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在经济高度发展的背景下,人才作为企业转型升级的第一要素已经得到了充 分的重视,人力资源实践和理论研究也得到了全面的丰富和完善。在企业 的发展 过程中,人力资源已经发展成为了企业的核心战略资源,企业的良性发展离不开 人力资源的合理利用和配置,企业的项目管理作为企业的重要组成部分,同样需 要对人力 资源进行科学的开发和优化性配置,才可以取得良好的管理效果。本文 以A证券公司项目管理团队作为研究对象,对证券公司项目管理团队的人员配置 从能力匹配的角度进行研究 ,通过问卷调查的形式获取证券公司项目管理团队人 员配置的情况和数据,通过对基本情况和数据的分析对影响证券公司项目管理团 队配置的因素进行研究,从而对证券公司项 目管理团队的人才建设形成指导,得 出优化证券公司项目管理人员配置的基本策略。 本文从研究背景、研究意义和研究内容三方面入手,对证券公司项目管理人 员配置进行全面 的研究分析。通过查阅大量文献资料以及对A证券公司的实地调 研,对企业在发展过程中如何充分的利用人才,形成优化性的资源配置进行了研 究。本次研究不仅仅是对A证券公 司在项目运作人员配置方面进行指导,更重要 的是可以推进丰富证券公司人力资源优化配置理论方面的研究。本文第二章从文 献的角度,对目前该领域研究的整体情况进行描述 ,从企业类型的角度进行人员 配置分析,从能力匹配、互补增值和动态适应理论的角度对人力资源合理配置进 行深入研究。 在理论的研究中形成基本的构建后,本文第三章对A 证券公司的项目人力资 源管理进行了精准分析。对目前A证券公司在项目管理团队在人员配置,以及项 目管理团队管理中的情况进行了全面的研究。首先是对A证券公司在项目管 理团 队情况进行介绍,其次是从专业、梯度、年龄和职称等方面进行分析,最后是对 项目运行中存在的问题进行分析,形成岗位需求、岗位优化、能力匹配和动态优 化的管理。 本文最后对证券公司人力资源配置中的问题进行研究。该部分研究,首先通 过发放问卷获取数据,然后通过对问卷数据的处理分析研究在目前存在的一些问 题,最后根据分析结 果相关问题制定出更加完善的策略。首先是以现有公司规模 和发展需求入手,对于现阶段公司项目数量以及人员数量、工作质量评价等各个 方面进行深入分析。其次不断优化现 有公司内部人员分配现状,实行定岗制度, 对于岗位强度以及管理措施进行综合性分析和论述。然后对于员工能力进行深入 分析。对不同员工不同的工作能力进行研究,给予不 同能力的员工更为适合的工 作岗位,提升员工工作效率。最后形成更加完善的监督和管理机制,加强员工之 2 间的沟通,提升公司监管力度,合理分配各个岗位。本文研究希望 在实践和理论 方面对A证券公司进行项目人员配置提供一定的借鉴。 关键词:项目管理团队;人员配置;证券公司 3 Abstract In the context of high economic development, talent as the first element of enterprise transformation and upgrading has been paid full attention to, and human resources practice and theoretical research has also been fully enriched and improved. As the core strategic resource of enterprise, human resource has been paid more attention to. It is necessary to develop and optimize the human resource scientifically in the project management of the enterprise, so that it can get good management effect. In this paper, the A securities company as a case study, to research the project team configuration, from the ability to match the angle guide, formed the questionnaire of configuration of the project team, the influence factors of the securities company project team configuration are analyzed, the basic strategy of company project management team in the optimization of personnel configuration. From the research background, research significance and research content, this paper makes a comprehensive background analysis. In the study, using the method of literature analysis, this paper introduces how to make full use of talents in the process of development and optimize the allocation of enterprises. The significance of this study is the formation of the securities industry project personnel configuration case. This study is not only a guidance to the A securities company in the allocation of project operators, but also can be actively promoted in the theory of rich allocation. In the course of the study, mainly from the perspective of literature analysis and research, from the current study of the overall situation, as well as various types of enterprises from the perspective of staffing analysis. From the point of view of ability matching, complementary increment and dynamic adaptation theory. Among them, the focus is on the theory of capacity matching, that is, from the point of view of staffing, the formation of ability and position coordination, so that the role of talent can be fully exploited. After the basic construction of the theoretical research, the project human resource management of A securities company is analyzed with the case method. The current A securities company in the project management team in staffing, as well as project team management in the analysis. In this part of the analysis, first of all, the A securities company in the project management team presentation, the goal is to form the project team staffing optimization preparation. Secondly, it analyzes the specialty, gradient, age and professional title, and then promotes the status analysis of the organization and construction of the project team. The last is to exist in the operation of the project were 4 analyzed, the formation of job demand, job matching, optimization ability and dynamic optimization management goal can be formed according to the questionnaire of the practical problems such as investigation and research. Based on the inquiry, the questionnaire is used to analyze and study the personnel configuration. This part of the study, first of all from the data, the establishment of research methods, form the research questionnaire and questionnaire and selection of questionnaire data processing and analysis, the existence of some problems. Finally, four strategies of staffing optimization are pointed out. The first is to fully meet the needs of the project post, from the project operation, personnel workload, and project assessment perspective, a positive analysis and research. Second is the precise post structure optimization, mainly from professional job setting, work intensity analysis, and the overall management team building angle management. Third is from the ability matching angle research, according to the ability to determine the post, set up job description, realize in management efficiency promotion. The fourth is to optimize the dynamic allocation, mainly to strengthen communication, resolve conflicts and form performance approval. This paper hopes to provide some reference for the A securities company to configure the project personnel in practice and theory.。。。。。。以下内容略