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在越南,随着航空业的不断发展,国内各大航空港持续扩大经营规模,对客户 的高质量服务提出了新要求,这也让组织的人力资源管理有了新的挑战。作为首都 机场,越南内排国际航空港每年都制定并完善人力资源管理体系,以保持组织活力。 内排国际航空港内与客户直接接触的一线员工占比超过70%,一线员工的工作积极 性直接影响到员工的工作表现,也展现了企业的精神面貌。然而在实际工作中,越 南内排国际航空港仍然面临着员工工作积极性得不到管理层关注、组织工作环境不 理想导致的员工不满等问题。如何更好地激励员工,以促进企业经济效益的提升, 已成为一个受到多方关注和亟待解决的问题。 本文以越南首都机场内排国际航空港为研究对象,通过对国内外员工工作积极 性有关文献的研究梳理,深入分析国内外专家学者在人力资源管理领域的研究成果, 整理出国内外员工工作积极性研究的进程与脉络,基于越南航空业大发展的背景, 探讨内排国际航空港在员工工作积极性提升方面所面临的各种挑战,同时结合内排 国际航空港在人力资源管理中的实际情况,分析内排国际航空港员工工作积极性不 佳的实际问题并提出相应的解决策略,同时探讨如何通过提升组织内部员工工作积 极性,来提高员工工作绩效和团队工作效率,从而进一步扩大内排国际航空港的知 名度和影响力。 通过定性与定量的研究分析方法,最终得到如下研究结论:(1)通过克朗巴哈 (Cronbach’s Alpha)系数和探索性因子分析(EFA)检验,剔除不合格的观测变量, 之后进行皮尔逊(Pearson)相关系数分析,证明工作积极性与工作特征、晋升机 会、个人贡献认可、工作关系、工作条件和环境、薪酬考核、福利政策均显著相关。 (2)通过多元回归分析,得到线性方程:DL = 0,241 + 0,195QH + 0,163MT + 0,106TT + 0,193CV + 0,106PL + 0,127TL。经过验证,不存在多重共线性现象, 研究模型中的因素可以解释内排国际航空港一线员工工作积极性变化的76.342%, 3 解释性较好。(3)对人口学统计变量进行差异检验,发现性别、年龄、资历在工作 积极性上均不存在显著差异。针对不同收入,收入越高的群体工作积极性越高。 关键词:工作积极性;影响因素;一线员工;越南内排国际机场 4 A STUDY ON THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF JOB MOTIVATION OF FIRST-LINE EMPLOYEES IN NOI BAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, VIETNAM ABSTRACT In Vietnam, with the continuous development of the aviation industry, the domestic major airports continue to expand the scale of operations, high-quality customer service requirements, which also turns the organization's human resources management into new challenge. As the capital international airport, Noi Bai International Airport, Vietnam anually develops and finalizes its human resource management system to maintain its organizational vitality. The number of front-line employees in direct contact with customers in Noi Bai International Airport accounts for more than 70%. It basically means the job motivation of front-line employees directly affects the work performance of employees and shows the spirit of the enterprise as well. However, in fact, Noi Bai International Airport has been faced with remaining problems since employees' dissatisfaction caused by the lack of job motivation management for employees and the unsatisfactory organizational working environment. How to motivate the staff to promote the economic efficiency of enterprises has become a multi-concerned and urgent problem to be solved. With the reserach object of Noi Bai International Airport, Vietnam, through combining the domestic and foreign staff job motivation literature research, in-depth analysis of experts and scholars in the field of human resources management research, based on the background of the great development of Vietnam's aviation industry, this paper discusses the challenges faced by the Noi Bai International Airport in promoting the employee's job motivation. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of Noi Bai International Airport in human resources management, the paper analyzes the actual problems of the airport staff's low job motivation and proposes the corresponding solutions to improve the staff's work performance and team work efficiency by improving the staff's job motivation, thereby further expanding the reputation and influence of the Noi Bai International Airport. 5 Through qualitative and quantitative research and analysis methods, the following research conclusions are finally obtained: (1) Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) test used to eliminate the unqualified variables, and then the Pearson Coefficient analysis carried out to prove the significant correlation between job motivation and job characteristics, promotion opportunities, personal contribution recognition, working relationship, working conditions and environment, salary assessment, welfare policy. (2) Through multiple regression analysis, linear equations obtained: DL= 0,241 + 0,195QH + 0,163MT + 0,106TT + 0,193CV + 0,106PL + 0,127TL. After verification, there is no Multicollinearity phenomenon, the factors in the research model shows 76.342% of the changes in the job motivation of the front-line staff of Noi Bai International Airport, and the explaination well-explained. (3) The demographic variables tested and found that there were no significant differences in job motivation among gender, age and seniority in job motivation. In terms of different income groups, the higher income received, the higher the work motivation found. KEY WORDS: Job motivation; influencing factors; the front-line staff; Noi Bai international airport 6 目录 摘要 ................................................................... 2 ABSTRACT ............................................................... 4 目录 ................................................................... 6 缩写清单 ............................................................... 8 图像清单 ............................................................... 9 表格清单 .............................................................. 10 一、绪论 .............................................................. 11 (一)选题背景....................................................... 11 (二)问题提出....................................................... 11 (三)研究目的....................................................... 11 (四)研究意义....................................................... 11 (五)研究内容与思路................................................. 12 (六)研究方法....................................................... 13 二、理论基础和文献综述 ................................................ 14 (一)理论基础....................................................... 14 1.工作积极性的相关概念 ............................................. 14 2.工作积极性的相关理论 ............................................. 15 3.工作积极性的测量维度 ............................................. 17 4.工作积极性的影响因素 ............................................. 19 (二)文献综述....................................................... 20 1.国外研究现状 ..................................................... 20 2.国内(越南)研究现状 ............................................. 22 3.文献综评 ......................................................... 25 三、越南内排国际航空港一线员工工作积极性的现状 ........................ 26 (一)越南内排国际航空港概况......................................... 26 (二)越南内排国际航空港的人力资源情况............................... 27 (三)越南内排国际航空港的一线员工工作状态........................... 30 四、实证研究设计 ...................................................... 31 (一)假设提出....................................................... 31 (二)问卷设计....................................................... 33 (三)问卷发放与回收................................................. 35 (四)数据处理方法................................................... 35 五、实证研究结果 ...................................................... 37 (一)描述性统计..................................................... 37 (二)克朗巴哈可靠性分析............................................. 37 1.工作特征量表的信度测试 ........................................... 38 7 2.晋升机会量表的信度测试 ........................................... 38 3.个人贡献认可量表的信度测试 ...