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I A寿险公司续期客户忠诚度提升策略研究 摘要 全球化蓬勃发展及信息技术飞速发展使得企业经营环境日益动荡复杂,这一切正改 变着企业的竞争本质和规则。客户中心时代的到来,倒逼寿险企业为创造价值寻求更为 有效的客户关系管理模式。留住寿险企业已经获取的客户—续期客户成为最基本、首要 的客户经营环节,也是许多企业重要的业务增长点,更作为一项重要的考核点成为衡量 公司经营水平的试金石。 A寿险公司作为一家快速成长的保险行业新秀,续期客户继续率却低于同体量级竞 争对手,成为公司管理层和客户经理们的经营痛点和短板。本文以这一问题为抓手,以 续期客户忠诚度的提升为研究目的,首先开展忠诚度相关文献梳理,从理论上探索出最 相关的分析路径:客户忠诚本身的态度忠诚和行为忠诚两个维度路径、满意与忠诚相关 关系路径、体验与忠诚的关联路径、服务质量与忠诚的路径及内部客户员工的忠诚传导 路径;然后,以理论假设为线索采用演绎法,对A寿险公司主要客户进行访谈和问卷 调查,进一步明确问题和可能的原因;接下来,结合公司客户经营状况、公司管理制度、 服务流程、组织机构等实际情况,以理论作为基石采用归纳法深入分析满意度、体验感、 服务质量等影响因素,由此得出提升客户忠诚度的理论路径构建。最后,进一步结合A 寿险公司提出合理化的策略和建议。本文基于系统观视角,聚焦于特殊类型的客户—续 期客户,给出较为合理的、多元化解决策略和建议,对于解决企业经营难题有一定的应 用价值,系统化的解决思路也值得相关企业借鉴。 关键词:客户满意度;客户体验;客户忠诚度 ABSTRACT III Research on Renewing Customer Loyalty Strategies of A Life Insurance Company ABSTRACT The vigorous development of globalization and the rapid development of information technology have made the business environment of enterprises increasingly turbulent and complex, all of which are changing the nature and rules of competition. The advent of the customer-centric era has forced life insurance companies to seek more effective customer relationship management models for creating value. Retaining the customers that life insurance companies have acquired—renewing customers has become the most basic and primary customer management link, and is also an important business growth point for many companies. It has also become a touchstone for measuring the company's operating level as an important assessment point. A life insurance company as a fast-growing insurance industry rookie, the renewal customer continuation rate is lower than peer competitors, becoming the management pain point and shortcoming of the company's management and account managers. This article takes this problem as a starting point and takes the improvement of customer loyalty as a research purpose. First, it conducts a review of relevant loyalty literature and theoretically explores the most relevant analysis path: customer loyalty itself has attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty A dimensional path, a path related to satisfaction and loyalty, a path related to experience and loyalty, a path to service quality and loyalty, and a path of loyalty transmission for internal customers and employees; Conduct interviews and questionnaire surveys to further clarify the problems and possible causes; next, based on the actual conditions of the company's customer operations, company management systems, service processes, organizational structure, etc., using theory as the cornerstone, use inductive methods to deeply analyze satisfaction and experience , Service quality and other influencing factors, which leads to the construction of a theoretical path to enhance customer loyalty. Finally, further combined with A life insurance company to put forward rational strategies and recommendations. Based on a system perspective, this article focuses on special types of customers—renewal customers, and gives more reasonable and diversified solutions and suggestions. It has certain application value for solving business problems.The systematic 华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文 IV solution ideas are also worthy of reference by relevant companies. KEY WORDS: Customer satisfaction;Customer experience;Customer loyalty 目录 I 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT . III 1 绪论 ............ 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ........ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................... 2 1.2 文献综述 ............................ 2 1.2.1 客户满意度与忠诚度的关系 ..................... 2 1.2.2 客户体验与忠诚度的关系 ......................... 3 1.2.3 国内保险行业客户忠诚度研究 ................. 3 1.2.4 文献评述 ...................... 4 1.3 研究内容与方法 ................ 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ...................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法 ...................... 7 1.4 本文创新点 ........................ 7 2 相关概念及理论 ....................... 9 2.1 基本概念界定 .................... 9 2.1.1 续期客户及其企业经营的价值 ................. 9 2.1.2 继续率指标含义及重要性 ....................... 10 2.2 相关理论 .......................... 11 2.2.1 客户满意度 ................ 11 2.2.2 客户体验 .................... 12 2.2.3 客户忠诚度 ................ 13 3 A寿险公司续期客户经营现状及问题 ................. 15 3.1 A寿险公司发展概况 ........ 15 3.2 A寿险公司续期客户经营现状 ....................... 16 3.3 A寿险公司续期客户管理中存在的问题 ....... 17 3.3.1 缺乏良好的服务理念 17 3.3.2 产品同质化严重 ........ 18 3.3.3 理赔与投诉制度不完整 ........................... 18 3.3.4 员工忠诚度有待提高 19 华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文 II 4 A寿险公司续期客户忠诚度调查及分析 ............. 21 4.1 研究设计 .......................... 21 4.1.1 调查问卷的设计 ........ 21 4.1.2 调查内容 .................... 21 4.1.3 问卷发放及回收 ........ 21 4.2 调查样本描述 .................. 22 4.2.1 参与调查者的基本特征 ........................... 22 4.2.2 被调查者的职业 ........ 23 4.2.3 被调查者的家庭收入 23 4.2.4 被调查者的全年保费支出 ....................... 24 4.3 调查结果分析 .................. 24 4.3.1 续期客户满意度调查分析 ....................... 24 4.3.2 续期客户忠诚度调查分析 ....................... 27 4.3.3 调查问卷后针对性回访分析 ................... 29 4.4 影响客户忠诚度的主要因素 ......................... 30 4.4.1 客户满意度 ................ 30 4.4.2 客户体验 .................... 31 4.4.3 服务质量 .................... 31 4.4.4 服务补救 .................... 32 4.4.5 员工忠诚 .................... 32 5 A寿险公司提升续期客户忠诚度的策略建议 ..... 35 5.1 提升续期客户满意度 ...... 35 5.1.1 建立良好的服务理念 35 5.1.2 利用大数据来提供精准服务 ................... 35 5.1.3 建立完整的理赔核赔体系 ....................... 36 5.2 提升客户体验 .................. 37 5.2.1 加强寿险知识的普及 37 5.2.2 开展增值服务增加客户粘性 ................... 37 5.2.3 赠险计划增强社会责任感 ....................... 38 5.3 提升服务质量 .................. 38 5.3.1 利用线上服务提升服务时效 ................... 38 5.3.2 完善投诉处理流程 .... 38 5.4 建立服务补偿策略体系 .. 39 5.4.1 树立服务补救意识 .... 39 目录 III 5.4.2 积极鼓励客户抱怨和投诉 ....................... 39 5.4.3 确认服务过失及时补救 ........................... 39 5.4.4 从补救中积累经验 .... 40 5.5 提升员工忠诚 .................. 40 5.5.1 建立员工职业生涯规划 ........................... 40 5.5.2 强化员工培训考核体制 ........................... 40 5.5.3 加强员工忠诚以促客户忠诚 ................... 41 6 总结及展望 ............................. 43 6.1 总结 ... 43 6.2 展望 ... 43 致 谢 ............ 45。。。。。。以下内容略