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I 摘要 连锁药店作为药品零售业的一个重要组成部分,成为了药品与顾客之间最 重要的纽带。近年来,随着医保政策的逐步完善,以及居民用药需求的增加, 越来越多的连锁药店在市场中出现。连锁药店的增加虽然给顾客带来更多购药 便捷,为商家带来了丰厚的经营利润,但是随着市场饱和度加剧,同质化经营 模式也愈加突出,连锁药店的经营也越加艰难,寻找新的市场也成为商家迫在 眉睫的事情。随着国家政策逐步向乡镇倾斜,乡镇医疗的改革力度逐渐加大, 加之乡镇居民的消费水平以及保健意识也在逐年提高,近年来,乡镇医药零售 市场成了一个“香饽饽”,众多的药企逐渐开始关注这一新兴的市场。但是包 括云南鸿翔一心堂药业(集团)股份有限公司(以下简称一心堂)在内的乡镇 连锁药店,对乡镇零售药品的发展依然固守在药品有形商品本身的销售上,甚 至秉行“市场为王,顾客第二”的经营理念,并没有认识到顾客需求的重要性。 同其它行业一样,要想占有市场量,只有牢牢抓住顾客的需求,引导顾客购买 产品,才能在纷争的商战中立于不败之地。 作为全亚洲零售药店最多的一心堂,由于始终坚持亲民路线的经营策略, 而且药品质量有保障,已经形成品牌优势,特别是在城镇地区,已经占有了一 定的市场份额。但在施行乡镇市场的营销策略时,一心堂依然存在对顾客导向 的营销理念和实施不够、公司内部之间协调不力、员工没有树立全员营销的意 识、高层未真正重视内部员工需求、商品结构过于程式化、销售渠道过窄、营 销模式陈旧、促销活动单一、药品价格与乡镇居民的收入不匹配等问题。面对 机遇与挑战并存的乡镇市场,一心堂的营销理念必须与时俱进,更要改革创新, 应该以顾客的需求为导向,根据乡镇顾客特有的消费特征、消费习惯以及对品 牌的忠诚度来研究、制定营销活动,从而扩大公司在乡镇的市场份额,增加顾 客的粘度,提高顾客对品牌的忠诚度,形成品牌优势。 本文基于顾客导向,系统地对乡镇连锁药店的营销策略进行研究,据此探 索和形成符合乡镇连锁药店经营的新模式,研究如何将顾客的需求与连锁药店 的经营无缝对接,如何根据顾客的需求来施行市场化的经营,又如何通过优化 市场化经营来满足乡镇居民对药品的需求。本文以一心堂为实践案例进行研究, 分析在乡镇经营活动中,公司的现状及所面临的主要营销问题,并根据分析提 摘要 II 出符合一心堂乡镇连锁药店顾客需求的营销策略。在本文的研究过程中运用调 查问卷工具,包括顾客需求调查问卷及内部员工访谈两份。通过这两份问卷, 不仅可以了解到目前乡镇连锁药店的现状,还可以对乡镇顾客的要求进行全方 位分析。通过调查分析,以顾客导向理论作为指导,完善内部营销机制,提升 员工营销策略的执行力,并对一心堂乡镇连锁药店存在的问题进行评估并提出 改进意见。与此同时,为确保营销策略的有效实施,本文还提出了在内部建立 以顾客导向为指导的管理组织机构、建立健全内部管理体系、改变传统观念, 树立全员营销理念、引导顾客与员工积极参与,保证全员营销的实施等措施, 确保营销活动顺利实施。 综合分析近20年来关于顾客导向理论的发展,虽然顾客导向有关研究有逐 年增加及跨行业的趋势,但国内外对基于顾客导向的乡镇连锁药店营销策略的 研究却十分稀缺。所以本文基于顾客导向理论为指导,以中国首家在A股上市 的直营连锁药店——一心堂为研究对象,第一次系统地针对该企业在乡镇环境 里基于顾客导向的营销策略中存在的问题进行深度剖析,着重分析在机遇与挑 战并存的乡镇市场里,一心堂所面临的劣势、威胁以及营销问题。总结出一心 堂在乡镇市场中由于顾客导向的缺失,从而导致业绩下滑、顾客满意度下降、 顾客粘度减少。为解决上述问题,要通过对顾客导向的具体分析,设立对应的 顾客导向体系,并提出相关意见和建议,确保一心堂在乡镇市场顺利实施顾客 导向的效果。探讨和建立可行的乡镇连锁药店营销策略,不仅对一心堂在巩固 和提高乡镇门店的市场份额,提升经营管理能力有着重要的意义,而且对于其 它医药企业或拟进军乡镇市场的各类型企业在开展市场营销活动时都有着重要 的指导作用及借鉴意义。 关键词:顾客导向;乡镇连锁药店;一心堂;营销策略 Abstract III Abstract As an important part of drug retailing, chain Pharmacy has become the most important link between medicines and customers. In recent years, with the gradual improvement of health insurance policy and the increasing individuals’ requirement of drugs, more and more chain pharmacies emerged in markets. Although the increase of the number of the drugstores not only benefits the business, also brings the convenience to citizens. But as the market saturation intensified, the same business model cannot meet the druggists’ ambition, and chain pharmacies are much more difficult to be managed than before. So the search for a new market has become urgent. With the augment of government support for Township Medical Care, rural health care reform and the need of residents’ consumption and health awareness recently, township medicine retail market has become a "sweet pastry", a large number of pharmaceutical companies gradually pay attention to this emerging market. But most of them including Yunnan Hongxiang Yixintang Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (Simplified into Yixintang) just focused on the benefits of drug selling, believing that "market is king, customer second", and did not realize the real needs of customers. Like other businesses, to occupy the main market share, we’d better know what the needs of customers are and guide them to buy the products they really want. Yixintang, the largest retail pharmacy in Asia, it always adheres to the business strategy of the pro-China route, and the quality of drugs sold from it has been guaranteed. Due to these reasons, it has its own brand advantage, especially in urban areas, has already occupied a certain market share. However, when Yixintang implements the marketing strategy of the township market, it still exist some problems to solve to remain in existence. Like, lacking of the customer-oriented marketing conception and implementation, coordination problem among the departments, marketing senseless among all the staff, the flow of personnel, marketing planning, commodity type, price, etc.. Facing the opportunities and challenges of the township market, the marketing strategy of Yixintang must keep Abstract IV pace with, its reform and innovation should be based on customers’ demand, consumption habits and brand loyalty to study and develop marketing activities, so as to expand the company's market share in the township and enhance customer’s loyalty to the brand of Yixintang, which would benefit a lot to this chain pharmacy. Based on customer-orientation, this paper systematically studies the marketing strategy of township chain drugstores, explores and forms a new mode of operation in accordance with Township chain drugstores, and studies how to meet the needs of customers well, how to carry out market-oriented operation, which would meet the needs of township residents for drugs better. This paper that takes Yixintang as an example analyzes the current situation of the company and the main marketing problems in the township business activities, and also puts forward the marketing strategies that meet the customer needs of the township chain drugstores. Questionnaires used in this study, including customer needs questionnaire and internal staff interviews. Through these two questionnaires, we can not only learn the current situation of township chain drugstores, but also analyze the requirements of township customers in an all-round way. After analyzing them, we may get a conclusion that would guide the managers to plan a better marketing strategy and help them to find and solve the problems of township chain drugstores. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the effective implementation of marketing strategies, this paper also puts forward some measures to ensure the smooth implementation of marketing activities, such as the establishment of an internal customer management organization, the establishment and improvement of internal management system, the change of traditional concepts, the establishment of the concept of full-staff marketing, the guidance of customers and employees to participate actively, and the guarantee of the implementation of full-staff marketing. It is implemented. In recent 20 years, the development of customer-oriented theory has found that, although the researches of customer-oriented has been increasing every year and it has cross-industry trend, the domestic and foreign researches on the marketing strategy of the township chain Pharmacy based on customer-oriented is very scarce. Abstract V Therefore, this paper takes Yixintang that became