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近年来随着我国安全环保法规要求不断提高,中国化工生产企业的安全环保 成本不断升高。加之供给侧改革导致上游原材料价格持续上涨,国内化工企业在 成本控制上面临越发严峻的挑战。此外,作为迈图高新材料集团全球前五大工厂 之一,迈图南通公司还需要执行“变革全球运营”的总部战略,急需降低生产制 造成本,提高生产运营绩效。 本文以迈图南通公司产量最大工艺最复杂,在有机硅制造业中有很强代表性 的生产线硅油产线为研究对象,以硅油产线的生产管理优化策略为研究主题,运 用精益生产相关理论和工具展开研究。 首先根据硅油产线生产管理现状,识别了产线存在的生产转换成本逐年升高、 产能紧张、现场杂乱无章、信息沟通不畅等主要生产管理问题。然后依据帕累托 图、鱼骨图、设备综合效率分析等精益生产分析工具,对硅油产线存在问题的产 生原因进行分析。再运用价值流、5S管理、可视化管理等精益生产理论,为硅油 产线制定了基于价值流图优化仓储物流管理、提升设备综合效率、实施现场5S 管理以及推行可视化走动式管理的生产管理优化策略。 通过制定优化策略的实施计划和保障措施,这些生产管理优化策略得以落地 执行。经试运行,发现这些优化措施有效,硅油产线生产转换成本逐渐降低,设 备综合效率显著提升,现场环境和秩序得到改善,一线人员反馈信息沟通明显顺 畅。 本文的研究对国内类似化工企业,尤其是精细化工企业,因地制宜的引入并 推行精益生产,提升生产管理水平和绩效,增强企业竞争力有着重要参考和借鉴 意义。同时,本文的研究成果和管理实践也将进一步推广到迈图南通公司其他生 产线,以及迈图全球兄弟工厂,实现更大的效益及价值。 关键词:精益生产,价值流图,设备综合效率,5S,可视化管理 MBA学位论文 作者:黄岩 基于精益生产的迈图南通公司硅油产线生产管理优化研究 IV Study on Production Management Optimization of Silicon Oil Line Based on Lean Production of MPM Nantong Company Abstract In recent years, with the upgrade of safety as well as environmental protection laws and regulations in China, the cost of safety and environmental protection of domestic chemical companies is increasing. In addition, the supply side reform leads to the continuous rise of upstream raw material prices, and domestic chemical companies are facing more and more challenges in cost control. Besides that, as one of the top five manufacturing sites in Momentive Performance Materials (MPM) company globally, MPM Nantong site also needs to implement the headquarters strategy of "transforming global operations", and urgently needs to reduce manufacturing cost and improve operations performance. In this paper, the silicone oil production line, which is the largest and most complex production line in MPM Nantong site, is the research object. And silicone oil production line is also very typical in the silicone manufacturing industry. The production management optimization strategy of the silicone oil production line is the research topic, and the lean production theory and tools are used to carry out the research. Firstly, based on current production status of the silicone oil line, the main production management problems of this line are identified, such as the production conversion cost is increasing year by year, the production capacity is tight, the field is disorderly, and the information communication is poor. And then, according to Pareto diagram, fishbone diagram, equipment overall efficiency analysis and other lean production tools, the causes of the problems in the silicone oil production line are analyzed. Then by using the lean production theories such as value stream, 5S management and visual management, the optimization strategies of production management of silicone oil line are developed including: utilizing value stream map to optimize the storage and logistics management, improving the overall efficiency of key equipment, implementing 5S management in the field, and executing Gemba board and Gemba walk. These production management optimization strategies are implemented with specific implementation plan as well as supporting actions. After trial operation, it is found that these optimization strategies are effective. As a result, the production conversion cost of silicone oil line is gradually reduced, the overall efficiency of key equipment is significantly improved, the field MBA学位论文 作者:黄岩 基于精益生产的迈图南通公司硅油产线生产管理优化研究 V environment and order are improved, and the feedback on information communication from front- line operators is also improved. The research of this paper has important reference value for similar domestic chemical companies, especially for fine chemical companies, to introduce and implement lean production according to their current needs, to improve the level and performance of production management, and to enhance the competitiveness of the companies. At the same time, the research results and management practices of this paper will be further extended to other production lines of MPM Nantong site and the global peer sites to achieve greater benefits and values. Key words: Lean production, value stream mapping, overall equipment efficiency, 5S, visual management MBA学位论文 作者:黄岩 基于精益生产的迈图南通公司硅油产线生产管理优化研究 VI 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................................................................. III Abstract ....................................................................................................IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................................................................................... 2 1.2 精益生产和化工生产管理文献综述 .............................. 2 1.2.1 精益生产管理研究综述 ....................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 化工生产管理研究综述 ....................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 文献研究评述 ....................................................................................................... 4 1.3 研究内容与思路 .............................................. 4 1.3.1 研究内容 ............................................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 研究思路 ............................................................................................................... 5 第二章 相关理论与分析工具 .................................................................. 8 2.1 精益生产思想 ................................................ 8 2.2 精益生产基础理论 ............................................ 9 2.2.1 价值流 ................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 设备综合效率 ....................................................................................................... 9 2.2.3 5S管理 ................................................................................................................ 10 2.2.4 可视化走动式管理 ............................................................................................. 11 2.3 分析工具与方法 ............................................. 11 2.3.1 价值流图 ............................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 设备综合效率分析 ............................................................................................. 13 2.3.3 帕累托图 ............................................................................................................. 14 2.3.4 鱼骨图 ................................................................................................................. 15 第三章 迈图南通公司硅油产线生产管理现状与问题分析................ 17 3.1 企业概述 ................................................... 17 3.1.1 迈图公司简介 ..................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 迈图南通工厂简介 ...............