条目,其中有12 个条目超过平均分,即相对较严重,例如:上级领导当众贬低下属、上级领导做事 情绪化、上级领导不守承诺、上级领导不理睬下属的想法等等。另外,本文运用深 度访谈法对C教育机构破坏性领导行为的产生原因进行分析研究,得出四个方面 的诱因:1.中国传统文化思想的影响:人际关系网亲疏有别、下级绝对服从上 级、中国人的隐忍精神;2.管理者本身状况:身心状况、个人具有的独特特质;3. 他人的影响:下属顺从和共谋的性格特质、上级领导视而不见和共谋的作风、亲朋 好友的负面影响;4.企业内部环境的建设情况因素:不完善的制度、缺乏公平公 正和以人为本的文化氛围、缺乏对员工培训、沟通平台不够畅通。最后,通过所研 究的诱因提出四方面的改善策略,并在C教育机构试行:1.调整企业岗位和管理 人员,使之科学化;2.优化培训机制、优化沟通机制;3.新设立全面化的企业规 章制度;4.塑造优秀的企业文化;5.持续监督和完善策略。 本文旨在让社会深刻认识到破坏性领导行为的不利影响,在社会实践中,使 管理者及时识别并控制破坏性领导行为,并采取有效的预防和改善措施,防止破坏 性领导行为对企业造成负面影响,从而维护好员工、企业、社会的利益。本文对负 面领导行为的研究做了破坏性领导行为方面的补充,无论是在理论方面还是在实践 II 方面都具有非常重要的意义。 关键词:破坏性领导行为;改善策略;下属视觉 III Abstract For a long time, the research of leadership behavior has been a hot topic in academia, but most of the scholars are concerned about positive leadership behavior research. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the negative relationship between leaders and employees has gradually been exposed. The leadership behaviors with negative effects have a serious impact on the life and work of employees, as well as causing losses to the development of enterprises and society. Therefore, the negative leadership behavior has gradually been paid attention to by scholars and managers. Destructive leadership behavior as a negative leadership behavior, although there has been a lot of research abroad, but combined with China's specific cultural environment of destructive leadership behavior research is still rare. The reasons for the destructive leadership behavior in our organization are very different from those in foreign countries, and it is obvious that we can't copy the improvement strategies of foreign countries. This article takes the enterprises growing under the background of Chinese specific customs as an example, through the research methods of literature research, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, based on the vision of subordinates, this paper studies the inducement factor and improvement measures of destructive leadership behavior. First of all, using the method of questionnaire to identify the existence of destructive leadership behavior in c educational institutions, it is concluded that there is destructive leadership behavior in c educational institutions. There are 18 items in the questionnaire, 12 of which exceed the average score,they are relatively serious, for example: Senior leaders belittle subordinates in public, senior leaders do things emotionally, senior leaders do not keep promises, and senior leaders ignore the ideas of subordinates, and so on. In addition, this paper uses in- depth interview method to analyze and study the causes of destructive leadership IV behavior in C educational institutions, and draws four inducement factors: 1. the influence of Chinese traditional culture thought: the interpersonal relation net is close and distant, the subordinate obeys the superior absolutely, the Chinese people's forbearance spirit; 2. managers' own factors: physical and mental health, personal characteristics; 3. influence of others: the character of subordinates' obedience and collusion, the style of ignoring and colluding of superior leaders, the negative influence of friends and family; 4. the factors of internal environment construction: imperfect System, lack of fair and people-oriented culture, lack of staff training, communication platform is not smooth enough. Finally, through the study of inducement factors proposed four areas of improvement strategies, and in C educational institutions trial: 1. the enterprise interior science fixed post fixed personnel; 2. improve the training mechanism and communication mechanism; 3. establish and improve enterprise rules and regulations; 4. build an excellent corporate culture; 5. continuous monitoring and refinement of the strategy. The purpose of this paper is to make society deeply realize the adverse effects of destructive leadership behavior, in social practice, so that managers identify and control destructive leadership behavior in a timely manner, and take effective prevention and improvement measures to prevent destructive leadership behavior on the negative impact of enterprises, so as to protect the interests of employees, enterprises, society. This paper makes a supplement to the study of negative leadership behavior, which is of great significance both in theory and in practice. Key Words: destructive leadership behavior; improved strategy; subordinates vision V 目录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. III 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 现实背景 ................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 理论背景 ................................................................................................... 3 1.1.3 中国文化背景 ........................................................................................... 4 1.2 研究意义 .......................................................................................................... 6 1.2.1 理论意义 ................................................................................................... 6 1.2.2 实践意义 ................................................................................................... 7 1.3 研究目的与内容 ............................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 研究目的 ................................................................................................... 8 1.3.2 研究内容和方向 ........................................................................................ 9 1.4 研究方法与思路 ............................................................................................. 11 1.4.1 研究方法 ................................................................................................. 11 1.4.2 研究思路 ................................................................................................. 12 第二章 破坏性领导行为相关理论概述 ................................................................. 14 2.1 破坏性领导行为的相关理论 .......................................................................... 14 2.1.1 破坏性领导行为的定义 ........................................................................... 1